Why Not Store Everything in Main Memory? Why use disks?

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Transcript Why Not Store Everything in Main Memory? Why use disks?

The terminology used in this section is that all users (online interactive users or batch programs)
issue transactions to the DBMS.
A TRANSACTION is an atomic unit of database work specified to the DBMS.
Transactions are often called QUERIES when they request only read access (i.e., QUERIES are
A transaction is issued using constructs such as reserved words,
BEGIN to initiate a transaction (most actual system supply the BEGIN if the user doesn't, e.g.,
whenever a new SQL statement is encountered it is assumed to iniate a new transaction)
END to end a transaction (usually either COMMIT for successful END and ABORT for
unsuccessful END) (most actual system supply this element if the user doesn't, e.g., If SQL
statement execution is successful, Then DBMS supplies COMMIT, else ABORT)
READ whenever any data is needed from the DB (e.g., in an SQL SELECT)
WRITE whenever any data needs to be written to the DB (e.g., in an SQL INSERT or UPDATE)
In this set of notes, all others aspects of language, coding, etc. will be considered as unintrepreted aspects.
For the purposes of transaction management (Concurrency Control and Recovery) we only need
to consider this level of detail.
Transactions cont.
ATOMIC unit of work means that the DBMS guarantees that unit will be done to
completion or not at all (in which case, the DB and User community will be left just
as they were when the request came. i.e., as if the unit of work never existed)
A Transaction is defined by all work specified between a BEGIN statement and the next
encountered END (either COMMIT or ABORT)
When a transaction arrives at the DBMS, a Transaction Manager (TM) is assigned to
it (code segment to act on its behalf). The TM interfaces with other components,
e.g., the Scheduler (SCHED) for permission to access particular data items
SCHED is like a policeman, giving permission to access the requested item(s). Its
activity is called concurrency control.
Once permission is granted for TM to access data items Data Manager (DM) does the
actual reads and writes. There are several models for describing this interaction. We
will describe two of them, Model-1 and Model-2.
Transactions Processing,
1. TM makes requests to the
SCHEDULER to read/write data
item(s) or to commit/abort the
2. Scheduler (SCHED) decides if the
request can be scheduled . If yes, it
schedules request (passes it to DM (on
TMs behalf). If no rejects it, informs
3. DM read/writes the data item or
commits or aborts the transaction if
possible, else returns reject to the
SCHEDULER (which returns it to TM)
4. DM returns the value read (or returns an
acknowledgement(ACK) of the write or
commit request to the SCHEDULER
5. SCHED returns the same to the TM.
There can be one TM multithreaded by all
transactions, or an individual TM
assigned to each individual transaction.
Transaction Manager(s)
1. read, write,
commit, abort
For 2 ,3; reject.
For 5; value,
write or
commit ack
2. read, write,
commit, abort
Data Manager
3. read, write,
Data on Disk
For 3 reject.
For 4 value,
write or
Transactions Processing, Model-2
(assumed through the rest of notes)
1. TM requests permissions from SCHED.
2. SCHED acknowledges or rejects TMs
permission requests.
3. TM requests DM to do
4. DM read/writes the data item or
commits or aborts the transaction if
possible, else returns reject to the TM.
5. DM returns the value read (or returns an
acknowledgement(ACK) of the write or
commit request to the TM
There can be one TM multithreaded by all
transactions, or an individual TM
assigned to each individual transaction.
Transaction Manager(s)
1. read, write,
commit, abort
2. ack
3. read, write,
commit, abort
Data Manager
4. read, write,
Data on Disk
5. value read
ack reject
Concurrency Control
(the activity of the scheduler, SCHED)
We need concurrency control or CC (AKA mutual exclusion) whenever
there are shared system resources that cannot be used concurrently.
An illegal concurrent use of a shared resource is a conflict, e.g., printer,
or a data item that one user wants to read and another wants to change.
IN DBMSs the shared resources we will call data items.
DATA ITEM GRANULARITY is the level at which we treat CC. The
possible Granularity levels are:
field level (logical level, very fine granularity)
record level (logical level, fine granularity)
page level (physical level, medium granularity)
file level (logical level, coarse granularity)
area level (logical level, quite coarse granularity)
database level (logical level, very coarse granularity)
Concurrency Control cont.
We will assume, that a data item is a record (i.e., we assume logical,
record-level granularity)
This means there are many more shared resources for DBMS to manage
than there are anywhere else, (e.g., printers for an O/S to manage), and
therefore, CC is a harder problem to solve in a DBMS than anywhere
A DBMS may have 1,000,000 records or more.
