JUNIT presentation

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Transcript JUNIT presentation

Junit Training

Chris Yeung 8


Sept, 2006


• JUnit is a regression testing framework • Written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.

• Used by developers to implement unit tests in Java • Goal: Accelerate programming and increase the quality of code.

• Part of XUnit family (HTTPUnit, Cactus), CppUnit

Why test? Why Junit?

• Automated tests prove features • Tests retain their value over time and allows others to prove the software still works (as tested). • Confidence, quality, sleep • Effective, open source, integrated • Get to code sooner by writing tests.

What is Junit?

• Test framework provides tools for: – assertions – running tests – aggregating tests (suites) – reporting results • Philosophy always the same: – Let developers write tests.

– Make it easy and painless.

– Test early and test often

Test infected

• It’s a Good Thing, no penicillin needed • Immediate gratification with build iterations – Start with “The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work”.

– Iterate by successive application of design pattern.

• Break the cycle of more pressure == fewer tests • Reduce code captivity – If others can test it, others can work on it.

Junit Mechanics

• Define a subclass of


• Override the

setUp() & tearDown()


• Define one or more public


methods – Exercise the object(s) under test.

– Asserts the expected results.

• Define a static


factory method – Create a TestSuite containing all the tests.

• Optionally define batch mode .


to run the TestCase in

Junit Mechanics

Simple Testcase

public class StringTest extends TestCase { protected void setUp(){ /* run before */} protected void tearDown(){ /* after */ } } public void testSimpleAdd() { String s1 = new String(“abcd”); String s2 = new String(“abcd”); assertTrue(“Strings not equal”, s1.equals(s2)); } public static void main(String[] args){ } junit.textui.TestRunner.run (suite ());

Simple Testcase (cont.)

public static Test suite (){ suite = new TestSuite (”StringTest"); String tests = System.getProperty("tests"); if (tests == null){ suite.addTest(new TestSuite(StringTest.class)); }else{ StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(tests, ","); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()){ suite.addTest(new StringTest((String)tokens.nextToken())); } } return suite; }

• • •

Other assertion methods





) assertEquals(String






) – This method is heavily overloaded: arg1 both objects or and arg2 both of the same primitive type must be – For objects, uses your equals method,


you have defined it properly, as public boolean equals(Object o) --otherwise it uses == assertSame(Object assertSame(String


, Object


, Object Object






, – Asserts that two objects refer to the same object (using == ) assertNotSame(Object assertNotSame(String


, Object


, Object Object






, – Asserts that two objects do not refer to the same object

Other assertion methods

• assertNull(Object assertNull(String




, Object – Asserts that the object is null


) • assertNotNull(Object assertNotNull(String




, Object – Asserts that the object is null


) • fail() fail(String


) – Causes the test to fail and throw an AssertionFailedError – Useful as a result of a complex test, when the other assert methods aren’t quite what you want

What should I test?

• Tests things which could break • Tests should succeed quietly.

– Don’t print “Doing foo…done with foo!” – Negative tests, exceptions and errors • What shouldn’t I test – Don’t test set/get methods – Don’t test the compiler


• Handle common objects under test • setup() and tearDown() used to initialize and release common objects.

• Used to insure there are no side effects between tests.

• Enforce the test independence rule, test execution order is not guarunteed.


• Write a testcase to test 3 method of java.util.ArrayList

Test Suites

public static void main (String [] args){ junit.textui.TestRunner.run (suite ()); } public static Test suite (){ suite = new TestSuite ("AllTests"); suite.addTest (new TestSuite (AllTests.class)); suite.addTest (StringTest.suite()); public void testAllTests () throws Exception{ assertTrue (suite != null); } }


• Text – Lightweight, quick quiet – Run from command line

java StringTest ....... Time: 0.05

Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0

TestRunners - Swing

• Run with java junit.swingui.TestRunner

Test Runners - Eclipse

Automating testing (Ant)

• Junit Task

Ant Batch mode

Designing for testing

– Separation of interface and implementation • Allows substitution of implementation to tests – Factory pattern • Provides for abstraction of creation of implementations from the tests. – Strategy pattern • Because FactoryFinder dynamically resolves desired factory, implementations are plugable

Design for testing - Factories


only used in Factory • Allows writing tests which can be used across multiple implementations.

• Promotes frequent testing by writing tests which work against objects without requiring extensive setup – “extra-container” testing.

Design for testing - Mock Objects

• When your implementation requires a resource which is unavailable for testing • External system or database is simulated.

• Another use of Factory, the mock implementation stubs out and returns the anticipated results from a request.

Example of using Mock Object

import org.jmock.*; class PublisherTest extends MockObjectTestCase { public void testOneSubscriberReceivesAMessage() { // set up, subscriber can be any class Mock mockSubscriber = mock(Subscriber.class); Publisher publisher = new Publisher(); publisher.add((Subscriber) mockSubscriber.proxy()); final String message = "message"; // expectations mockSubscriber.expects(once()).method("receive").with( eq(message) ); // execute publisher.publish(message); } } • Of course, you can write mock yourself by implement interface with simple implementation

Testing with resources (EJB/DB)

• Use fixtures to request resource connection via factory, could be no-op.

• Use vm args or resource bundle to drive which factory is used.

• Data initialization/clearing handled by fixtures to preserve order independence of tests.


Develop testcase with database using abstract base class

public abstract class DatabaseTestCase extends TestCase } } } } } resetData(); DefaultDataManager.setupDefaultData(); databaseSetUp(); this.databaseTearDown(); this.getConnection().close(); public final Connection getConnection() { return currentContext.connection; { protected final void setUp() throws SQLException, IOException { protected final void tearDown() throws SQLException { protected void databaseSetUp() throws SQLException, IOException { protected void databaseTearDown() throws SQLException {

In-container unit testing

• There are tools like cactus and StrutsTestCase • Excellent for testing: – EJB – Servlets, Filters, Taglibs – Container-dependent frameworks, like Struts

JUnit Best Practices

• • • • • Separate production and test code But typically in the same packages Compile into separate trees, allowing deployment without tests Don’t forget OO techniques, base classing 1.





Test-driven development Write failing test first Testing for Exceptions Test then Fix Test then Refactor Where should I put my test files?

Write failing test first

• Write your test first, or at least at the same time • Test what can break • Create new tests to show bugs then fix the bug • Test driven development says write the test then make it pass by coding to it.

Testing for Exceptions

public void testExpectException() { String s1 = null; String s2 = new String("abcd"); try{ s1.toString(); fail("Should see null pointer"); } catch(NullPointerException ex){ } }

Test then Fix

• Bugs occasionally slip through (gasp!) • Write a test first which demonstrates the error. Obviously, this test is needed.

• Now, fix the bug and watch the bar go green!

• Your tests assure the bug won’t reappear.

Test then Refactor

• Once the code is written you want to improve it.

• Changes for performance, maintainability, readability.

• Tests help you make sure you don’t break it while improving it.

• Small change, test, small change, test...

Where should I put my test files?

You can place your tests in the same package and directory as the classes under test. For example:

src com xyz SomeClass.java


An arguably better way is to place the tests in a separate parallel directory structure with package alignment. For example:

src com xyz SomeClass.java

test com xyz SomeClassTest.java

These approaches allow the tests to access to all the public and package visible methods of the classes under test.


• http://www.junit.org

• http://www.xprogramming.com

• http://www 106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library /j-junitmail/index.html

• http://jakarta.apache.org/ant