Transcript Slide 1

ATE Financial Management Grant Workshop Compliance Issues Mr. Rashawn Farrior October 23, 2012 Hosted by: American Association of Community Colleges

Common Areas of Concern

Roles of the TeamTime and Effort ReportingParticipant SupportConsultantsSubrecipient Monitoring


Role of the Grantee

Full responsibility for the conduct of the

research project and adherence to all NSF and Federal award terms and conditions;

Compliance with all Federal cost principles

regarding grant expenditures.


Role of Project Director

Adheres and monitors all on-going progress

and financial obligation made on the award;

Aware of any special terms and conditions

contained within the award letter;

Communicates with the Sponsored Research

Office on a consistent basis;

Vital to the success of the any project.


Role of the PI

Responsible for the scientific progress of the


Follows goals and objectives as stated in the

original grant proposal;

Submit all necessary reports and documents as

solicited by the NSF Program Official.


Time & Effort Reporting

System to document and support salary

charges to Federal awards – labor is a primary driver on most NSF awards.

• • Valuable for awardees – a management tool -

know what activities employees are spending their time on.

Time & Attendance Records or present for duty vs. – vacation, sick, Time & Effort Reports what activity the employee was working on?

– 6

Role of Administrative Supportive Staff

Adhere to the program guidelines as noted in

the NSF Solicitation;

Maintain adequate bookkeeping of the grant;Monitor the daily activity of costs (are these

costs reasonable, allocable and allowable);

If unsure of any programmatic, contact your

NSF Program Official.


2 CFR 220 (OMB A-21) Time & Effort Reporting

Official records – by academic periods -

semester, quarter

Reasonably reflect activities for which

employee is compensated

Encompass both sponsored projects and

other activities 8

OMB 2 CFR 220 (OMB A-21) Time & Effort Reporting

• • •

Plan Confirmation Initially based on budget or assigned work which is then adjusted to actual if there are modifications Includes statement confirming that work was performed as budgeted The system must provide for independent internal evaluation to ensure integrity and compliance with standards.

• •

After the Fact Activity Reports Prepared each academic term for faculty and professional staff Other employees at least monthly and coincide with payroll 9

Time & Effort Reports should contain:

Employee name or identification codeProject name / number or account code, total

effort that pay period

Hours or percentage charged to different


Employee or supervisor signature (can be


Not determined based on budget but

developed after the fact based on actual activities performed 10

Participant Support Costs

Participants or Trainees Stipends, subsistence allowance, travel,

registration fees, copies, tuition

Funds approved in the budget

may not be re-budgeted

to other expense categories with out prior written approval of the NSF program officer 11

Participant Support Costs

Awardee organizations must be able to

identify participant support costs.

Participant Support Costs

account classification are not a normal

Highly recommended that separate accounts,

sub-accounts sub-task or sub-ledgers be established to accumulate these costs.

Should have written policies & procedures.


Participant Support Costs

Typically excluded by NSF from application of

the indirect cost rate (MDTC – and pass through funds – such as stipends)

Participant support – eligibility – what did

participants have to do to receive the payment

Documentation of attendees at conferences or

workshops 13

Participant Support Costs

Written prior approval from the NSF Program

Officer is required for reallocation of funds provided for participant or trainee support (see AAG, Chapter V.B.8.).

Request submitted electronically to NSF

through use of FastLane 14

Consultant - Agreement

Name of Consultant - Business or


Rate of payPeriod of performanceDescription of service to be providedCost information on indirect costs, travel

(per diem rates), supplies other expenses 15

Consultant - Invoice

Consultant Name - OrganizationsRate charged and time worked - hourly

or daily rate

Short description of services providedInclude all hours (example - preparation

time & response time for speakers) 16

Sub-awards & Sub-Recipients

Characteristics indicative of a Federal award received by a subrecipient :

Has its performance measured against

whether the objectives of the Federal award are met;

Has responsibility for programmatic decision


Has responsibility for adherence to applicable

Federal program compliance requirements 17

Sub-recipient Monitoring

System in place

-“risk based approach” encouraged

Evidence University is monitoring subawardsTechnical, Financial, and Compliance reviews


Prime Awardee Responsibilities

Determining that the amount paid is

reasonable for the work performed

Some form of pre-award analysis should

be documented:

costprice analysis


Flow Through Provisions

Audit & access to recordsPrime Awardee – perform on site technical & administrative


Cost Principles2 CFR 225 (A-87)2 CFR 230 (A-122)2 CFR 220 (A-21)FARAdministrative Requirements 2 CFR 215 (A-110)45 CFR Part 602 (“The Common Rule” A-102)Statutory & Regulatory COI, human subjects, drug-free workplace, etc.


Prime Pre-award

Ensure the Subawardee has the following:

Ability to perform both technically and

administratively (project cost accounting system for cost reimbursement)

Financial capability to performAppropriate indirect cost rate & baseNot Debarred or Suspended by Federal

Government Excluded Party List System (

) 21

Subrecipient OMB A-133 Audits

Receive OMB A-133 audit reports or access

Federal Audit Clearinghouse data by CFDA number to determine if there are findings if organization expended more than $500,000 in total Federal funds in that awardees fiscal year

Resolve those findings that apply to your sub-

contract, if any.


CAAR - Post Award Monitoring & Business Assistance Program (AMBAP) Site Visits:

Locations to visit are determined based on risk


Core Review Areas – General Management, Accounting and Financial System Review, FCTR Reconciliation • Targeted Review Areas – participant support, sub-awards/sub-recipient monitoring, consultants and time and effort reporting


A Summary of the NSF’s AMBAP:

Risk AssessmentSite Visit SchedulePre Site Visit Activities Include Consultation with

Program Officers

On-Site Review ModulesPost Site Visit Follow-upAnnual Review & Modifications


Friendly Reminder: Carryover of Funds

Do not confuse or co-mingle funds from other

federally funded awards that are similar in nature; (i.e Renewals);

Please address any carryover funds in the

annual report. This will help the NSF Program Official evaluate the financial needs of the project.


Friendly Reminders- Budgets

Grantee has re-budgeting authority within the

original scope of the project without NSF prior approval;

Cost must be allowable, allocable and


If there are any questions or concerns, please

contact your Sponsored Research Office.


Friendly Reminder: Reporting Requirements

Annual Reports are due within 90 days prior to budget end period;Final Reports must be submitted within 90 days following the

expiration date of the project;

Annual Reports individually address each reporting year;The final report is should only address the last year.;Please be aware of any obligated balances that are crucial to the

success of the project prior to submitting the Final Report (Communication between the Sponsored Research Office and Project Director are crucial.


Friendly Reminder: Record Retention

Maintain proper bookkeeping for all grants;Files must maintained for 3 years from the

submission of the final project report.


Friendly Reminder: Funding from Other Agencies

Please acknowledge any non-NSF funds

contributing the project;

Please keep separate records for these funds

and document accordingly.


Keys to Success for Awardees

• • • • •

Know requirements (award letter, award terms and conditions, OMB Circulars) Good accounting practices – accumulation & segregation of costs Focus on the objectives of the project/program Document approvals and conversations between the awardee and NSF program and grant officials Ask Early! Ask Often 30