An O/S may have to manage ~ 50 printers.
Ethernet Medium Access Protocol (unswitched) manages ONE shared
Although you may have studied mutual exclusion before (e.g., in an
Operating Systems course it is a more complicated problem in DBMS.
Concurrency Control cont.
In any resource management situation (Operating System(OS), Network Operating
System(NOS) or DBMS...) there are "shared resources" and there are "users"
SHARED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: How can the system insure
correct access to shared resources among concurrently executing transactions?
All answers seem to come from traffic control and managment! (traffic intersections or
construction zones or driveup windows). The are in two categories:
WAITING POLICY: If a needed resource is unavailable, requester waits until it
becomes available (e.g., intersection red light, Hardees drive up lane). This is how
print jobs are managed by an OS
Advantages: NO RESTARTING (no unnecessary loss of progress) e.g., At Hardees,
they don't say "Go home! Come back later!
Disadvantages: DEADLOCKS may happen unless they are managed. e.g., at a
construction zone, if the two flag women don't coordinate, both traffic lines may
start into the construction zones from opposite directions and DEADLOCK in the
middle!). Another disadvantage is INCONSISTENT RESPONSE TIMES. At the
Hardees window, you may wait an hour or a minute. (Not so important at Hardees
(well maybe it is if you're very hungry? ;-), but it is very important at, e.g., at your
local Emergency Room).
Concurrency Control cont.
SHARED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: How can the system insure
correct access to shared resources among concurrently executing transactions?
All answers seem to come from traffic control and managment! (traffic intersections or
construction zones or driveup windows). The second of the two categories is:
RESTART POLICY: If a needed resource is unavailable, then the requester terminates
the request and restarts requesting later. e.g., When someone goes before the parole
board: They either get their request or they restart the process later (much later? ;-(
In Ethernet (unswitched) CSMA/CD, if node A wants to send a message to node B:
1. Carrier Sense (the "CS" part): the wire is checked for traffic; if it is busy (in use
by another sender), A waits (according to some "back-off algorithm") then checks
again, etc. until the wire is idle, then SENDs the message.
2. Collision Detection (the "CD" part): listen to bus until you're certain that your
message did not collide with another concurrently sent message (the required length
of wait time is the traversal_time of wire, since there are terminators (absorbers) at
each end).
Advantages of restart policies: simple, no deadlock
Disadvantages: Lower throughput, lost progress, long delays?, possible livelock.
Concurrency Control cont.
A Transaction = A computation or program taking the database from one consistent
state to another (without necessarily preserving consistency at each step of the way).
The transaction is an atomic unit of database work, ie, DBMS executes transaction
to completion or not at all, GUARANTEED. If only one transaction is allowed to
execute at time and if the database starts in a consistent state (obeying all Integrity
Constraints or ICs) then it will always end up in a consistent state! The problem is,
the above SERIAL EXECUTION is much too inefficient!
A DBMS (is supposed to) guarantee the ACIDS PROPERTIES of transactions:
ATOMICITY: A transaction is an all-or-nothing proposition. Either a transaction is
executed by the DBMS to completion or all of its effects are erased completely.
(Transaction = atomic unit of database workload).
CONSISTENCY: Correct Transactions take the database from one consistent state to
another consistent state. Consistency is defined in terms of consistency constraints
or "integrity constraints", e.g., entity integrity, referential integrity, other integrities.
ISOLATION: Each user is given the illusion of being the sole user of the system (by
the concurrency control subsystem).
DURABILITY: The effects of a transaction are never lost after it is "committed" by the
DBMS. (ie, after a COMMIT request is acked by DBMS).
CC execution types
SERIAL EXECUTION insures most of the ACID properties (Consistency and
isolation for sure. It also helps in atomicity and durability). i.e., queue all
transactions as they come in (into a FIFO queue?). Let each transaction execute to
completion before the next even starts. Serial execution may produce unacceptable
execution delays (i.e., long response times) and low system utilization.
SERIALIZABLE EXECUTION is much, much better! Concurrent execution of
multiple transactions is called serializable if the effect of the execution of operations
(reads and writes) within the transactions are sequenced in a way that the result is
equivalent to some serial execution (i.e., is as if it was done by a serial execution of
transaction operations). Serializability facilitates ATOMICITY, CONSISTENCY
and ISOLATION of concurrent, correct transactions, just as well as SERIAL does,
but allow much higher system throughput.
RECOVERABILITY facilitates DURABILITY (more on this later). An execution is
RECOVERABLE if every transactions that commits, commits only after every
other transaction it read-from is committed.
