Transcript Document

JSNA Event 01.11.11
• Feedback from the event was very positive with
delegates enjoying the day and finding it useful.
•Wide variety of professionals in attendance from
across the region (commissioners, intelligence,
children's services).
•3 workshops took place throughout the day which
were based around the LGID paper ‘A Springboard
for Action’
JSNA Event 01.11.11
Workshop 1: Learn from the past
•Challenging Conversations
•Introduction of power and politics
•Lacking direction and steer
•Added complexity of CCGs and their role
•Authority of JSNA
JSNA Event 01.11.11
•JSNA had generally strengthened partnerships
•Some sectors difficult to engage (providers/
acute services, CCGs, elected members)
JSNA Event 01.11.11
•JSNA has lead to greater information sharing
•Most moving toward a web based system or
portal, that could be manipulated
•All acknowledged the JSNA can’t be just data
and that the interpretation and story telling was
the key.
•Gaps identified – financial data, wellbeing
JSNA Event 01.11.11
•Identifying Need
•JSNA leading to more in-depth HNA where
•Hard to engage with hard to reach groups
•JSNA is not yet seen as THE process to inform
commissioning, but evidence to suggest it was
used by commissioners along side other tools
and evidence
JSNA Event 01.11.11
•Delegates felt that JSNA were improving year on
•Not really seen as the main focus of JSNA
•Many areas felt that the JSNA process was not
adequately resourced, both in time and financially
JSNA Event 01.11.11
•Workshop 2: Match form to function
General consensus of what a JSNA should have or involve;
•Comparison (data and trends)
•Interpretation by someone who understands the ‘real picture’
•A narrative or translation
•Local knowledge
•Engagement with different demographic groups
•Involvement of service providers
•Links made between the data and services areas
JSNA Event 01.11.11
•Evidence of what works in tackling the issues
•Reference to the long term benefits of particular interventions
•Case studies
•A way of talking about the data, via presentations, workshops
•A point of contact for JSNA related analysis and interpretation
•Storyboard to say whether a decision should be made or whether it
should be a priority
•An evidence base
JSNA Event 01.11.11
•Workshop 3: EMPHO Support
Generally felt that EMPHO should priorities
communication activities, further events, tailored
tools, training different audiences