Transcript Slide 1

APP: What’s Working Well
• Assessment more integrated
• AfL and APP – interdependency
• Teacher confidence – less reliance on
frequent testing
• Share assessment responsibility
• Impact on planning and pedagogy
• Improved dialogue with pupils (& parents?)
• Moderation activity
APP - issues
• Using guidelines as a tick sheet (over
frequent use)
• ‘Collecting’ evidence
• Standardisation
• Rewritten criteria – commercial
• Exclusive focus on tracking
Effective feedback and
developing self and peer
Developing assessment for learning is not about
adding a collection of teaching strategies into an
existing repertoire. It is about reflecting on the
impact of our teaching and being clear about what
helps children learn and develop as learners.
This includes developing social and emotional as
well as cognitive skills.
Teachers who most successfully develop and refine
their assessment for learning practice never lose
sight of the fact that AFL is something happening in
children’s minds and all their planning and
interactions with children aim to facilitate this.
To help children judge how well they are doing
we need to ensure there is a shared
understanding of:
•What children will learn
•What they will be able to do after they have learned it
•Why they are learning it
•When they will get opportunities to use and apply the
•How to judge the quality of the outcome using
success criteria
•What ‘good’ and ‘even better’ looks like, and how to
evaluate how well they have done and what they could
do even better.
Well done!
Could be better
You have not written enough today
Neat handwriting
use paragraphs
If I knew how to
use paragraphs I
would have done
What makes my
work good?
How can I
make it better?
Effective feedback – What we know now
• Written feedback needs to be focused
– linked to learning objectives and
success criteria
• Pupils should know where they have
been successful and what they need
to do to improve
• Time should be given for pupils to
respond to feedback
Closing the gap:
• Reminder prompt
e.g say more about how you feel about this person
• Scaffolded prompt
e.g can you describe how this person is ‘a good friend’ , describe
something that happened which showed you they were a good
friend , (finish the sentence) he showed me he was a good
friend when ……
• Example prompt
e.g choose one of these or make up your own- he is a good friend
because he never says unkind things about me / my friend is a
friend because he is always nice to me
Oral Feedback
The language of the classroom, especially the incidental talk that goes on
while children are working, gives strong messages to children about their
‘I know you are
having difficulty with
this. Don’t worry – I’m
going to help you.’
It’s making you think
because you are learning
something you didn’t
know before and I am
here to help.
When you find something
challenging, it is an
opportunity to learn
something new.
This is how we learn. If
everything is easy, it means
you already knew how to do it,
so there’s no new learning.
How can you tell when feedback is truly effective?
Can you show me
some work you have
done recently which
you think is really
Can you tell me why
you are pleased with
How could you have
made it better?
How well are we doing?
Audit tools: Teaching and learning review
Quality Standards for AFL
2.3 All teachers give pupils clear feedback which
identifies next steps and provides opportunities in
lessons for pupils to discuss and act upon the
2.6 All pupils have the confidence, dispositions
and skills to evaluate the quality of their work and
level of understanding and work with their teachers
and peers to take the next steps in their learning.
• How effective is feedback in your school?
• To what extent is peer and selfassessment impacting on the quality of
• How do you know?
Feedback on Learning journey
Learning objectives
Success criteria
Feedback - written
and oral
Self and peer
Current understanding of learning objectives
• Learning objectives need to be
• Closed learning objectives
• Open learning objectives require
discussions with pupils about quality
Separate the learning objective from the
context of the lesson
To write instructions for
making a sandwich
We are learning to write a
newspaper report about
To describe Red Riding Hood
• Not a simple fix-it list but aspects of the task on
which pupils most need to focus.
•Pupils should be involved in the process of creating
success criteria
•Should be the same for all learners
•Quality ensured by modelling, questioning, the
level of discussion in the classroom and feedback
Ingredients of a cake
Learning objective
We are learning to …
Write a story starter
What will you need to do to achieve this?
Remember to :
Success criteria
 describe the setting
 describe the main character
 use powerful adjectives
We are learning to write a set of instructions
Write the title and underline it
Write down a list of equipment and ingredients that you will need
Write in bullet points
Use a capital letter to start each line
Use imperative verbs at the start of each instruction
Try to use a variety of different imperative verbs
Add health and safety tips
Include diagrams
Use time connectives
Finish each sentence with a full stop
Check your work for spellings
Include brackets
Use your neatest handwriting
You need to improve your
writing by making your
writing better.’
Creating the classroom culture …..
always starts by
saying…”One thing I
really like about your
writing is…”
knows that writing
takes time and effort
and he or she will
always respect the
writer’s feelings.
will always tell the
writer what they
thought was the
best parts of the
will always end
with… “Thank
you for sharing
your writing with
will help by asking
useful questions
like... “shall we use
the checklist?”
• Congratulations. You have won
Prize in our competition – an ALL INCLUSIVE
holiday to Barbados. Two weeks total
relaxation in luxurious surroundings .....sun,
sea, award winning spa ……
This holiday is subject to terms and conditions and must be taken between 8th
January and 12th February.
• What are the key points you will
take from this session?
• How will you use this in your