Transcript Slide 1

- RULE 6 -


Presented by Gary S. McCarthy, Jr.

Kenneth Southworth, Jr.

Review Points

 Rules  Free Kicks     Free Kick Out of Bounds Scrimmage Kicks Opportunity to Catch a Kick Fair Catch  Mechanics  Keys   Positioning Action during the play  Video Review



Free Kicks

Restraining Line:

G G 10 10


20 20 30 30 10 yards 40 40 50 50 40 40


30 30 20 20 10 10 G G 10 yards

Formation: Free Kicks

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 30 30 40 40 At least 4 on Each side of K 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 G G

Free Kicks



G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 30 30 4 40 40 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 G G

Free Kicks



G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 30 30 3 40 40 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 G G

Formation: Free Kicks

G G 10 10


9 26 20 20 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 37 30 30 4 40 40 3 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 G G

Blocking: Free Kicks

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 30 30 86 68 0 78 40 40 47 49 50 50 55 40 40 50 30 30 31 20 20 44 10 10 G G 49



Free Kicks

Formation Requirements (Side-by-Side Comparision) 

FK Formation (A)

All players must be behind the ball (Except kicker and holder)    All players must be inbounds At least 4 players on each side of the kicker All players must be between nine-yard marks after RFP   Player OOB may not return (unless forced out) No blocking until A is eligible to touch the ball  

FK Formation (B)

All players must be inbounds All players must be behind their restraining line

Free Kicks

Touching & Recovery of a FK

 May not be touched by A unless it: • Touches a B player • Breaks the plane of and remains beyond B’s restraining line • Touches: – Any player – The ground – An official – Anything beyond B’s restraining line

Free Kicks

Touching & Recovery of a FK


 All other touching by A is illegal (violation)  If a LB foul is enforced the illegal touching privilege  is cancelled Illegal touching in A’s EZ is ignored

Free Kicks

Forced Touch Disregarded

 Disregard touching if: • Blocked into the ball • Touched by a batted ball 

Free Kick at Rest

 If at rest and no attempt to secure, ball belongs to B at the dead ball spot

Free Kicks

Free Kick Caught or Recovered

 Caught or recovered by: • Team A = Dead – Ball belongs to B at that spot • Team B = Continues in play • Simultaneous Recovery = Dead – Ball belongs to B at that spot 

Touching Ground On or Behind Goal Line

 Untouched by B = Dead • Ball belongs to B  Touched by B = Continues in play

Free Kicks

Fouls by Kicking Team

 All fouls may be enforced from: • Previous Spot or • Where dead ball belongs to B • Exception: Kick-Catch Interference • FK OOB may not be enforced from the 30-yard option – Exception: Dead ball and LED fouls

Free Kick Out of Bounds

Kicking Team

 FK OOB between the goal lines is a foul • Enforce: – 5 yards from previous spot and re-kick or – 5 yards from where dead ball belongs to B or – Choose 30-yard option 

Receiving Team

 OOB between goal lines – belongs to B  at spot OOB behind goal lines – belongs to B

Scrimmage Kicks

Behind the NZ

  If SK fails to cross, continues in play • Anyone may advance it Blocked SK ≤3 yds beyond the NZ is considered to have occurred in or behind the NZ

Scrimmage Kicks

Beyond the NZ

  Team A shall not touch a SK before it touches an opponent – VIOLATION VIOLATION – privilege cancelled if  a live ball foul is enforced or offsetting Illegal touching in Team A EZ ignored

Scrimmage Kicks

All Become Eligible

 After a SK crosses the NZ and touches a Team B player, all become eligible to recover 

Forced Touching Disregarded

  If blocked into a SK, no touch If hit by batted SK, no touch

Scrimmage Kicks

Catch or Recovery by Team B

 If caught or recovered, may be advanced 

Catch or Recovery by Team A

   If caught or recovered, ball dead Ball belongs to Team B If joint recovery by Team A & B • Ball is dead • Ball belongs to Team B

Scrimmage Kicks

Scrimmage Kick Out of Bounds

 OOB between goal lines – belongs to B  at spot OOB behind goal lines – belongs to B 

Free Kick at Rest

 If at rest and no attempt to secure, ball belongs to B at the dead ball spot

Scrimmage Kicks

Touching Ground On or Behind Goal Line

 Untouched by B = Dead • Ball belongs to B  Touched by B = Continues in play

Scrimmage Kicks

Legal Kicks

    Punt Drop Kick Place Kick All made according to rule 

Illegal Kicks

   Return Kick When Kicker is beyond NZ Marker or device that elevates ball

Scrimmage Kicks

Loose Behind Goal Line

 ILLEGAL TOUCHING • If untouched by B after crossing NZ • If batted in the end zone by A  Place ball at 20 yd line • 20 yd line may be a penalty enforcement spot for A fouls 

Out-of-Bounds Player

 May not return during down (unless forced out)

Scrimmage Kicks

Fouls by Kicking Team

 All fouls may be enforced from: • Previous Spot or • Where dead ball belongs to B • Exception: Kick-Catch Interference  This does not apply to FG attempts




Free Kicks: Keys (5-man front)

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 BJ 30 30 U FJ 40 40 47 49 86 68 SJ 0 78 50 50 55 40 40 50 30 30 31 20 20 44 10 10 G G LJ 49


32 R HL


Free Kicks: Keys (4-man front)

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 BJ 30 30 U FJ 40 40 47 49 86 SJ 0 78 50 50 55 40 40 68 50 30 30 31 20 20 44 10 10 G G LJ 49