Isolation Levels
SQL defines execution types or levels of isolation weaker than SERIALIZABILITY
(they do not guarantee ACIDS properties entirely, but they are easier to achieve).
REPEATABLE READ ensures that no value read or written by a transaction, T, is
changed by any other transaction until T is complete; and that T can read only
changes made by committed transactions.
READ COMMITTED ensures that no value written by a transaction, T is changed by
any other transaction until T is complete; and that T can read only changes made by
committed transactions.
READ UNCOMMITTED ensures nothing (T can read changes made to an item by an
ongoing trans and the item can be further changed while T is in progress.
There will be further discussion on these later in these notes. For now, please note there
are several suggested paper topics in the topics file concerning isolation levels. But
also note that I think these other isolation levels are bunk!
Concurrent Transactions
are transactions whose executions overlaps in time (the individual operations
(read/write of a particular data item) may be interleaved in time). Again, the only
operations we concern ourselves with are BEGIN, READ, WRITE, COMMIT,
READ and WRITE are the operations that apply to data items. A data item can be a
field, record, file, area or DB (logical granules) or page (physical granule). We
assume record-level granularity.
A read(X) operation, reads current value of the data item, X, into a program variable
(which we will also called X for simplicity). Even though we will not concern our
selves with these details in this section, read(X) includes the following steps: 1. Find
the address of the page containing X. 2. Copy that page to a main memory buffer
(unless it is already in memory). 3. Copy the value of the dataitem, X, from the
buffer to the program variable, X
The write(X) operation, writes the value of the program variable, X, into the database
item X. It includes the following steps: 1. Find the address of the page containing X
2. Copy that page to a main memory buffer (unless it is already in memory). 3. Copy
the program variable, X, to buffer area for X. 4. Write the buffer back to disk (can
be deferred and is governed by DM).
Concurrent Transactions
DBMSs should guarantee ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation, Durability).
This is typically done by guaranteeing the condition of
SERIALIZABLILTY introduced above.
- Database operations are scheduled so that changes to the database
and output to users is equivalent to the changes and outputs of SOME
serial execution. If each transaction is correct by itself (takes a correct
database state to another correct state), then a serial sequence of such
transactions will be correct also. Thus, serializable executions or
histories guarantee correctness.
Some important example of "incorrectness" problems, which can happen
without proper concurrency control: Allowing arbitrary interleaving of
operations from concurrent transactions. (Note: We introduce Two
Phase Locking concurrency control as solutions.)
Some Problems that must be solved
Tammy deposits 500 while Jimmy deposits 1000 in their joint account.
@ - - @
@ ` ~ '
.( )---|$500|
.' |
/ `.
| o o |
` - '
( ) `.
| |
Trans1deposit $500
Trans2deposit $1000
workspace of Trans1
workspace of Trans2
1st action:
$2000  $2000
2nd add 500: $2500
3rd Trans1 times is up and is swapped out.
$3000 1000++
Trans2 time is up and is swapped out.
$2500  $2500
Lost update SOLUTION?
: Each transaction must obtain a "lock"
on an item (access permission from the scheduler) before accessing the item.
@ - - @
| o o |
@ ` ~ '
` - '
.( )---|$500|
.' |
( ) `.
/ `.
| |
T1 (dep $500)
T2 (dep $1000
workspace of T1
workspace of T2
lock acct - ->
$2000 <- - $2000
2. add 500: $2500
$2500 - -> $2500
unlock acct
<- -
lock acct
$2500 - - - -> $2500
$3000 1000++
$3500 <- - - - $3500
unlock acct
Concurrent Transactions cont.
Concurrent reads (we will call it a read-read) by two transactions, T1 and T2, to the same
data item can be done in either order (no conflict exists).
If T1: read1(x) and T2: read2(x) are concurrent, then in terms of changes to the database
(none are made here) and messages to users (2 are made here), the same "effect" is
produced regardless of order of execution of read operations.
Concurrent read-write or write-write to the same data produce different results
depending on the order (that is, there is a conflict. a conflict exists iff at least one
operation is a write and the operations access the same item). Even if the operations
themselves (the individual reads and writes) are made atomic by the Buffer
Manager, there can still be "conflict" because different transaction results can occur.
If T1: write1(x) and T2: read2(x) are concurrent, then in terms of changes to the database
(one is made here) and messages to users (one is made here), different "effects" are
produced by the 2 orders of execution of the operations. i.e., if write1(x) is done first,
T2 will get the value written to X by T1, while if write1(x) is done second, T2 gets the
initial value of X.
