Swarm intelligence and metaheuristics for engineering

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Transcript Swarm intelligence and metaheuristics for engineering

Part I – Swarm Intelligence technicalities

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General introduction Swarm Intelligence (SI) Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) & Differential Evolution (DE) Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Artificial super-Bee enhanced Colony (AsBeC) ABC vs. AsBeC on benchmark test functions

Part II – Engineering optimization

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Contextualization of real-like problems on turbomachinery Implementing of bee colony for optimization purposes Introduction of other techniques:

Gradient Descent (GD)

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Interpolated Random Walk (IRW) Genetic Algorithm (GeDEA) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Overall comparisons Conclusive remarks



The applicative field of numerical optimization in engineering is normally characterized by simulation based problems heavily time and resource consuming (CFD, FEM, non-linear models, etc.) There is a strong need for fast techniques allowing to optimize many parameters under very few function evaluations.

Since the simulated objective function shape and properties are generally not well-known, the most widespread techniques lay in the class of metaheuristic methods and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Mainly diffused and advanced are evolutionary algorithms (GA, ES and EP) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as surrogate meta models, but also simpler approaches like random path-based methods (Hill Climber, Simulated Annealing) have been and are still used.


Another new and nature-inspired strategy to be considered is the promising Swarm Intelligence (SI). At first, swarm methods could not appear suited, since a colony needs multiple function evaluation at every optimization step, without any guaranteed improvement of the solution. Although some researchers have proven brilliant performance .

SI class gathers a lot of different algorithms, among which Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Differential Evolution (DE) and especially other very recent developments like Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) seems to offer excellent qualities.

Starting from ABC and limiting the total number of function evaluations, my research was focused on modifying the original algorithm in order to increase its speed and solution accuracy. The final up-to-date version of ABC is the subject of an in-dept scientific paper and is called AsBeC.


By definition is “the collective behavior of decentralized, self organized systems, natural or artificial”. The expression was introduced by Gerardo Beni and Jing Wang in 1989, in the context of cellular robotic systems. In principle, it should be a multi-agent self-organized system that shows some intelligent behavior.

SI systems are population-based and consist typically of a collection of simple agents or bird-like-objects (boids), interacting locally with one another and with their environment. The agents follow very simple rules to move in their neighborhood and although there is no centralized control structure the interactions between such agents let emerge an "intelligent" global behavior. The inspiration often comes from nature, especially biological systems. Natural examples of SI include ant colonies, bird flocking, animal herding, bacterial growth, and fish schooling.


Ant colony optimization (ACO)

Gravitational search algorithm (GSA)

Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) & Firefly Algorithm (FA)

Intelligent water drops (IWD) & River Formation Dynamics (RFD)

Stochastic diffusion search (SDS)


Firstly introduced by James Kennedy and Russel Ebhart in 1995, it is an algorithm capable of optimizing non-linear and multidimensional problems. It usually reaches good solutions efficiently while requiring minimal parameterization. The basic concept is to create a swarm of particles which move in the problem space searching for the place which best suits their fitness function. There are two main ideas behind its optimization properties:

A single particle can determine how good its current position is. It benefits not only from its space exploration knowledge but also from the knowledge shared by the other particles

A stochastic factor in each particle's velocity makes them move through unknown problem space regions. This property combined with a good initial distribution of the swarm enable an extensive exploration of the problem space




Good explorative skills but poor local search for refinement, so slow convergence rate, and possibility to get trapped in local minima if the swarm clusters to early (premature convergence or collapse)

Local Best This variation reduces the sharing of information between particles to a smaller neighborhood, overlapping the congregations in order to enable convergence to the global best. This version is slower to converge but it is less susceptible to local minima[

Inertia Weight This variation aims to balance the exploitation of good solutions and the exploration of new areas, by multiplying the momentum component in velocity formulation by a specific inertia weight 0.9


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Antennas Biomedical Control Design Distribution Networks & Artificial Neural Networks Electronics and Electromagnetics Engines and Motors Fuzzy and Neuro-fuzzy Image, Graphics , Video and Visualization Metallurgy Power Systems and Plants Prediction and Forecasting Robotics Scheduling Signal Processing


Differential Evolution optimizes a problem by iteratively trying to improve a candidate solution with regard to a given measure of quality. Typical example of metaheuristic:

It make no assumptions about the problem being optimized

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It can search very large spaces It does not guarantee an optimal solution is ever found DE is used for multidimensional real-valued functions but does not use the gradient. DE can therefore be used on optimization problems that are discontinuous, noisy, change over time, etc.

DE maintains a population of candidate solutions and creates new candidates by combining existing ones according to a simple formulae. If the new position of an agent is an improvement it is accepted and forms part of the population, otherwise it is simply discarded.