32 R HL


Free Kicks: Initial Positioning R U Referee

• Middle of Team B end zone


• Opposite PB on Team A


restraining line on sideline

Head Linesman

• Opposite PB on goal line on sideline

L F S B Line Judge

• PB side on goal line on sideline

Field Judge

• PB side on Team B restraining line on sideline

Side Judge

• Opposite PB on Team B restraining line on sideline

Back Judge

• PB side on Team A restraining line


Free Kicks: Initial Positioning

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 BJ 30 30 U 86 68 0 78 40 40 47 49 50 50 55 40 40 50 FJ LJ 30 30 20 20 10 10 31


44 TWEET !

G G R 49 32 SJ HL


Free Kicks: Initial Positioning (onside) R Referee

• Middle of Team B end zone (adjust)

U Umpire

• Opposite PB on Team A restraining line on sideline

H L Head Linesman

• Opposite PB between U & S on sideline

Line Judge

• PB side between B & F on sideline

F S Field Judge

• PB side on Team B restraining line on sideline

Side Judge

• Opposite PB on Team B restraining line on sideline

B Back Judge

• PB side on Team A restraining line


Free Kicks: Initial Positioning (onside)

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 BJ LJ 30 30 U HL 40 40 47 49 86 68 0 78 FJ 50 50 55 31 40 40 32 49 30 30 20 20 10 10 G G TWEET !



R 50 SJ


Free Kicks: Initial Action/Coverage R U Referee

• FK formation; receiver (between nines)


• Team A offside; move to inbounds line

H Head Linesman

• Receiver (between nines & sideline); blocking; progress

L F S B Line Judge

• Receiver (between nines & sideline); blocking; progress

Field Judge

• Team B offside; Team A OOB; goal line

Side Judge

• Observe kick; Team A OOB; goal line

Back Judge

• FK formation; Team A offside; move to inbounds line


Free Kicks: Initial Action/Coverage

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 BJ 30 30 U FJ 40 40 47 49 86 68 SJ 0 78 50 50 55 40 40 50 30 30 31 20 20 44 10 10 G G LJ 49


32 R HL


Free Kicks: Initial Action/Coverage (onside) R U Referee

• Receiver; goal line & end line


• Team A offside; goal line; stay on sideline

H Head Linesman

• FK formation; legality of kick; progress

L F S B Line Judge

• FK formation; legality of kick; progress

Field Judge

• Touching of ball; clean-up on long run

Side Judge

• Touching of ball; clean-up on long run

Back Judge

• Team A offside; goal line; stay on sideline


Free Kicks: Initial Action/Coverage (onside)

G G 10 10


9 20 20 26 39 77 52 27 54 87 99 44 37 BJ LJ FJ 30 30 40 40 47 49 86 68 0 78 U HL SJ 50 50 55 31 40 40 32 49 30 30 20 20 10 10 44


R G G 50


Scrimmage Kicks: Punt Keys

G G 10 10


R 1 LJ 20 20 81 30 30 26 44 44 26 77 52 86 54 99 87 79 67 77 62 76 88 39 U 40 40 HL 50 50 40 40 30 22 30 30 FJ 20 20 10 10


G G 32 BJ SJ


Scrim. Kicks: Punt Action/Coverage (>50) R U Referee

• Watch kicker, blocking; goal line


• Watch snapper; blocking; LOS

H Head Linesman

• SK formation; progress behind LOS; goal line; fair catch

L F S B Line Judge

• SK formation; progress behind LOS; goal line

Field Judge

• Gunners; receiver (nines and sideline); progress; GL

Side Judge

• Gunners; receiver (nines and sideline); progress; GL

Back Judge

• Receiver between nines; beanbag; goal line


Scrim. Kicks: Punt Action/Coverage (>50)

G G 10 10


R 1 LJ 20 20 81 30 30 26 44 44 26 77 52 86 54 99 87 79 67 77 62 76 88 39 U 40 40 HL 50 50 40 40 30 22 30 30 FJ 20 20 10 10


G G 32 BJ SJ


Scrim. Kicks: Punt Action/Coverage (<50) R U Referee

• Watch kicker, blocking; goal line


• Watch snapper; blocking; LOS

H Head Linesman

• SK formation; progress behind LOS; goal line; fair catch

L F S B Line Judge

• SK formation; progress behind LOS; goal line

Field Judge

• Gunners; receiver (nines and sideline); progress; GL

Side Judge

• Gunners; receiver (nines and sideline); progress; GL

Back Judge

• Receiver between nines; beanbag; goal line


Scrim. Kicks: Punt Action/Coverage (<50)

G G 10 10


20 20 30 30 40 40 R 1 LJ 50 50 81 26 40 40 44 44 26 77 52 86 54 99 87 79 67 77 62 76 88 39 U 30 30 HL 20 20 10 10


G G FJ 30 32 BJ 22 SJ


Scrim. Kicks: Try or FG Action/Coverage R U Referee

• Watch kicker & holder; legality of kick


• Snap; pull & shoot; leaping

H Head Linesman

• Sideline responsibility

L F S B Line Judge

• Sideline responsibility

Field Judge

• Under upright; his upright

Side Judge

• Double ump position; pull & shoot; leaping

Back Judge

• Under upright; his upright, crossbar & whistle


Scrim. Kicks: Try or FG Action/Coverage

G G 10 10 20 20 30 30


40 40 50 50 LJ 1 R 40 40 30 30 81 26 44 44 26 77 52 86 54 99 87 79 67 77 62 76 20 20 32 U 30 22 SJ 10 10


G G 88 39 HL FJ BJ