If T1: write1(x) and T2: write2(x) then in terms of changes to the database (two are made
here), different "effects" are produced by the 2 orders of execution of the operations.
i.e., if write1(x) is done last, the database will be left with the value written by T1,
while if write2(x) is done last, the database will be left with the value written by T2.
Concurrent Transactions cont.
Therefore, sometimes, to improve performance, we distinguish between locks for readonly access and locks for write-access by having two types of locks:
A lock for read-only access is a read-lock or shared-lock (SLOCK).
A lock of write-access is a write-lock or exclusive-lock (XLOCK).
SLOCKS are "compatible" with each other or "non-conflicting": if an SLOCK is held
on a data item, another trans can be granted a concurrent an SLOCK on that item.
XLOCKS are "incompatible" or "conflicting": if an XLOCK is held on a data item,
another trans cannot be granted a concurrent XLOCK nor a concurrent SLOCK.
Therefore the compatibility table is:
The conflict table is:
\Requester >
vvvvvvvv\________ >________________ |______
| yes
| no
| no
| no
\Requester >
vvvvvvvv\________ >________________ |______
| no
| yes
| yes
| yes
Both the Compatibility and Conflict tables give the very same information.
Sometimes it will be given as a compatibility table and sometimes as a conflict table.
Is locking with SLOCKS and XLOCKS enough Concurrency Control? NO!
Problems that must be solved
e.g., Tammy transfers $100 from savings to checking, concurrently
the bank is running an audit on the 2 accounts (summing accounts)
Inconsistent retrieval
@ - - @
@` - '
.( )-|100 |
.' | |____|
/ `.
T1 (transfer)
T1 write_locks checking
(Is locking enough CC? NO!)
< $> |
|Ch__ |
| |
T2 (audit)
500 400
- 400
500 T1
writes, then releases Xlock on CHECKING
T2 read_locks savings
800 T2 reads SAVINGS, then
release Slock->800
400 T2 Slocks CHECKING, reads then
then releases Slock->400
= 1200
T1 write_locks savings
800 <900
- ------------->
800 Xlock released
SOLUTION? 2-Phase Locking (2PL)
Each transaction must acquire all its
locks before releasing any of its locks (sequential ACQUIRE and RELEASE phases).
@ - - @
@` - '
.( )-|100 |
.' | |____|
/ `.
T1 (transfer)
< $> |
|Ch__ |
| |
T1 write_locks checking
500 400
- 400
500 hold
T2 (audit)
T2 read_locks savings
800 Slock - - > 800
400 T2 unable to Slock Checking!!
T1 unable to Xlock savings
Is 2PL enough? NO.
Uncommited Dependency or Cascading Abort Problem
Tammy deposits 500,
Jimmy deposits 1000,
Tammy's transaction aborts, after Jimmy's commits.
Note: In order it accommodate transaction "abort" or "rollback", must use
Write-Ahead Logging (WAL):
A changed database item cannot be written to the database disk until the "before value"
(the value before the change took place) has been "logged" to secure storage (the
system log - on a separate disk).
Then to rollback a transaction, simply restore all the before values for every item written
by that transaction (by searching the log for those before values).
Uncommitted Retrieval (or Cascading Rollback)
@ - - @
@ ` ~ '
.( )---|$500|
.' |
/ `.
| o o |
` - '
( ) `.
| |
T1 (dep $500)
T2 (dep $1000
workspace of T1
workspace of T2
2. add 500: $2000
$2500 <- ->
- $2500
(T1 Unlocks account, then T1 swapped out)
$2500 - - - -> $2500
$3500 <- - - - $3500 T2
5. T1 aborts (terminal gets hung?)
before value, $2000 -> $2000
2PL solves inconsistent retrieval, but deadlock management is also
required. Solution: Conservative2PL (C2PL) or Strict2PL (S2PL)
End point
End point
End point
2-Phase Locking (commonly called "2PL") Locking as above, with
the additional condition that each transaction must acquire all its
locks before releasing any of its locks.
Point in time at which a transaction releases it's first lock is called
In 2PL systems, the serial order to which the serializable order is
equivalent, is lockpoint order.
Is Two-Phase Locking (2PL) enough concurrency control? NO!
In the above examples, an impasse has been reached! (called
So Two-Phase Locking (2PL) is still not enough concurrency control.
Deadlock management is also needed.
Locking review
To review:
LOCKING: A TM must acquire a lock (XLOCK to write, SLOCK to read if there are 2
MODES, else, just a LOCK, if there is only 1 MODE) from the SCHEDULER (model-1)
or LOCK MANAGER (model-2) before the operation request can be sent to the DATA
MANAGER by the SCHEDULER (Model-1 or the LOCK MGR (Model-2)
The DATA MANAGER will return the value_read for a READ operation or an
Acknowledgement (Ack) for WRITE/COMMIT/ABORT operations.