The algorithm was developed by Karaboga in 2005. It is one of the newest and most promising nature-inspired metaheuristic, which combines PSO and DE. It reproduces the behavior of a honey bee colony searching the best nectar source into a target area. Some bees (employees) are each assigned to a food source and search the space near it (exploration). Then they come back to the hive and communicate by dancing the position of the best food sources found to other bees (onlookers), that help the first ones in the most promising regions (exploitation). Nectar sources that reveal themselves non-productive are abandoned in place of eventual new fruitful positions, investigated by a travelling bee (scout).

In optimization context food sources represents input configurations and the comparisons among them is based on the objective function to optimize; non-productive food sources represent configuration not improved for some time.



ABC algorithm tries to balance exploration and exploitation, offering worthy global and local search skills at once. If compared with other competitive methods (genetic, PSO and its variants and also FA) ABC demonstrates high-quality, speed, robustness and flexibility for a great variety of optimization problems. The main qualities of the algorithm are the following:

Simple and easy to implement

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It can be parallelized It can be hybridized

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It needs few control parameters It is flexible and robust to wide range of problems While the deficiencies can be outlined in:

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No exploitation of the history of points analyzed Local search and refinement skills are less efficient with respect to global search attitude



The bee movement in for the food source j is based on the modification on a single parameter i, chosen randomly between all the possible ones. Another food source k≠j is chosen randomly and the new position x

j new

(i) for the bee associated to the food source j is: For as regards onlookers, they are assigned to food sources by a stochastic rule, assuming a certain probability p


related with a fitness value of the configuration x


of the food source j: Where SN is the food sources number and fit(x


) is inversely proportional to the objective function f(x


). Usually fit is set as:


Since the original paper by Karaboga many researches on the topic were developed, but no one underlines a performance gain even with few function evaluations. This framework motivates the willingness of introducing and analyzing modifications effective with small bee colonies and few iterations. Some of the improvements here applied exploits the basic principles brought in standard ABC by other authors, but some others introduce novel ideas. These technologies allow to address ABC deficiencies.

The technologies presented try to speed up the best solutions in their neighborhood, without clustering the swarm and leading to premature overall convergence. In fact, the aim of this work is to improve the local search skills of original ABC (exploitation) without worsening its global attitude (exploration), especially during the first search phases.


The technologies have been classified into two main groups, that explain the name of the new algorithm: Artificial super-Bee enhanced Colony (AsBeC).


Enhancements These are modifications that do not alter the architecture of the original ABC, but make it work in a slight different way to match specific goals, such as improve the velocity on the short optimization period:

Each squad of bees can have more time to evolve their nectar sources (Postponed hive dance)

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Exploration can be privileged setting more than one parameter to change (Multiple parameter selection) For small swarms, the exploitation of the best food sources can be privileged, penalizing always the worst ones (Strictly biased onlooker assignment ) The scout can be relocated in a range that depends on the position of the food sources (Smart scout repositioning)



Hybridizations: super-bee concept These technologies alter the original pseudo-random movement of the bees, trying to accelerate the optimization process and its accuracy. Therefore with these modification a bee assumes new abilities and it will be called super-bee:

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The local behavior of the objective function can be estimated by linearity (Opposite principle) A further evolution is to approximate local concavity of the objective function (Second order interpolation)

Data history can be used to make a prediction of the next best search direction (Prophet) All the possible combination of technologies were tested in order to capture all the interactions between them. A statistical analysis on results obtained for an extensive benchmark test bed allows to select the best combination among the dominating solutions.



A set of 10 analytical mathematical test functions have been selected as a benchmark. Even if this set is far from represent a good sample of real-world numerical optimizations, it tries to gather many characteristics that appear in engineering problems. It contains unimodal, multimodal, separable and not-separable functions with domain dimensions between 5 and 50. It contains functions with few far local minima, thousands of closed local minima, stochastic noise and very narrow holes.

Function name Sphere Dixon – Price Schwefel Stochastic Styblinski Tang (15% noise) Levy Rastrigin Perm Rosenbrock Ackley Griewank Characteristics US UN MS MS MS MS MN MN MN MN Dimension 50 20 5 5 10 10 5 10 10 30 Range for each dimension -100


Sphere Schwefel Dixon-Price Styblinski Tang


Levy Perm Rastrigin Rosenbrock


Ackley Griewank


For each test function and for each configuration of technologies were performed 300 runs with a colony of 16 bees, limit parameter equal to 10 and 100 overall iterations, corresponding to a maximum of 1600 function evaluation. MATLAB® coding.

