Transcript Document

BRIDGE’s National ECD Community
of Practice:
A summary of action and impact
29 October 2013
NDP on some key ECD Challenges
• Training for practitioners (recommendation:
“invest in training early childhood development
practitioners, upgrade their qualifications and
develop clear career paths”)
• Strengthening of delivery (recommendation :
“encourage innovation in the way ECD services
are delivered”)
• Ensuring that departments responsible for
different aspects of early childhood development
work together (recommendation: “address the
coordination weaknesses between the different
sectors and departments responsible for ECD
services in order to strengthen collaboration”)
This CoP’s outcomes
• Develop common purpose, peer support and
• Maximise resources and reduce duplication
• Share working practice and innovations
(horizontal integration)
• Link policy and practice (vertical integration)
• Impact on the whole system
This CoP’s objectives
• Work with the Departments of Education, Social
Development and Health
• Align with and support the goals of the National
Development Plan, and support the work of the
National Education Collaboration Framework
• Work with selected Provincial Governments so as
to encourage collaboration
• Focus on specific areas, such as the Training of
ECD Practitioners
• Share and disseminate working practice
• Find ways to scale working practice
• We formed this community of practice in
February 2013. What have we achieved in
2013? What impact have we had?
Community of practice membership
• Currently 227 members on the database
• From eight provinces
• Range of stakeholder groupings: civil society
organisations (incl. NGOs, NPOs, etc.), funders
and business, universities, research organisations,
training organisations, government (national,
provincial and the President’s Office), public
entities (NDA), faith-based organisations
• Wide range of bodies represented: e.g. ECD
Congress, provincial groupings and forums,
BRIDGE’s Western Cape ECD community of
practice, etc.
The meetings of 2013
7 February 2013 (GIBS)
• Agreement to form an inclusive CoP
• Agreement to support NDP: “We want to be a collective
voice of people from various backgrounds, working to
help government implement the NDP in the area of ECD”
• Agreement: concept paper to be drafted
• Agreement: government to be approached to join
18 March 2013 (Deutsche Bank)
• Agreement that this should be a national group
• Agreed to form under BRIDGE
• Initial database generated of ECD stakeholders
The meetings of 2013 cont.
7 May 2013 (READ)
Presentations by:
• Vanessa Mentor, Director of GDE’s ECD Institute – work of the
• Bertha Magoge (TREE) – ECD in KZN
• Brainstorm re ‘Thought-Leaders’ in ECD, and key areas of ECD
on which the CoP should be focusing
16 July 2013 (GIBS)
Presentations by:
• Ronel Burger (from the focus group: ECD practitioner training)
• Sherri Le Mottee of Illifa Labantwana – re their work
• Michele Kay – ITEC – ECD in Eastern Cape
• Camilla Swart – ECD in Western Cape
• How will we work? What will we do? Sustainability?
The meetings of 2013 cont.
27 August 2013 (GIBS)
Presentations by:
• Vanessa Mentor, Director of GDE’s ECD Institute –
Universalisation of Grade R, etc.
• Thabi Molete, Director of Programmes at the
Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and
Governance (MGSLG) – the provision of ECD training
in Gauteng
• Saide’s Sheila Drew – the ECD fundamentals
• Implications for CoP, commenting on key documents,
broadening the scoping process, etc.
29 October 2013 (GIBS)
• What have we done in 2013, where are we going?
Actions carried out
Re policy documents, members made a combined
response to/comments on:
• Draft Terms of Reference for an Inter-Sectoral Forum
for ECD (to the Department of Social Development,
September 2013)
• Draft Curriculum for Ages 0-4 (September 2013)
• Universal Access to Grade R document (September
Re fundamentals, members:
• participate in the QCTO’s scoping of ECD qualifications,
• belong to the fundamentals reference group that Saide
is co-ordinating.
Knowledge management, publications
and conferences
• BRIDGE communication platforms:
Website (
Online network
Media partnerships
Trialogue: CSI Handbook
ECDLC Newsflash: Issue 23, April 2013
EMASA conference: August 2013
Ntataise conference
Fundraising and stakeholder
• Seed funding: Deutsche Bank (R50,000)
• Member contributions (R3,500 and in-kind)
• Discussions held with Apex Hi (TSI), FirstRand,
Hollard Foundation (KYB), Sasol, Liberty,
Porticus, Ilifa Labantwana, DG Murray Trust,
Elma Philanthropies, VW, PetroSA, Claude
Neon Foundation
• Proposals submitted to Apex Hi (TSI), Liberty,
Ilima (Old Mutual), NECT
• Proposals pending to Sasol and Porticus
Fundraising and stakeholder
engagement cont.
• Stakeholder engagement: (with a view to promoting stakeholder
Government departments (technical committee proposed)
Marie-Louise Samuels (DBE)
Margot Davids (DSD)
President’s Office
National Planning Commission
Inter-sectoral forum for ECD, DSD
Inter-Departmental ECD Committee
Thabi Molete (Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and
Vanessa Mentor (GDE’s ECD Institute)
SA Research Association for Early Childhood Education
EC ECD Forum
SA ECD Congress