TM request the RELEASE of all locks (to the SCHEDULER/LCOK_MGR RELEASE) on
or before the transaction ENDs.
TWO PHASE LOCKING (2PL): For a given transaction, all locks must be acquired before
any are releasing any.
STRICT TWO PHASE LOCKING (S2PL): All locks are RELEASE request are made at
transaction END (COMMIT/ABORT) .
operation request are sent to the DATA MGR.
Deadlock Management
Deadlocks can occur when a WAITING POLICY is used for CC.
How can deadlocks be
PREVENTED (precluding the possibly of one ever happening),
AVOIDED (taking corrective action when one is imminent) or
RESOLVED (detecting existing deadlocks and resolving them (periodically)?
First, a useful tool for studying deadlock mgmt is the WAIT-FOR-GRAPH or
WFG which has a node for each transaction that is involved in a wait an edge
from each waiting transaction (the holder) to the transaction it is waiting for
T2 The WFG in the 2PL example above.
Formal Definition: A DEADLOCK is a cycle in the Wait-For-Graph.
It is sometimes useful to label edges with item involved
This is called a binary cycle (2 transactions)
Deadlock Management cont.
Cycles in the WEG can have lengths
greater than 2, of course, e.g. length=4
T1 is waiting on T2 for a
T2 is waiting on T3 for b
T3 is waiting on T4 for c
T4 is waiting on T1 for d.
Deadlock Prevention Action is taken to prevent even the possibility of a deadlock.
E.g., flu shot is a preventative action (you may not have gotten the flu anyway)
1. Transaction Scheduling (all transactions obtain access to all needed data items
before beginning execution.). Transaction Scheduling:
a. prevents deadlocks (C2PL is a transaction scheduling mechanism).
b. comes from construction zone management:
Construction Zone
Need GO permission from both flag persons before proceeding into the zone.
Deadlock Prevention Action is taken to prevent even the possibility of a deadlock.
2. Serial Execution (prevents deadlock)
3. Wond-Wait and Wait-Die are timestamp-based prevention methods to decide
who can wait whenever a conflict arizes. Timestamp = unique ordinal
transaction-id or "stamp" (usually start-time i.e., DoB (Date of Birth), so we
can talk about one transaction being "older than" another, meaning its
timestamp is lower (born before the other) ).
WOUND_WAIT: When a requesting trans (the requester) finds that the requested
data item is held by another trans (the holder): if REQUESTER is OLDER
(has lower timestamp), then REQUESTER WOUNDS HOLDER, else
REQUESTER WAITS; where WOUND means holder is given a short time to
finish with the item, otherwise it must restart (bleeds to death from wound?)
WW is a pre-emptive method. The only waits allowed are YOUNGER
REQUESTERS waiting for OLDER HOLDERS. Assumes waits are blocking
(e.g., if requester waits, it waits idly), there is never a cycle in WFG. Why not?
M Luo, M.S. 87; M Radhakrishnan, M.S. 92; and T Wang, M.S. 96 advanced this
protocol as their M.S. theses (and also published their results).
Deadlock Prevention Action is taken to prevent even the possibility of a deadlock.
3. Wond-Wait and Wait-Die
WAIT_DIE: When a requesting transaction (the requester) finds that the
requested data item is held by another transaction (the holder):
if the REQUESTER is OLDER (has lower timestamp), then the REQUESTER
WD is non-preemptive.
W. Yao modified wound-wait and wait-die to allow forward and backward waiting
by introducing an additional parameter assigned to each waiting trans, called
"orientation". (Information Science Journal, V103:1-4, pp. 23-26, 1997.)
• Transactions given a timestamp when they arrive ….
• Ti can only wait for Tj if ts(Ti)< ts(Tj)
...else die
Wait for A
(ts =10)
Wait for C?
(ts =20)
Wait fo B
(ts =25)
(ts =22)
requests A: wait for T2 or T3 or both?
(in my html notes, I assume both)
Note: ts between
20 and 25.
(ts =25)
(ts =20)
One option: T1 waits just for T3, transaction holding lock.
But when T2 gets lock, T1 will have to die! (also lots of WFG revision)
(ts =22)
(ts =25)
(ts =20)
Another option: T1 waits for both T2, T3
E.g., (saves having to revise WFG) T1 allowed to wait iff there is at
least one younger trans wait-involved with A.
