Transcript Slide 1
Bomb Game!
1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 Points!
Lose all your points!
Choose one team to lose all their points!
Steal 5 points!
Switch points with another team!
What is it?
Animals that are kept on farms livestock
What does it mean? pay respect to ~ 에게 경의를 표하다
spot the mistake Do you actually know what means the greeting “hello”?
What the greeting “hello” means
Answer the question in English What are the two possible origins of “hello”?
German / French
What is suitable?
Let’s take a look ____ greeting found in different languages.
Say in English 다시 말하면, livestocks are very important animals.
In other words
Vocabulary * 기원 - origin * 안부 - _____ Well-being
What is the correct order?
This example also shows (language / reflects / how/ culture) How language reflects culture
What is a suitable word?
“Ciao” serves ____ both “hello” and “goodbye.” as
Translate into Korean People often died of sudden diseases.
사람들이 종종 갑작스런 질병으로 죽었다 .
Please spell backwards tcelfer
Fill in the blank In Mongolia, farm animals were and still are _____ a source of food _____ a means of farming.
both - and
Fill in the blank ________ Zulu, for example.
phrase A person is a person because ___ a person.
Answer the question Where is Zulu spoken?
It is spoken in South Africa.
Fix the mistake You bring me into existence by recognize me. recognizing
What is suitable?
The words actually have _____ ( 훨씬 더 ) deeper.
Fill in the blank Hello Hey, there ______ Are you safe?
What is it?
A bit of – 조금의 Play a role - ___________ 한몫을 하다
True or False Today’s language reflect the culture of future generations.
True or False The Venetian phrase “sciao vostro” means “ You are my slave.” False
What is an appropriate word?
Let me know if ( need, ever, you, my help).
you ever need my help
Fill in the blank One common Zulu greeting is “__________”, to which the listener replies “_________”.
Fill in the blanks In addition, some greetings in other languages are so _______ to “hello”.
Fix the mistake A main functions of greetings is (make) someone aware of another person’s existence.
to make
Fill in the blank China – Chinese Germany-_______ German
Please spell backward gniteerg
Write a proper word Greetings are, _______( 그러나 ), not simply words and phrases.
Which is suitable?
Another culture’s most common greeting may refer ____ social status.
Vocabulary What does “reflect” mean? 반영하다
Write a proper word In English, they mean “I see you”, and “I am here” ____________.( 제각기 , 각 각 ).
choose This [does not mean / mean] that a person who says “ciao” will actually become the slave of the listener.
does not mean
Find out a wrong part (2 개 ) It is clear by now to greetings in different languages reflect the culture of the people which use them.
to-that / which-who
Vocabulary exist - existence translate - ___________ translation
Vocabulary answer a question reply
Vocabulary o f c u t n n i function