File Handling - Gadjah Mada University

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File Handling
Pemrograman File
Membuat suatu file baru
Membuka suatu file
Menutup suatu file
Membaca suatu file
Menutup suatu file
Lingkup file
• Secara umum pada C, semua piranti
komputer bisa dianggap sebagai ‘file’
• Lingkup file yang akan dibahas pada
materi ini:
– Kumpulan data yang disimpan pada media
penyimpan (disk)
Text & Binary File
• Text file  hanya berisi teks, terdiri dari
karakter-karakter ascii, tanpa ada formatting.
Contoh: file teks(dibuat pakai notepad), file
source code
• Binary file  berisi data biner, baik berupa data
ascii maupun formatting. Contoh : file MS word
(ada teks dan formatting:cetak tebal,cetak
miring,tabel dsb)
• Cara menentukan file teks/biner: buka file tsb
pakai notepad(teks editor),kalau file tsb bisa
dibaca, berarti file teks. kalau tidak(tidak
beraturan), berarti file biner
Bagaimana kita memperlakukan
file di C:
Proses open file:
Membuat link antara
File dgn pointer to file
File yg tersimpan
di disk
Pointer to File :
Memori komputer
Utk memproses
Proses close file:
Memutus link file - pointer
File handling in C
• In C we use FILE * to represent a pointer to a
• fopen is used to open a file. It returns the
special value NULL to indicate that it couldn't
open the file.
FILE *fptr;
char filename[]= "file2.dat";
fptr= fopen (filename,"w");
if (fptr == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr,
Opening a File
• A file must be “opened” before it can be used.
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen (filename, mode);
fp is declared as a pointer to the data type FILE.
filename is a string - specifies the name of the file.
fopen returns a pointer to the file which is used in all
subsequent file operations.
mode is a string which specifies the purpose of
opening the file:
“r” :: open the file for reading only
“w” :: open the file for writing only
“a” :: open the file for appending data to it
Fungsi fopen
• Berfungsi membuat link antara file (umumnya di
disk) dengan memori (pointer to file)
• Format: pointer_to file = fopen(namafile,mode) ;
• Jika namafile sudah ada, maka komputer tinggal
membuat link saja
• Jika namafile belum ada, maka komputer akan
membuat (create) file tersebut dahulu
Modes for opening text files
• The second argument of fopen is the
mode in which we open the text file.
There are three
• "r" opens a file for reading(read only!)
• "w" creates a file for writing - and writes
over all previous contents (deletes the file
so be careful! previous contents are
• "a" opens a file for appending - writing on
the end of the file
Other modes
• “r+” : open text file for read/write
• “w+” : create text file for read/write
• “a+” : append to or create a text file for
Gambaran efek masing2 mode
pada suatu file teks
Sebelum fopen
Sebelum fopen
(ada isinya)
Setelah fopen
Sebelum fopen
Setelah fopen
Setelah fopen
Pointer file
Ada disini
Pointer file
Ada disini
Closing a File
• After all operations on a file have been
completed, it must be closed.
– Ensures that all file data stored in memory buffers are
properly written to the file.
• General format: fclose (file_pointer) ;
FILE *xyz ;
xyz = fopen (“test”, “w”) ;
fclose (xyz) ;
Writing to a file using fprintf
• fprintf works just like printf and sprintf
except that its first argument is a file
FILE *fptr;
fptr= fopen ("file.dat","w");
/* Check it's open */
fprintf (fptr,"Hello World!\n");
• Buat sembarang file teks dengan notepad dan
namai file tsb dengan nama “file.dat”
• Isilah file tsb dengan sembarang karakter
misalnya “abcbdef……”
• Buatlah program seperti pada slide sebelumnya
• Letakkan file teks tsb satu folder dengan
• Eksekusi program tsb, buka file.dat dengan
notepad apa yg terjadi dengan isi file nya?
• Gantilah dengan mode yang lain, amati hasilnya
Reading from a file using fgets
• fgets is a better way to read from a file
• We can read into a string using fgets
FILE *fptr;
char line [1000];
/* Open file and check it is open */
while (fgets(line,1000,fptr) != NULL) {
printf ("Read line %s\n",line);
fgets takes 3 arguments, a string, a maximum
number of characters to read and a file pointer.
It returns NULL if there is an error (such as EOF)
fscanf and fprintf
• We can also use the file versions of scanf
and printf, called fscanf and fprintf.
• General format:
fscanf (file_pointer, control_string, list) ;
fprintf (file_pointer, control_string, list) ;
• Examples:
fscanf (fp, “%d %s %f”, &roll, dept_code, &cgpa) ;
fprintf (out, “\nThe result is: %d”, xyz) ;
Other Read/Write Operations on
• The simplest file input-output (I/O) function are getc and
• getc is used to read a character from a file and return it.
char ch; FILE *fp;
ch = getc (fp) ;
– getc will return an end-of-file marker EOF, when the end of the
file has been reached.
• putc is used to write a character to a file.
char ch; FILE *fp;
putc (c, fp) ;
Contoh soal
• Buatlah program untuk meng-convert
huruf-huruf pada suatu text file menjadi
Example :: convert a text file to all
main() {
FILE *in, *out ;
char c ;
in = fopen (“infile.dat”, “r”) ;
out = fopen (“outfile.dat”, “w”) ;
while ((c = getc (in)) != EOF)
putc (toupper (c), out);
fclose (in) ;
fclose (out) ;
Checking EOF (end of file)
• How to check EOF condition when using
– Use the function feof
if (feof (fp))
printf (“\n Reached end of file”) ;
• How to check successful open?
– For opening in “r” mode, the file must exist.
if (fp == NULL)
printf (“\n Unable to open file”) ;
Contoh soal
• Buatlah program untuk menampung datadata mhs di suatu file teks. Data mhs
dibuat dalam bentuk struct yang terdiri
– Roll (kelas)
– Dept_code (NIM)
– GPA (IP)
Contoh soal
• Suatu file teks berisi data mahasiswa yang
merupakan suatu struktur data yang berisi:
– Roll (kelas)
– Dept_code (NIM)
– GPA (IP)
Buatlah program untuk menghitung IP rerata
dari data-data yang ada di file tsb!
typedef struct {
int roll;
char dept_code[6];
float cgpa;
main() {
FILE *stud;
float sum = 0.0;
int count = 0;
stud = fopen (“stud.dat”, “r”) ;
while (1) {
if (feof (stud)) break;
fscanf (stud, “%d %s %f”, &s.roll,
s.dept_code, &s.cgpa);
count ++;
sum += s.cgpa;
printf (“\nThe average cgpa is %f”,
fclose (stud);
Binary File
• Binary files can not be created by an editor
(as with text files)
• A binary file is created by writing on it from
a C-program
Binary file fopen modes
“rb” : open binary file for read
“wb” : create binary file for write
“ab” : append to a binary file
“r+b” : open binary file for read/write
“w+b” : create binary file for read/write
“a+b” : append to or create a binary file for
• Membuat suatu file biner untuk menampung
array bilangan integer kemudian membacanya
FILE *binaryp, *inbinp;
int i, list[255];
binaryp = fopen("nums.bin", "wb");//create file nums.bin
for (i = 2; i <= 500; i += 2)
fwrite(&i, sizeof (int), 1, binaryp);
/* read 250 integers into a vector */
inbinp = fopen(”nums.bin”,”rb”);//buka file nums.bin
fread(list, sizeof(int), 250, inbinp);