But again, when T2 gets lock, T1 must die!
(ts =22)
(ts =25)
(ts =20)
Yet another option: T1 preempts T2 (T2 is just waiting idly anyway), so T1 only
waits for T3; T2 then waits for T3
But, T2 may starve? And lots of WFG
work for Deadlock Mgr (shifting edges)
(ts =22)
(ts =25)
(ts =20)
• Transactions given a timestamp when they arrive
… ts(Ti)
• Ti wounds Tj if ts(Ti)< ts(Tj)
else Ti waits
“Wound”: Tj rolls back (if it cannot finish in small
interval of time) and gives lock to Ti
Wait A
(ts =25)
Wait C
Wait B
(ts =10)
(ts =20)
requests A: wait for T2 or T3?
(ts =15)
Note: ts between
10 and 20.
(ts =10)
(ts =20)
One option: T1 waits just for T3, transaction holding lock.
But when T2 gets lock, T1 waits for T2 and wounds T2.
Wait A
(ts =15)
(ts =10)
(ts =20)
Another option:
T1 waits for both T2, T3
T2 wounded right away!
(ts =15)
(ts =10)
(ts =20)
Yet another option: T1 preempts T2, so T1 only waits for
T3; T2 then waits for T3 and T1...  T2 is spared! Lots
of WFG work for Deadlock Mgr (shifting edges) and T2 may starve.
(ts =15)
(ts =20)
(ts =10)
Deadlock Management
Deadlocks can occur when a WAITING POLICY is used for CC.
How can deadlocks be
PREVENTED (precluding the possibly of one ever happening),
AVOIDED (taking corrective action when one is imminent) or
RESOLVED (detecting existing deadlocks and resolving them (periodically)?
deadlock AVOIDANCE (Avoiding all deadlocks. When one is about
to happen, take some action to avoid it.)
1. Request Denial:
Deny any request that would result in deadlock (This requires
having and checking a WaitForGraph (WFG) for a cycle every
time a wait is requested.)
Deadlock Management
Deadlocks can occur when a WAITING POLICY is used for CC.
How can deadlocks be
PREVENTED (precluding the possibly of one ever happening),
AVOIDED (taking corrective action when one is imminent) or
RESOLVED (detecting existing deadlocks and resolving them (periodically)?
deadlock detection and resolution techniques
All Deadlock detection/resolution protocols use the Wait-For-Graph (WFG).
Put an edge in WFG representing each new wait,
then periodic analysis WFG for cycles and if one is found,
then select a victim transaction to be restarted from each cycle (break the cycle).
Victim selection criteria can vary. S ome system use "youngest" others use
"oldest", others use "been waiting the longest time" and still others use "been
waiting the shortest time".....
Deadlock Management
RESOLVED (detecting existing deadlocks and resolving them (periodically)?
1. When a TRANSACTION BEGINs, a timeout clock is set. If transaction is still active
when the timeout clock runs down to zero, then transaction is aborted.
2. When a TRANSACTION has to WAIT, a timeout clock is set. If transaction is still
waiting when the timeout clock runs down to zero, then transaction is aborted.
(reduces timeout clock overhead). Potential improvements probably leap to mind
for 2, e.g., 2.1 only set timeout clock if the item requested is already in LockTable
(meaning that there is already a wait in progress for that item).
General Notes: Deadlock management is still a very important area of research and
there's still much to be done, even though there are many methods described in the
literature. One reason: Deadlocks which involves data distributed across a network
are a much harder problem than centralized deadlocks. Locking, as a concurrency
control method, REQUIRES a CENTRALIZED lock-table object (logically at least)
with a SINGLE THREADED lock manager (a monitor or critical section) The
Locking protocols presented above are called PESSIMISTIC.
OPTIMISTIC locking assumes there will be no conflict and then tests that assumption
for validity at COMMIT time. If assumption proved false, entire (completed)
transaction is aborted.
Other Concurrency Control Methods
Each transaction gets a unique timestamp (ts) (usually arrival time). Note that timestamps were introduced
already in the context of deadlock management schemes to accompany Locking Concurrency Control.
Now we are going to use timestamps for concurrency control itself! (no deadlock management will be
necessary here since the CC method is a "restart" method, not a "waiting" method).
BTO SCHEDULING DECISION: When Scheduler receives a READ request, it rejects it iff a YOUNGER
trans has written that item. When Scheduler receives a WRITE request, it rejects it iff a YOUNGER
transaction has written or read that item.
