AP ESSAYS - Steinbrenner High School

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CCOT Essay Scoring



Historical skills and knowledge required to show competence

• • • • •



all parts of the question (2 pts)


– uses

global change

historical context effectively explain over time and/or




– (1pt)

analyzes T

the process of change and/or continuity – has acceptable


(1 pt)


– substantiates thesis with appropriate historical



TOTAL 7 pts



Historical skills and knowledge required to show excellence

• Has clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis.

• Analyzes all issues of the question: global context, chronology, causation, change, continuity, effects, and content.

• Addresses all parts of the question.

• Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis.

• Provides links with relevant ideas, events, and trends in an innovative way.

TOTAL 2 pts

Ripples in the water approach

 What started the ripples or waves? [Events from inside


outside the region]  What are the sizes of the waves? [What is the significance of the changes?]

 Do the waves/ripples flow in any set pattern that would help analyze the changes or continuities?  Are they cyclical? [e.g. a regular cyclical pattern of drought or environmental change?

 Does the same kind/size of rock [event] produce the same results? [Or is there something different about the specific event that makes its impact greater?]  Do the waves/ripples affect other waves/ripples in the same time period?

In this process you are forced to address causation

• What caused the initial change? • Did anything accelerate it, what and why? • Did anything change the direction it was taking, what and why?

• Was it delayed, by what and why?


• Requires that you detail a

starting point

• Requires that you detail the changes that occurred by: – describing the

turning point

of the time period – describing the

end point

of the time period • Requires that you detail what did not change (


) • Requires that you relate that change to a global context

Make sure your thesis statement does what your assignment asks you to do.

Begin by READING the prompt –


circle what you have to verbs) and underline do the big (the key phrases from the prompt (the when, where and what)

Pre-Write I

Describe and analyze the cultural, economic, and political impact of Islam on ONE of the following regions between 1000 CE and 1750 CE . Be sure to discuss continuities as well as changes. West Africa South Asia Europe

Pre-Write II

• Graphic Organizer of information – Three column chart – a column for each category • Political / Cultural / Economic – Three rows for: • Beginning / Cause / Change • Brainstorm information to complete chart

Situation at beginning of period (i.e.

West Africa before 1000)

Region/ Category #1


Region/ Category #2 (not all questions have a 2 nd region)


Region/ Category #3 (not all questions have a 3rd region)


Situation at end of period (i.e.

West Africa by 1750)

Cause/Effect of the Change with evidence (3 pieces) The Continuity – with evidence (3 pieces) Global connection

(i.e. comparison with impact of Islam in other regions)

Your Thesis must include:

1 . In your thesis include the dates or time period For example: “

Between 1000 and 1750 C.E. . . .

“ 2. Include the region or country you chose.

Example: “

Between 1000 and 1750 C.E. Islam impacted West Africa . . .

“ 3. Tell what changed and what stayed the same using the categories stated in the prompt.

Example Thesis:

Between 1000 and 1750 C.E. Islam impacted West Africa by changing its economics and political structure but many of its cultural aspects remained the same


The above thesis is a minimally acceptable thesis and will get you the point on the rubric.

A mo’ betta’ thesis would be:

Between 1000 and 1750 C.E. Islam entered West Africa and increased its trade and centralized its politics but many aspects of African religion and gender roles remained unchanged.

Try adding a transitional sentence for the essay on Islam

To better understand the impact of Islam on West Africa during this period, one must take a look at what this area was like prior to the introduction of Islam.

Body Paragraph

1 st Sentence – A Change/Continuity

(Topic Sentence)

2 nd Sentence –


(of how it was) 3 rd Sentence –


(before/after) 4 th Sentence –


(after) 5 th Sentence – Analysis - why the changed occurred


the effect of the change 6 th Sentence – Transition

Formula for the body paragraph


1 st Body Paragraph – first change in category/region 2 nd 3 rd Body Paragraph – second change in category/region Body Paragraph – what continued 4 th Body Paragraph –

Global Context -

include relevant world historical context in your analysis of CCOT • Impact of change on other regions • Impact of other regions on change • Compare change to other regions

Change and Continuity Power Words:

Change Continue Transform Evolved Emerged Now Later Then Gradually Eventually Altered