SQL Server 2005 -CLR

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SQL Server 2005

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) Integration

Presented by Tarek Ghazali IT Technical Specialist Microsoft SQL Server MVP Web Development MCP LebDev Vice President

© 2006 Tarek Ghazali. All rights reserved.

CLR Integration

CLR Introduction  Highlights – Common type system (CTS)  Mapping of data types. Programming language  Framework – Just-in-time (JIT) compilers   JIT compiles intermediary language (MSIL) into native code Highly optimized for platform or device – Garbage collector – Permission and policy-based security – Exceptions – Threading – Diagnostics and profiling

CLR Integration

CLR Diagram  Thread Support Type Checker Security Engine MSIL to Native Compilers (JIT) Code Manager COM Marshaler Exception Manager Debug Engine Garbage Collector (GC) Class Loader

CLR Integration

SQL Server 2005 – CLR

   Run managed code within a database by using in-process assemblies Create managed stored procedures, triggers, user-defined functions, user defined types, and aggregates Integration benefits: – Enhanced programming model – Enhanced safety and security – Common development environment – Performance and scalability

CLR Integration

Deep Integration with the Database

SQL Engine CLR Hosting Layer SQL OS Layer Windows OS

 CLR Hosting layer provides coordination – Assembly Loading – Memory management – Security Model – Reliability – Threads & Fibers – Deadlock detection – Execution context

The Developer Experience

VB,C#,C++ VS .NET Project Build Assembly: “TaxLib.dll” Runtime hosted by SQL (in-proc) SQL Data Definition: create assembly … create function … create procedure … create trigger … create type … SQL Queries: select sum( tax(sal,state) = ‘King’ ) from Emp where county SQL Server

CLR Integration

Available Classes    Even in supported assemblies, some APIs are not available in SQL – Environment.Exit(), Console, etc.

Potentially unreliable constructs disabled – No thread creation – No shared state or synchronization – No listening on sockets in server – No finalizers Eliminate functionality N/A to database – System.Windows.Forms

– System.Drawing

– System.Web, …

CLR Integration

SQL Server Projects in Visual Studio 2005     Project for creating managed database objects Automatically includes necessary references – System – System.Data.dll

Includes templates for each object type – Stored procedure – Trigger – User-defined function – User-defined type – Aggregate Allows immediate deployment and debugging

CLR Integration

The System.Data.SqlServer Namespace Class

SqlContext SqlConnection SqlCommand SqlParameter SqlPipe SqlDataReader SqlResultSet SqlTransaction SqlTriggerContext


Provides access to other objects, like a connection An open connection to a SQL Server database Used to send a command to the database server Supplies a parameter for a SqlCommand object Used to send results or information to the client Reads the data one row at a time, forward only For working with flexible server-side cursors For providing transactional behavior Provides information about the trigger action

CLR Integration

Registering an assembly

 CREATE ASSEMBLY assembly_name – [ AUTHORIZATION owner_name ] – FROM { < client_assembly_specifier > | < assembly_bits – – > [,...n] } – [ WITH PERMISSION_SET = { SAFE | EXTERNAL_ACCESS | UNSAFE } ] – < client_assembly_specifier > :: = '[\\machine_name\]share_name\[path\]manifest_file_nam e' – < assembly_bits > :: = { varbinary_literal | varbinary_expression }

CLR Integration

Assembly Security -PERMISSION_SET 


– May not access external resources: registry, file system, or network – May access data using the current context but not via SQLClient or any other data provider – No thread processing 


– May access external resources: registry, file system, network, environment variables 


– May access external resources – Can use SQLClient and other data providers – Can use thread constructs – (No restrictions; similar to extended stored procedures)

CLR Integration

Meta Data of Assemblies

Details of Assembly: Sys.assemblies

Assembly source code: Sys.assembly_files

Assembly references: Sys.assembly_references


CLR Integration

User Defined Functions    Similar to T-SQL function Written in CLR language – Decorated with [SqlFunction] attribute in code – Assembly loaded into the database – Function defined from assembly Limits on functions – must be in public class – cannot be in nested class – method must be public and static

CLR Integration

User Defined Functions -Example

public class MyFunctions { [SqlFunction] public static SqlString GetLongDate(SqlDateTime DateVal) { // Return the date as a long string return DateVal.Value.ToLongDateString(); } }

CLR Integration

User Defined Functions  Properties have impact on whether or not computed column that use these functions can be indexed.

– IsDeterministic = true (it always produces the same output values given the same input values and the same database state.) – DataAccess   DataAccessKind.None: Does not access data.

DataAccessKind.Read: Only reads data.

– SystemDataAccess   SystemDataAccessKind.None: Does not access system data.

SystemDataAccessKind.Read: Only reads system data.

– IsPrecise = { true | false } (that indicates whether the routine involves imprecise computations such as floating point operations. )

CLR Integration

.Net Stored Procedures (1)     Capable of doing everything a T-SQL proc can do.

Uses a Shared method (static in C#) Pass parameters both ways – OUTPUT parameters should be byref (ref in C#) Return multiple result sets

CLR Integration

.Net Stored Proc Can Return (2)       Numeric return code Count of rows affected by the command Scalar value Single row One or more multi row result sets A stream of XML

CLR Integration

Stored Procedure

public class ContactCode { [SqlProcedure] public static void GetContactNames() { SqlCommand cmd = ……. …… cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName" +

" AS [Name] FROM Person.Contact";

SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); SqlPipe sp = …………..; sp.Send(rdr); } }

CLR Integration

Create Sql Server Proc.

Syntax : create procedure ProcName as external name .. Example : create procedure GetContactsName as external name assemblyname.ContactCode. GetContactNames

CLR Integration


public class ContactCode { [SqlTrigger(Name="ContactUpdTrg", Target="Person.Contact", Event="FOR UPDATE")] public static void ChangeEmail() {SqlTriggerContext trg = SqlContext.GetTriggerContext();


CLR Integration

When to use T-SQL   T-SQL better used for data access – All pre-SQL Server 2005 code is written in T-SQL – SQL Server 2005 adds exception handling to T SQL T-SQL can be faster for data access – Direct access to SQL Server's internal buffers – Rich, data-centric library of functions – No conversion of types

CLR Integration

Feature Comparison with T-SQL T-SQL X CLR X User Defined Functions Stored Procedures Triggers User Defined Types Aggregates X X X X X X

CLR Integration

Best uses of SQLCLR      Computational functions are always faster Streaming table valued functions User defined aggregates – Orders magnitude faster than server or client cursor solutions Scalar functions – Function body is compiled to native code Use managed code for: – Procedures that feature complex logic – Access to the .NET Framework class library – CPU intensive functions

SQLCLR Guidance

Mid Tier vs. Data Tier   SQLCLR support does not mean move all business logic to server Candidates for moving to server – Centralized data validation – Process large amount of data while needing a small portion of it for application use

Resources & Questions

   Microsoft Resources: – –

msdn.microsoft.com/sqlserver/ www.microsoft.com/sql/community

Contact me: – – [email protected]

www.sqlmvp.com (will be available soon) Download Presentation : – www.lebdev.net