NOTES on BTO: Timestamp is usually "arrival time" but can be ANY linear ordering. When the
SCHEDULER rejects a request, the requesting trans restarts. BTO must also schedule accepted
operations to DM in ts order also. In order to make the SCHEDULE decisions, scheduler must know the
timestamp, ts, of last transaction to write each item and ts of last transaction to read each item. Thus, the
system must keep both of these "data-item timestamps" for EVERY data item, x, in the system, namely a
data item read timestamp, rts(x), and a data item write timestamp, wts(x). Usually these are kept right
with the data item as an part of the data item that only the system can access. That takes a lot of extra
space e.g. if there are 10 billion data items (records) in the DataBase (not uncommon), data-itemtimestamps may take up 160 GB, assuming an 8 byte ts (note that 4 bytes won't do). BTO is a pure
RESART policy (uses only restart conflict resolution. BTO CC is deadlock free (since waiting is not
used). BTO, however, can experience livelocks (trans continuously restarting for the same reason over
and over). BTO results in lower concurrency in central systems (studies have shown) BTO, works better
in distributed systems. Why? All the Scheduler has to have in order to make the scheduling decision
when a transaction, t asks for a data item, x, is the transaction-timestamp, ts(t), and data-item-writetimestamp, wts(x) (for a read request) and the data-item-read-timestamp, tts(x) (for a write request).
Other Concurrency Control Methods
ts(t) comes along with the transaction, t (part of its identifier) wts(x) and rts(x) are stored with
the data item, x, at that site.
Again, one can see, that there is system overhead in BTO since EVERY DATA ITEM has to have
a read_timestamp (rts) and a write_timestamp (wts) each could be 8 bytes, so additional 16
bytes of system data for each record.
A large database can have billions and even trillions of DATA ITEMS (Records).
By contrast, a distributed 2PL scheduler must maintain Lock Table at some 1 site. Then any
request coming from any site for data at any other site would have to be sent across the
network from the request-site to the LT-site and then the reply wold have to be sent from the
LT site to the data site(s).
However, LT is not nearly as large.
One further downside to BTO: The BTO Scheduler must submit accepted conflicting operations
to DM in ts-order BTO could issue them in a serial manner: Wait to issue next one until
previous is ack'ed. That's very inefficient! (serial execution is almost always inefficent)
Usually a complex "handshake" protocol is used to optimize this.
DO NOT CONFUSE BTO with Wound-Wait or Wait-Die Deadlock Management! Both are
timestamp-based, but BTO is Concurrency Control Scheduler, while WW/WD are deadlock
prevention methods (to go with a, e.g., 2PL scheduler)
Other Concurrency Control Methods
Optimistic Concurrency Control assumes optimistically, no conflicts will occur.
Transactions access data without getting any apriori permissions. But, a Transaction
must be VALIDATED when it completes (just prior to COMMIT) to make sure its
optimistism was correct. If not, it must abort.
VALIDATION (validation must be single threaded - a monitor or mutually excluding):
A commiting transaction is "validated" if it is in conflict with no active transaction else
it is declared "invalid" and must restarted.
So a transaction must list the data items it has accessed and the system must maintain an
up-to-date list of "active transactions" with t(ts) and accessed data-item-ids?
Basically, an optimistic concurrency control can be thought of as being BTO, in which
the "timestamping" is done at its commit time, not at start time, (transaction is
validated iff it is not "too late" accessing any of its data) since active transactions are
younger than the committing transaction.
Validation must be an atomic, single threaded process. Therefore if any active trans has
already read a item that the committing trans wants to write (all writes are delayed
until validation) it's too late for committing trans to write it in ts order and thus, must
be restarted.
Note that this is non-prememptive optimistic CC.
Other Concurrency Control Methods
CSMA/CD like CC: Need to write a simple Concurrency Controller (Scheduler) for
your boss? This is a very simple and effective SCHEDULER (no critical section
coding required) in which cooperating TMs do "self service" 2PL using the ethernet
LAN CSMA/CD protocol CSMA/CD = Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detect
CSMA/CD-Concurrency Control: A cooperating TM, t, seeks access to item, x, it will:
1. Check availability of x (analogous with "carrier sensing") (Is another trans using it in
a conflicting mode?).
2. If x is available, set lock on x (TM does this itself! in a LockTable File) else try later
(after some backoff random period).
3. Check for collision (with other cooperating trans that might have been setting
conflicting locks concurrently (analogous to "collision detecting")
4. If collision, TM removes all lock(s) it set and tries later (after some backoff period).
5. Release all locks after completion (COMMIT or ABORT) (Strict 2PL). (This is a
S2PL protocol WITHOUT an active scheduler).
