Software Testing - University of Illinois at Urbana

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Transcript Software Testing - University of Illinois at Urbana

Software Testing
Darko Marinov
January 22, 2008
Course Overview
• Introduction to software testing
– Systematic, organized approaches to testing
– Based on models and coverage criteria
– Testing is not (only) about finding “bugs”
– Improve your testing (and development) skills
• Teaching staff
– Insructor: Darko <[email protected]>
– TA: Vilas <[email protected]>
Administrative Info
• FAQ: Deliverables?
– No exams: no final, no midterm
– Five problem sets (5*15%) and a project (25%)
• Project: proposal, two reports, hopefully bug reports
• Project is on testing a piece of refactoring engine
• Undergrads must be registered for 3 hours
– For more, you can do an independent study
– If interested in research on testing, contact me
• Juniors: ask for permission if you didn’t
• Did you sign up on Wiki
• Did you receive emails on the list
[email protected]
• Did you try out Eclipse/NetBeans?
– Which refactorings did you try?
• Potential categories
– The “buggiest” bug found in the course
• Hardest to find, most important, realistic case study
– Most bugs found or tests generated
• Not the best measures of testing effort
• Occasional candies to encourage your
participation and discussion in lectures
– Used to be a part of grade but not any more
Several Warm-Up Topics
• Your opinion about the guest lecture?
– Do you want to have more of them?
• My report from the Workshop on Teaching
Software Testing (WTST 7)
– No technique is perfect
– Abstraction/modeling is important
• Think of various ways that software could break
– Testing for testers vs. testing for developers
• Do you look at source code while testing?
This Lecture: Introduction (Cont’d)
Why look for bugs?
What are bugs?
Where they come from?
How to detect them?
• Topics that will be covered in the course
• Related topics that will not be covered
“Bugs” in IEEE 610.12-1990
• Fault
– Incorrect lines of code
• Error
– Faults cause incorrect (unobserved) state
• Failure
– Errors cause incorrect (observed) behavior
• Not used consistently in literature!
Correctness and Quality
• Common (partial) properties
– Segfaults, uncaught exceptions
– Resource leaks
– Data races, deadlocks
– Statistics based
• Specific properties
– Requirements
– Specification
Traditional Waterfall Model
Unit Testing
System Testing
We will look at general
techniques, applicable in
several phases of testing
Regression Testing
Phases (1)
• Requirements
– Specify what the software should do
– Analysis: eliminate/reduce ambiguities,
inconsistencies, and incompleteness
• Design
– Specify how the software should work
– Split software into modules, write specifications
– Checking: check conformance to requirements,
using for example conformance testing
Phases (2)
• Implementation
– Specify how the modules work
– Unit testing: test each module in isolation
• Integration
– Specify how the modules interact
– Integration testing: test module interactions
– System testing: test the entire system
• Maintenance
– Evolve software as requirements change
– Regression testing: test changes
Testing Effort
• Reported to be >50% of development cost
[e.g., Beizer 1990]
• Microsoft: 75% time spent testing
– 50% testers who spend all time testing
– 50% developers who spend half time testing
When to Test
• The later a bug is found, the higher the cost
– Orders of magnitude increase in later phases
– Also the smaller chance of a proper fix
• Old saying: test often, test early
• New methodology: test-driven development
(write tests even before writing code)
Software is Complex
Solves complex problems
Interacts with other software and hardware
Not continuous
Software Still Buggy
• Folklore: 1-10 (residual) faults per 1000
nbnc lines of code (after testing)
• Consensus: total correctness impossible
to achieve for complex software
– Risk-driven finding/elimination of faults
– Focus on specific correctness properties
Approaches to Detecting Bugs
Software testing
Model checking
(Static) program analysis
Software Testing
• Dynamic approach
• Run code for some inputs, check outputs
• Checks correctness for some executions
• Main questions
– Test-suite adequacy (coverage criteria)
– Test-input generation
– Test oracles
Other Testing Questions
Fault Characterization
Testing is not (only) about finding faults!
Current Status
• Testing remains the most widely used
approach to finding bugs
– Validation: are we building the right system?
– Verification: are we building the system right?
• Testing is gaining importance with test-first
development and increased reliability needs
• A lot of research on testing (part of mine too)
– We’ll look mostly at techniques used in practice
“Schools” of Software Testing
• Bret Pettichord described four schools
– Analytic (a branch of CS/Mathematics)
– Factory (a managed process)
– Quality (a branch of quality assurance)
– Context-Driven (a branch of development)
• This course focuses on artifacts, not process
• Do you want a guest speaker from industry?
Topics Related to “Finding Bugs”
• How to “eliminate bugs” (localize faults)?
– Debugging
• How to “prevent bugs”?
– Programming language design
– Software development processes
• How to “show absence of bugs”?
– Theorem proving
– Model checking, program analysis
Testing Topics to Cover
• Test coverage and adequacy criteria
– Graph, logic, input domains, syntax-based
Test-input generation
Test oracles
Model-based testing
Testing software with structural inputs
Test automation
Testing in your domain of interest?
Your Interests
Testing methods and methodology (*2)
Writing good/correct test cases (*3)
Better/more effective testing (*5)
Working with testers/developers (*2)
Relationship of testing and development cycle
Improve development (*4)
Software verification and (test) automation (*2)
Job skills (*3) (short-term or long-term?)
Please update me as we go through the course
Summary of the Introduction
• Eliminate bugs to save lives and money
• “Bugs” may mean faults, errors, failures
• Several approaches for detection: software
testing, model checking, static analysis…
• Software testing is the most widely used
approach for validation and verification
– We will cover systematic approaches to testing,
based on coverage criteria for various models
– Testing is not (only) about revealing faults
Next Lecture
• Thursday, January 24, 3:30pm, 1304 SC
– Example Interactive Testing Session
Test some refactoring
It should be fun
We can learn from mistakes as we go
We will learn some testing terminology
• Assignments
– Really sign up on Wiki
– Really try out Eclipse and/or NetBeans