Transcript Slide 1

(Control of Hazardous Energy)
Suzanne Reister/Paula Vanderpool
North Central ESD 171
To acquaint you
with DOSH’s
lockout and
tagout rules,
WAC 296-803,
as they apply to
school districts.
What will be covered
Energy sources
LO/TO definitions
Lockout devices
Energy Control program requirements
LO/TO procedures
Employee training requirements
Required periodic reviews
How to use the sample plan
To whom these provisions apply
The requirements apply to the service and
maintenance of machines and equipment in
which the unexpected energization or start up of
the machine or equipment or release of stored
energy could cause injury to employees.
It establishes the requirements to ensure that
equipment or systems are isolated from all
potentially hazardous energy and are locked out
or tagged out before any employees provide any
service or maintenance.
Energy sources
Electricity - live or stored
Live electrical lines
Electrical capacitors
Moving machinery parts
Stored mechanical movement machinery
Engines that move machinery parts
Energy sources
3. Chemical
Chemical in pipelines under pressure or
force or gravity
4. Thermal (hot or cold)
Stored heat (steam lines or hot liquid)
5. Hydraulic
(pressurized liquid)
Hydraulic lifts
Energy sources
6.Pneumatic (pressurized gas or air)
Pneumatic (air pressure) lines
7.Other energy, including gravity
What kinds of injuries can
happen from hazardous energy
• Electrocution from live parts
• Scalding from steam or hot liquids
• Chemical burns or poisoning
• From machinery: Deep cuts and gashes,
crushing injuries, amputations
A man working inside a supermarket cardboard
compactor was crushed when the unblocked
compactor suddenly came down on top of him.
Lockout - The placement of a lockout device
on an energy isolating device so that the
equipment being controlled cannot be
operated until the lockout device is
Tagout - The placement of a tagout device to
an energy isolating device to indicate that
the equipment being controlled may not be
operated until the tagout device is removed.
Note: Lockout must be used if available.
An energy-isolating device
A device that physically prevents
transmission or release of energy,
such as:
An electrical circuit breaker
• A pipeline valve
A machine block
• Anything that positively blocks or
isolates energy
Means to control energy
Ways to isolate, secure or block machines and
equipment from energy sources
Blind flanges
Self-locking fasteners
Adapter pins
Key blocks
A lockout device
A device that positively:
Prevents a machine from being started
up or turned on,
• Prevents a machinery part from
Prevents electrical energizing,
Blocks a pipeline, steam line or air line
Lockout devices must be distinctive
in design and durable
Electrical lockout devices
Plug lockout
Locked out electrical
panel (group lockout
Locked out circuit
breaker (permanent
Note - There is an
exemption for
electrical cords if
always under the
control of the
Fluid & gas lockout devices
Pipe flange
Gate valve cover
lockout device
Ball valve lockout
Tags are warning devices only.
They don’t provide the same level of protection as
lockout devices.
They can only be removed by an authorized person.
They must be legible, securely attached and resistant to
Energy Control Program
• Must be written
• Include the scope, purpose, authorization,
rules and techniques to control hazardous
• Include specific energy control procedures
• Designate facility specific lockout and
tagout devices
• Delineate employee training
• Inform contractors of district’s procedures
• Annually review effectiveness of lockout
and tagout procedures
Energy control procedures
• Used to protect employees servicing or
maintaining equipment from potentially
hazardous energy.
• A lockout system must be used if an energyisolating device can be locked out. If not, a
tagout system must be used.
• Similar machines and equipment may be
covered by a single written procedure if they
use the same types of energy, they have
similar controls, they are identified by type
and location.
• Order new equipment so it can be locked out.
Energy control procedures
• Must clearly and specifically outline the scope,
purpose, authorization, rules and techniques to
control hazardous energy and how you’ll make sure
employees follow the procedures.
• Specify:
– When the procedure must be used
– What the procedures are for shutting down, isolating,
blocking and securing the equipment and for placing,
removing, and transferring lockout or tagout devices and
who is responsible for them
– How to test the equipment to verify effectiveness of
Energy control procedures - exemption
Written energy control procedures are not required if all
these are true:
• The equipment has only one energy source
• Locking out the single energy source completely deenergizes
• There is no stored or residual energy
• The single energy source can be locked out with a single
lockout device
• The equipment is isolated and locked out during service or
• The authorized employee performing the service or
maintenance has exclusive control of the lockout device
• Service or maintenance doesn’t create a hazard for other
• The equipment has never unexpectedly energized or activated
during service or maintenance.
School equipment that may
require lockout/tagout
HVAC equipment, fans and heater
Motorized equipment
Boilers and pressure vessels
Hard-wired electrical lights
Pumps and pressurized tanks
Hard-wired shop equipment
Kitchen equipment
Overhead lights and electrical outlets
Lockout/tagout is required
When someone will be servicing or
repairing machinery or equipment
the unexpected machinery start-up
or release of stored energy could
cause injury
This includes installing, constructing,
adjusting, modifying, unjamming,
cleaning, lubrication, inspecting,
and/or setup.
Lockout/tagout procedures
1. Notify affected employees that machine or
equipment will be shut down and
locked/tagged out
2. Shut down the machinery or equipment
3. Isolate energy sources with energy-isolating
4. Lockout/tagout energy-isolating devices with
assigned locks/tags
1 employees
Shut down
5. Release or restrain stored or residual energy
6. Test machinery to make sure it can’t start up
before starting work
Then begin work!
Startup procedures
(Removing LO/TO devices)
• Only the authorized employee can do startup
• All are warned to stay clear
• Remove all tools, locks and tags
• Remove, reverse, open or reactivate isolating
• Visually check that all is clear
• Start up machine, process or line flow
Other lockout/tagout issues
Considerations for shift changes • Ensure the orderly transfer of LO/TO
protection and devices
Considerations for employees in groups • Ensure that everyone uses LO/TO, and that a primary
authorized employee is responsible for the group
Contractor or outside service personnel • Inform outside workers of the district LO/TO procedures
and ensure they are followed
Who needs training
Authorized employees – People who lock or tag out
machines or equipment to perform servicing.
They need in-depth training in hazards and protective
• To understand the purpose and function of the ECP
• To know energy control procedures
• To be able to appropriately use lockout/tagout devices
• For each type of equipment or machine serviced
or maintained, to know:
– The type and magnitude of energy
– The hazards of the energy to be controlled
– The methods or means to control the energy
Who needs training, continued
Affected employees – People who use machines or
equipment on which servicing is performed under
Other employees – People who work in the area of
locked out machinery or equipment.
These employees need awareness training that
• ECP procedures and protective systems being used
• Prohibition against bypassing lockout/tagout
• Recognize lockout/tagout devices used
Note: This awareness training can be done as part of
new employee safety orientation
Other LO/TO training
Additional required training for tagout
• To ensure that employees understand that tags
are warning devices only and not as protective as
• How to use tags, which may be placed differently
than locks
Retrain when needed
• When new equipment is installed
• When energy control procedures are revised
• When employees don’t follow EC procedures
Periodic reviews of energy
control procedures
* Required at least annually
* Done by an authorized employee (not doing
LO/TO at the time)
* Review of whether employees follow district
energy control procedures
* Review both lockout and tagout practices
* Document reviews (see sample form)
How to modify the sample plan
˚ Add your school district name (and
page numbers may be helpful)
˚ Complete “LO/TO Energy Source
Determination” forms for all
equipment or machines that
employees may maintain or service
The Control of Hazardous Energy
˚ Determine authorized employees
˚ Establish employee training (for authorized
employees and others)
˚ Designate a qualified person to do periodic
inspections and annual review