Other Concurrency Control Methods
CSMA/CD like CC continued:
To make it even simpler, we can dispense with the carrier sense step:
CD-Only Method: When a cooperation trans, t, seeks access to a data item, x, it must:
2. Set lock. 3. Check for collisions. 4. If there is a collision, remove all locks and try
later (after backoff). 5. Release all locks after completion (COMMIT or ABORT).
(This is also a S2PL protocol without an active scheduler).
In fact, one can write this code in SQL, something like: Assume there is a file acting as
the LockTable, called LT, such that LT(TID, RID, MODE) where TID is column for
the Trans' ID number, RID is column for Record's ID number, and MODE is either
"shared" or "exclusive" (S or X).
Below shows some of the code for a CD-like CC Method (what additional code would
be required for a CSMA/CD like method?). If T7 (transaction with TID = 7) needs
an XLOCK on the data item with RID = (53,28), the TM for T7 issues:
INSERT INTO LT VALUES ('7', '(53,28)', 'X');
IF V = 1, THEN COMMT ELSE ABORT (try again later),
Other Concurrency Control Methods
ROLL (Request Order Link List) Concurrency Control
Another CC method that uses Cooperation Transaction Managers and no Scheduler:
(Note this technology - together with a later refinement called ROCC, is patent
pending concurrency control technology at NDSU. In reverse time order, it can be
called ROCC and ROLL Concurrency Control)
ROLL: Request Order Linked List Concurrency Control (a further enhancement of this
approach, ROCC and MVROCC are patent pending technologies at this time by
NDSU). ROLL is a generalized model which includes aspects of locking and
timestamp ordering as well as other methods.
ROLL is:
1 non-blocking (no idle waiting)
2 restart free and thus livelock free.
3 deadlock free
4 self-service for trans mgrs (no active singlethread scheduler other than an enqueue
5 very parallel (little critical sectioning)
6 ROLL is easily distributed
Other Concurrency Control Methods
ROLL (Request Order Link List) Concurrency Control
Data items are requested by a transaction using a REQUEST VECTOR (RV) bit vector.
Each data item is mapped to specific bit position using an assignment table (Domain
Vector Table or DVT).
A 1-bit at a position indicates that that item is requested by the trans and a 0-bit means it
is not requested. If read and write modes are to be distinguished, use 2 bits, a readbit and a write-bit for each item. ROLL could use a bit vector for the items to be
read, ReadVector and another bit vector for the items to be written, the WriteVector.
ROLL can be thougth of as an object in which the data structure is a queue of Request
Vectors, one for each transaction.
010010...0 Ti
|010010...0 Tj
|010010...0 Tk
Other Concurrency Control Methods
ROLL (Request Order Link List) Concurrency Control
ROLL has 3 basic methods:
POST (allows a transaction to specify its requests) POST is an atomic "enqueue"
operation (the only atomicity required the only critical section)
CHECK (determines availability). CHECK returns the logical OR of all RVs ahead of
requesters POSTED vector in the ROLL. The vector resulting from this OR
operation is (called the "Access Vector" or AV and represents a "lock table" for that
transaction (specifies which items are available and which are not). If we have a
separate ReadROLL and WriteROLL, in order to determine what can be read, a
trans CHECKs the WriteROLL only and to determine what can be written, a trans
CHECKS both WriteROLL and ReadROLL
.reCHECKing can be done any time eg., when trans finishes data items found available
on first CHECK, it would issue another CHECK expecting that some of the
previously unavailable items have become available in the interim.)
RELEASE: (releases dataitems to the next requester) RELEASE set some or all of
trans' 1-bits to 0-bits.
Other Concurrency Control Methods
ROLL (Request Order Link List) Concurrency Control
VALIDATE: (can be added for optimistic transactions)
1. Optimistic transactions would read data without POSTing
2. Optimistic transactions would buffer all writes until commit
3. Upon reading x, optimistic transaction would record rts(x), by copying the current
ROLL tail-pointer.
4. before commit, Optimistic trans would have to VALIDATE
POST its request vector
CHECK the intevening ROLL interval from its vector to its reads If there are no
intervening writes in conflict with its reads, the Transaction is valid and can be
committed, else it must be restarted.
A garbage collector can operate in the background to remove zeroed vectors.
PROBLEMS? Excessive Vector length for fine data item granularity. 1-bits are most
space efficient way to indicate a needed item. Zero-bits are unnecessary except to
maintain positional matchup. SOLUTIONS: Partitioning DB (eg, by files or even
by ranges of records within files) Designate a separate ROLL for each partition