S.A.V.E Sexual Assault and Violence Education

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Transcript S.A.V.E Sexual Assault and Violence Education

Hollie Daniels, Lauren Di Giovanni,
Nicole La Hoz, Katherine Shapiro
 Increased rate of sexual violence, and domestic violence
 Over the course of a college career the percentage of completed or
attempted rape victimization among women in higher educational
institutions might climb to between 20% and 25 % (National Institute
of Justice, 2001)
 The Justice Department estimates that fewer than 5% of completed
and attempted rapes of college women are reported to law
enforcement officials.
 Women aged 16-24 experience the highest per capita rate of
intimate partner violence (US Department of Justice, 1997)
 Battling myths about sexual assault and violence
 Violence prevention
 Increasing support and rights for
 The term “sexual assault” is defined as any “oral, anal, or
vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of
another or the anal or vaginal penetration by another with any
other object without consent” and includes gang rape,
acquaintance rape, date rape, marital rape, and stranger
rape. (State of Florida, 2013 )
 Sexual assault can occur any time of the day or night; it can
occur at home, in the work place, in social settings, and in
public places.
 Both men and women have been sexually assaulted by
strangers, people whom they have known
and trusted, and people whom they have
 Consent is informed, freely given agreement, communicated
by clearly understandable words or actions, to participate in
each form of sexual activity. Consent cannot be inferred from
silence, passivity, or lack of active resistance. Consent cannot
be given if the person is physically or mentally incapable.
 Consent cannot be given when a person is under the influence
of drugs and/or alcohol, because their physical and/or mental
capability may be impaired.
 Myth: Only certain types of women get raped. It could never
happen to me
 Reality: Anyone can be raped. Women and men from the very
young to the elderly; people of all ethnicities; socioeconomic
levels; and all sexual orientations are raped.
 Myth: Rapes are committed by strangers at night in dark
 Reality: Most rapes are committed by someone the woman
knows and at any time of day or night.
Women are raped most commonly in
their own homes.
PeaceOverViole nc e.or g
 Myth: Men rape women because they are sexually aroused or
have been sexually deprived.
 Reality: The motives for rape are complex and varied but often
include hostility against women in general, the desire to exert
power and control, the desire to humiliate and degrade, and in
some cases, the desire to inflict pain.
 Myth: Acquaintance rapes are not as serious as stranger
 Reality: Acquaintance rape is as serious as rape by a stranger.
Women who are raped by someone they know
experience a similar degree of trauma as
those raped by a stranger. Some specific
feelings may be dif ferent, but not the
severity of the feelings.
PeaceOverViole nc e.or g
 Violence Against Women Act of 1994
This act was an attempt made by the National government to
respond to the issues of sexual assault and violence in our
country. Recently reauthorized by President Obama, this Act
serves to provide services and justice for those who have been
 Jeanne Clery Act of 1991 and the Clery Center for Security on
Campus are dedicated to preventing violence, substance
abuse and other crimes on college and
university campuses across the United
States, and to compassionately assist
the victims of these crimes.
 Our campus policies and procedures apply to all students,
faculty, staff, and administrators. Our services are also available
to all of these individuals, including campus visitors who were
victimized on campus.
 We would encourage and support (but not pressure) the victim to
reach out to campus services and law enforcement (counseling
and psychological services, off -campus police, etc.)
 The accused offender would receive equitable rights to that of
the victim. This includes, but is not limited to:
 Having an advisor present at student conduct proceedings
 Having the right to question their accuser
through a 3 rd party mediator
 Our campus would also prohibit any
retaliation against the victim for reporting
the crime or for the accused perpetrator.
 If the victim chooses to pursue the case, the verdict for sexual
assault and domestic violence cases will fall under the
purview of our campus’s Conduct and Conflict Resolution
of fice, which will conduct an unbiased investigation and
determine a result based on the preponderance of evidence .
 The office will then decide the appropriate penalties if the accused is
found guilty.
 We would report the occurrence of a sexual assault on
campus to the appropriate channels as per the Clery act,
while maintaining the privacy of the victim and accused.
 Sexual Assault and Violence Education Campus Campaign
 The goal of the S.A .V.E. Campaign is to educate students,
faculty, staf f, and the community about sexual assault and
 This includes support, prevention, and safety
 SAVE: yourself, a friend, myself
 SAVE aims to change myths about sexual violence, provide support
and equal rights for both the accused and the potential victim, and to
provide security to the campus and its students.
For the S.A .V.E. Campaign to take reach our students we have
implemented multiple marketing strategies to reach throughout
our campus community
 S.A .VE. Ambassadors
 Trained peer ambassadors who would present on these sensitive
topics to First Year Experience students, and conduct other campus
 Educational Seminars/Lectures
 Seminars dedicated to student organizations on campus, including
Greek letter organizations
 Campus activities
 Collaborate with the Campus Activities Office,
and other departments on campus to promote
fun, educational activities to all students
 Also collaborating with services in the community
as well
 Social media
 Reach out to our students through various social media platforms
 Campus ads
 Create innovative ads depicting unexpected scenarios and providing
information to empower survivors, prevent assailants, dispel common
myths, and provide information on the rights of the accused
 Inform students on the resources available to them on campus
 One of our goals is to encourage survivors to seek out campus
resources and other services
 The “S.A.V.E.d myself” concept is used to help survivors to reframe
their victimization and claim a sense of empowerment
 Ad: The ad would illustrate survivors of domestic assault and
sexual violence sharing personal stories about how they
sought help and “S.A.V.Ed” themselves
 In doing so, we hope to provide an environment of support for
survivors who have received help through our resources, and to
promote students to seek out our services
 These services would include counseling and
mental health support as well as STD testing.
 Our goal is to inform our students and aid them in creating a
community that avoids the bystander mentality
 In domestic violence cases, someone may not recognize they’re being
assaulted or violated or may be in denial
 Raise awareness about the signs of domestic abuse or violence and
how someone can help a friend in that situation
 Ad: Depicts a man being abused by a woman to dispel the
myth that only men are the abusers and a friend reaching out
to help him
 Provide information to allow the victim as well as his/her friends to
recognize these signs and seek out help to
prevent further harm
 Our goal is to promote an environment of education that will
prevent potential of fenders from putting themselves in
destructive or compromising situations
 Ad: Depicts a man who is contemplating whether or not he
should sleep with a girl, but decides he does not want to put
himself in a risky situation because she is intoxicated
 The concept is to empower students to walk away or not engage in a
situation where sexual assault may occur
 This also targets the common misconception that a person can give
consent when they are under the influence of alcohol
 PeaceOverViolence.org (2014). Myths and realities about sexual
assault. Retrieved from
http://peaceover violence.org/emergency/sexual -assault-rape/mythsrealities/
 Cler y Center for Security on Campus (201 2). Retrieved from
http://cler ycenter.org/
 Online Sunshine(2013). The 2013 Florida Statutes. Retrieved from
 Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Repor t (2001 ). Intimate Par tner
Violence and A ge of Victim, 1993-99. Retrieved from
 Race, Abuse, and Incest National Network (2008). Campus Safety .
Retrieved from https:// www.rainn.org/public -policy/campus -safety
 American Association of University Professors (201 2 ). Campus Sexual
Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures. Retrieved from
http://www.aaup.org/repor t/campus -sexual-assault-suggested-policiesand-procedures