Standards Based Grading Parent Information

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Transcript Standards Based Grading Parent Information

Square Peg and Round Hole…
As parents and educators, the
change in grading systems
requires a fundamental
switch in our thinking…
Uses A, B, C, D, F and +, Teachers give a variety of assignments
Each assignment is given a grade by the teacher
Scores are averaged
Average determines the grade on
Report Cards
Bell Curve is often used
Some portion of children will fail
Grades don’t necessarily reflect what
skills and concepts a child knows
Indicates what students know and are able to do
Measures a student’s progress toward proficiency
Indicates if a student has reached mastery
Is ongoing and occurs when appropriate
Clearly communicates expectations ahead of time
Is authentic to the learning experiences of students,
based on complex tasks, not rote memory
Involves a demonstration of proficiency, not a
guess on a multiple choice test
A one time test
An interim test (Benchmark, Quarterly, Mid Term,
Final, etc.)
Average of grades
Based on percentages
Unknown expectations
Factoring homework, extra credit, attendance,
bonus points
However, only the essential skills are reflected on
our report card.
40 hours
40 days
40 years
Essentials are not something I can GOOGLE!
Although perfection is impossible in grading,
our goal in Standards Based Grading is to have
grades that are FAIR and less subject to bias,
more ACCURATE, SPECIFIC so that both
teachers and students can describe what it
means to be proficient, and TIMELY,
providing effective feedback so that students
can improve their performance.
When children are given
a target that stays still,
they are more likely to
be able to work
towards achieving the
The target is set for the end of
the grade level, so it doesn’t
move each quarter.
My child is working consistently beyond the expected
grade level for that standard. My child knows the how
and why behind what he/she does and can transfer
learning into new situations.
My child works consistently on grade level expectations
and can explain the how/why behind it. My child can take
the knowledge and apply it in different settings.
My child is inconsistent in his/her performance of grade
level expectations. My child can achieve grade level
material in a rote fashion but struggles using it in new
My child needs help in order to complete grade level
I know or can do it well enough to make connections that
weren’t even taught.
I know or can do everything that was taught without
making mistakes.
I know or can do all of the easy parts, but I don’t know or
can’t do the harder parts.
With help, I know or can do some of what was taught.
This is just an example of normal
progression. Students can certainly
display level 3 or level 4 knowledge
earlier than third or fourth quarter,
which would be reflected on their
report card.
2011 – 2012 All Elementary Schools use
Standards Based Grading. Teachers report
student progress quarterly using the 1, 1+, 2,
2+, 3, 4 scale.
2012 – 2013 Full implementation at all
Elementary, Intermediate and Middle
Schools. Teachers report student progress
each trimester using the 1, 1+, 2, 2+, 3, 4
Q: What is the goal of Standards-Based Grading?
A: The primary goal of SBG is to better communicate what
each student knows and is able to do according to district and
state content standards and separately assess the influence of
positive and consistent work habits on student learning.
Q: How does Standards-Based Grading work?
A: Traditional grading averages all of the work and other
subjective factors that a student has done over a grading
period. SBG removes extraneous factors and solely focuses on
proficiency. Standards-Based Grading assesses a student’s
overall work and their most recent work so it really tells us
what a student has learned and what they now know rather
than what they knew walking into the class.
Q: How does this differ from traditional letter grades?
A: SBG reports tell us what students have actually learned and
know. SBG measures students’ knowledge of grade-level content
over time by reporting the most recent, consistent level of
For example: In traditional grading, the student’s performance for the whole
quarter would be averaged and early quiz scores that were low would be averaged
together with proficient performance later in the course resulting in a lower
grade. In SBG, a student who reaches proficiency would be reported proficient
and the grade would reflect current performance level.
In addition, traditional grading often includes other subjective
factors like attendance, effort, and attitude, which might influence
the grade positively or negatively. In SBG, we will report
proficiency and work habits separately in order to give a more
accurate report of student progress.
Q: When will this go into effect?
A: Implementing SBG district-wide is an entire process that is
already under way. We’re including teachers, principals, students,
parents and district staff throughout the process. Currently all
Elementary Schools in our district, as well as Jefferson Intermediate
have fully implemented SBG. Hardin Middle School and both High
Schools have started the process and have timelines of when they
will fully implement.
Q: How do I understand the report card my child brings home?
A: Proficiency scores are not and cannot be related to a traditional
grade. When a parent sees proficiency scores on a report, they
should consider that the goal of that report is to give them
information regarding how their student can perform as measured
against content standards. Parents can still contact teachers and
principals directly when they have questions, they can look at the
scales on the district website, or they can look at the legend on the
report card.
Q: How are students with learning disabilities or English language learning
needs affected by standards based grading?
A: Students with an IEP, 504, or English Language Learning needs will continue to
receive the accommodations they are eligible to receive and they will continue to
receive appropriate support and/or interventions. Teachers will report how they
are performing as measured against content standards, when those standards are
not aligned with the grade level they are assigned, parents will be notified that the
student proficiency report is for a standard other than that of the assigned grade.
All students benefit from having well developed lesson plans, quality instruction,
and assessment that informs instruction and provides meaningful, accurate
feedback regarding their learning.
Q: Will students have to be “perfect” to get a 4?
A: No, students do not have to be perfect. In order to score a 4, a student would
have to show learning that goes above and beyond the criteria for the learning
target. It would reflect in-depth understanding of content and/or excellence in
demonstration or communication of knowledge, process or skills. Realistically, a
small percentage of students will regularly score 4’s on summative assessments
the first time.