Legislative Update NPAIHB Quarterly Board Meeting Thunder

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Transcript Legislative Update NPAIHB Quarterly Board Meeting Thunder

Legislative & Policy Update
NW Portland Area Indian Health Board
Quarterly Board Meeting
April 23, 2014
Report Overview
SDPI Update
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
Indian Bills
FY 2014 & FY 2015 Budget Updates
CSC Update
ACA Exemptions
SDPI Extended thru FY 2015
• H.R. 4302 Protecting Access to Medicare Act
– Commonly referred to as the Sustainable Growth
Rate bill -- SGR fix
– Sec. 204 Extends the Special Diabetes Program for
Indians thru FY 2015
– Sec. 210 Delays implementation of ICD-10 to Oct.
1, 2015
• SDPI thru September 30, 2015
– Maintains $150 million per year less sequestered
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
• New Chair: Sen. Jon Tester (MT)
– Senators Cantwell and Crapo still on
• Legislation & Hearings
– FY 2015 President’s Budget – March 26th
– S. 1570 amend IHCIA for Advanced
– S. 919 amend ISDEAA to expand selfgovernance
– Other Tribe specific and education, children
related bills
Indian Health Legislation
• Advance Appropriations Bills
– H.R. 3229: Don Young & Ray Lujan
– S. 1570: Begich, Udall, Murkowski
• Special Diabetes Program for Indians
– House and Senate Sign-on letters
• Indian Definition Fix
– S. 1575: Senators: Mark Begich (D-AK), Max Baucus (DMT), Tom Udall (D-NM), Brian Schatz (D-HI), Al Franken (DMN)
• Medicare-like Rates?
FY 2014 Budget Highlights
• FY 2014 budget $303 million increase over FY
2013 Operating Plan***
– ***Caution: Only $78 million over the FY 2014
Pre-Sequester Amount – Loss of $175 million
• Program Increases for (Detail of changes):
$42.4 million for CHS
$24.9 million for facilities accounts
$71.9 million for staffing new facilities
$35 million for medical Inflation
$129.6 million for CSC
FY 2014 & CSC Funding
• IHS and BIA will fully fund CSC payments in FY
2014 and President’s FY 2015 budget proposes
– IHS estimated 2014 need: $587.4 million
– FY 2013 Amt + 2014 Increase = $577.4
– IHS needed additional $10 million to cover CSC
funding; consulted with Tribes about where to make
the cuts
• Reductions total $10 million made as follows:
$3 million IHS Directors Fund
$5 million from Indian Health Professions
$1 million from Self-Governance
$1 million from Tribal Management
FY 2015 & CSC Funding
• President’s Request includes $29.6 million CSC increase
• IHS proposes to continue to fully fund CSC payments to
tribes into the future
• IHS Contract Support Cost Workgroup has reconvened to
address substantive policy issues
– Develop FY 2014 Payout Plan (Refer to Handout)
– Develop Standard AFA language to deal with IHS AntiDeficiency Act concerns
– Develop two-year appropriation authority
– Develop strategies to deal with new/expanded programs and
changing IDC rates following payout
– Analyze data to better estimate CSC need for appropriations
– Develop process to better estiamate CSC need; pass-throughs
and exclusions
FY 2015 President’s Request
• $4.634 billion for Indian Health Service
– $199 million increase (4.5%) is respectable?
– Staffing & New Tribes funding $78.8 million takes increase
down to $120.9 million (2.7%) *
– $29 million program increase for CSC *
– $15.4 million program increase for CHS
– Adjustments of $10 million to restore 2014 reductions (CSC)
• Adjusting the increase for earmarks* leaves a balance of
$91.9 million for current services (does not include CHS
• NPAIHB estimates at least $223 million is needed to
maintain current services
• President’s budget will be short by $131 million to fully
fund inflation and population growth
FY 2015 Detail of Changes –
$199,662 mil. increase
FY 2014 Enacted Budget
$ 4,434,515
Adjustments for CSC
$ 10,000
Medical Inflation
$ 63,000
Pay Costs
Staffing New Facilities
$ 70,818
Sub-total Current Services
$ 146,390
New Tribes Funding
Purchased/Referred Care
$ 15,428
Contract Support Costs
$ 29,829
Sub-total Program Increases
$ 53,272
$ 4,634,177
FY 2016 Budget Formulation
• National IHS Budget Formulation - Feb. 26-27,
2014 in Washington DC
– Representatives Andy Joseph & Steve Kutz
• Recommended $779 million increase; 18%
– $188 mil. for current services
– $191 mil. for binding obligations (CSC, HFCPS, Staffing,
New Tribes)
– $337 mil. for program expansion (CHS, H&C, Mental
Health, A/SA, Health Facilities other authorities)
– $62 mil for other priorities (UIHP, facilities, dental, )
Dear Tribal Leader Letters
• April 2, 2014: DTLL on CSCs as it relates to the FY 2014
Consolidated Appropriations Act & Announcing on-going
• March 6, 2014: DTLL IHS Director Listening Sessions
• February 27, 2014: DTLL seeking input on MSPI & DVPI
• February 18, 2014: DTLL update on the IHS Consultation &
follow-up to the August 2, 2012 letter
• February 12, 2014: DTLL Initiating consultation on CSC issues
required in FY 2014 Consolidated Appropriations Act
• January 13, 2014: DTLL changing Aberdeen Area IHS to the
Great Plains Area
ACA Policy Subcommittee is very active
– Tribal Exemption & I/T/U hardship exemption
– Referrals and Cost Sharing Exemptions
– CMS Final 2015 Letter to Issuers in FFM
– and Proposed Rule including Minimum QHP Certification
Revising the CMS Tribal Consultation Policy
Evaluation of CMS Strategic Plan & Updates
Alternatives for Medicaid Expansion: Arkansas Model and UCC
Indian definition issues
IRS/CMS Resource Exemptions
Extending Medicare Like Rates to non-hospital based services
ACA Educational materials
Data projects and studies
Affordable Care Act
Individual Mandate & Exemption
What is the ACA Tax Penalty?
What is the I/T/U Hardship Exemption and who is eligible?
How to apply for the Indian Exemption or I/T/U Hardship
Additional Information related to exemptions and the application:
– HHS instruction are forthcoming, tax filing information,
– Do you need to reapply for the exemption?
– What can you do to help Tribal members?
Education Tribal members and program beneficiaries
Make sure Tribal members understand the difference between Indian Exemption and
the Hardship Exemption
Prepare to offer eligibility letters
Provide tax filing assistance
2014 Penalty = 1% household income; $95/adult
2015 Penalty = 2% household income; $325/adult
2016 Penalty = 2.5% household income; $695/adult
TTAG/MMPC Resources
• https://www.dropbox.com/home/Delegates/Temp%2
• MMPC Action Items and Tracking List
• TTAG Roster of Pending Regulations and Assignments