We analyzed the gain G with respect to the standard ABC, intended to be a delta performance estimator and defined as: Starting from the previous it is possible to derive the Mean Logarithmic Gain (MLG) over all the benchmark functions:



Postponed hive dance Check=3 Opposition principle + Second order interpolation Strictly biased onlooker assignment Prophet Step=0.5



Since a modern workstation offers great calculation power thanks to numerous processing units, it is straightforward to take advantage of this technology even without make use of distributed computing or clusters. As a consequence, the serial AsBeC code have been modified into parallel versions. Number of onlookers, employees and food sources is taken equal to 8. The same optimization procedure can be carried out in up to 8 times less with a swarm of 16 elements. In case where function evaluation is the bottleneck with respect to the threads creation and communications, then parallelization factor is close to 8.

Three possible parallelization of bee-colony based algorithm, already presented in literature, are considered. They will be implemented together with AsBeC technologies.


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Multi-start parallel approach It is the simplest way to take advantages from parallelization, consisting in running many independent instances of the optimization process in parallel, with different random seeds. Multi-swarm parallel approach It is thought to be a better way to exploit the Multi-Start parallel approach considering the same number of total function evaluations. Multi-Swarm comprises communication among the different colony that are running in parallel.

Bee-by-Bee parallel approach In the BbB half the colony moves all together in parallel. Losses in performance are expected since there is no improvement communication during the 8 parallel runs and no sequential adjourning of upgraded food sources. The colony convergence slows down but its explorative skills are intensified. This approach is affordable when time bottleneck are not in threads communication but in function evaluation.






Tests with 10^5 function evaluations


Rastrigin function 2D, -2<x


<3 ABC AsBeC



Modern aeronautic Low Pressure gas Turbines (LPTs) for aeronautics are already characterized by high quality standards, thus they offer very narrow margins of improvement. Typical design process starts with a Concept Design (CD) phase, defined using mean-line 1D and other low-order tools, and evolves through a Preliminary Design (PD) phase, which allows the geometric definition in details.


In this framework, the intensive application and tuning of multidisciplinary high-performance and multi-objective optimization strategies is the only way to properly handle the complicated peculiarities of the design.

During the years, different strategies and algorithms that have been implemented, from the simplest to the forefront ones:

A basic gradient method;

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A path-based semi-random second order method, Interpolated Random Walk (IRW); Multi-objective Genetic Diversity Evolutionary Algorithm (GeDEA, University of Padua, Prof. E. Benini and Dr. L. Dal Mas);

A multi-objective response surface approach based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Latin Optimal Hypercube (LOH);

The brand new AsBeC algorithm, SI of bee colony.

Parallelization, speedup arrangements and hybrid strategies.


PD phase was selected as a real-like design benchmark to illustrate results. In this phase, 3D blade’s local geometries (typically 5%, 50% and 95%) are refined by means of Q3D CFD simulations (from ~15 [s] to ~30 [m] per run).


In the PD framework, two different type of optimization problems have been addressed in single row environment:

Fitting operations 3D/Q3D It ensures a reliable geometry optimization, consisting in overlapping the isentropic 3D/Q3D Mach profiles. Challenging 5 dimensional quasi mono-objective optimization problem, characterized by jagged and very large boundaries not well known. The solution may not be unique and the domain space usually presents many minima with close objective function.

Geometrical optimization Core of the PD phase. Inherently multi-objective with strongly contrasting targets, but easy-knowable boundaries to set for feasibility. Typically multidisciplinary, at least aero-mechanical, it is a 6 dimensional problem and 3 reference objective are set: efficiency, target area and Mach+Convergence.


Fitting 3D/Q3D Geometrical optimization

Radius at Leading Edge Axial Chord

Tangential Chord Unguided Turning Inlet Blade angle Inlet Wedge Angle Leading Edge Radius

Exit Blade Angle Radius at Trailing Edge

Number of Blades(*) Throat(*) Leading Edge Eccentricity

Trailing Edge Eccentricity 45

HUB section is selected as real-like example benchmark for ABC vs. AsBeC comparisons. 24 identical runs was performed for serial and MS versions and then averaged; at least 8 runs for BbB.

Fitting results are presented for ~100 function evaluations (serial) and ~550 (parallel), corresponding to 30 [m] of machine time.


Fitting problem represent one of the severest test case to be fine solved quickly for population-based algorithms, due to boundary settings. Path-based algorithm (IRW) are advantaged.

Bee colony range independence is impressive, higher for AsBeC than ABC, especially if compared to GeDEA. To prove this statement, three set of Boundaries have been considered and optimization procedures re-performed for averaged results.


Large Narrow Custom Da 5 ° 3 ° 5 °

K 33 K 66 K TE


P out

20% 20% 20% 10% 5% 5% 5% 1% 15% 10% 15% 3%

V [-]

4.00E-03 3.75E-06 3.38E-04



Standard deviation of final ErrorRatio [-] against Range setting

