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Training – Chapter 7
Amphion ICD-10-CM Training Faculty:
Alisa Engel, RHIT, CPC-H
AHIMA Approved ICD-10 Trainer
Amphion Education Consultant
[email protected]
Julie Harbert, RHIA
AHIMA Approved ICD-10 Trainer
Amphion Education Consultant
[email protected]
© 2013 Amphion Medical Solutions
Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa
Chapter 7
p. 599 ICD-10-CM
Chapter 7. Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H00-H59)
INSTRUCTIONAL NOTE: Use an external cause code following the code for
the eye condition, if applicable, to identify the cause of the eye condition
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
New concepts in ICD-10-CM:
• We now specify laterality in many codes using:
• Right
• Left
• Bilateral (if no code available, assign two codes – one
for right and one for left
• Unspecified
• The term “age-related” has replaced “senile” when
referring to cataracts
Chapter 7
p. 580 ICD-10-CM
p. 583 ICD-10-CM
H47.5 Disorders of other visual pathways
• Code also underlying condition
Blindness and low vision
• Code first any associated underlying cause of the blindness
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Official Coding Guidelines p.38
• a. Glaucoma
1) Assign glaucoma code
• Assign as many codes from category H40 Glaucoma, as needed to
identify the type of glaucoma, the affected eye, and the glaucoma
2) Bilateral glaucoma with same type and stage
• When a patient has bilateral glaucoma and both eyes are
documented as being the same type and stage, and there is a code
for bilateral glaucoma, report only the code for the type of
glaucoma, bilateral, with the seventh character for the stage.
p. 575 ICD-10-CM
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Official Coding Guidelines p.38
• a. Glaucoma, continued
2) Bilateral glaucoma with same type and stage
• When a patient has bilateral glaucoma and both eyes are
documented as being the same type and stage, and the
classification does not provide a code for bilateral glaucoma (i.e.
subcategories H40.10, H40.11 and H40.20) report only one code
for the type of glaucoma with the appropriate seventh character
for the stage.
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Official Coding Guidelines p.39
• a. Glaucoma, continued
3) Bilateral glaucoma with different types or stages
• When a patient has bilateral glaucoma and each eye is
documented as having a different type or stage, and the
classification distinguishes laterality, assign the appropriate code
for each eye rather than the code for bilateral glaucoma.
• p. 575
Example: Patient has bilateral low-tension glaucoma, mild in left eye and
moderate in right eye
H40.1221 Low-tension glaucoma, left eye, mild
H40.1212 Low-tension glaucoma, right eye, moderate
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Official Coding Guidelines p.39
• a. Glaucoma, continued
3) Bilateral glaucoma with different types or stages
• When a patient has bilateral glaucoma and each eye is
documented as having a different type, and the classification does
not distinguish laterality (i.e. subcategories H40.10, H40.11 and
H40.20), assign one code for each type of glaucoma with the
appropriate seventh character for the stage.
• p. 575
Example: Patient has bilateral glaucoma, mild open-angle in right eye,
moderate primary open-angle in left eye
H40.11x2 Primary open-angle glaucoma , moderate (left eye)
H40.10x1 Unspecified open-angle glaucoma, mild (right eye)
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Official Coding Guidelines p.39
• a. Glaucoma, continued
3) Bilateral glaucoma with different types or stages
• When a patient has bilateral glaucoma and each eye is documented
as having the same type, but different stage, and the classification
does not distinguish laterality (i.e. subcategories H40.10, H40.11 and
H40.20), assign a code for the type of glaucoma for each eye with the
seventh character for the specific glaucoma stage documented for
each eye.
• p. 621
Example: Patient has bilateral primary open-angle glaucoma, mild in the
right eye, moderate in the left eye
H40.11x2 Primary open-angle glaucoma , moderate (left eye)
H40.11x1 Primary open-angle glaucoma, mild (right eye)
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Official Coding Guidelines p.39
• a. Glaucoma, continued
4) Patient admitted with glaucoma and stage evolves during the
If a patient is admitted with glaucoma and the stage progresses
during the admission, assign the code for highest stage documented.
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Official Coding Guidelines p.39
• a. Glaucoma, continued
5) Indeterminate stage glaucoma
Assignment of the seventh character “4” for “indeterminate stage”
should be based on the clinical documentation. The seventh
character “4” is used for glaucomas whose stage cannot be clinically
determined. This seventh character should not be confused with the
seventh character “0”, unspecified, which should be assigned when
there is no documentation regarding the stage of the glaucoma.
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
p. 109 Coder Training Manual
Case 1.53
H25.011 Cortical age-related cataract, right eye
Cataract (cortical) (immature) (incipient),
age-related, see Cataract, senile, cortical
H59.311 Postprocedural hemorrhage and hematoma of
right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic
Hemorrhage, postoperative, see Complications,
postprocedural, hemorrhage, by site
Complication(s) (from) (of), postprocedural, hemorrhage
(hematoma) (of), eye and adnexa, following
ophthalmic procedure
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions
Chapter 7
Case 1.53
Y92.530 Ambulatory surgery center as the place of occurrence of the
external cause
External Cause of Injuries Index, Place of
occurrence, same day surgery center
2013 Copyright Amphion Medical Solutions