Transcript Document

The One-Chunk Paragraph
Elements of a One-Chunk
Paragraph with
Color Coding
1. Sentence One: Topic Sentence, state the main idea of
the paragraph using commentary words
2. Sentence Two: Concrete Detail #1, lead into a direct
quote or state a specific detail
3. Sentence Three – Commentary that explains concrete
detail #1, what it means, what it suggests
4. Sentence Four: More commentary that explains
concrete detail #1
5. Sentence Five: Concluding Sentence, restate the main
idea, use different words
Concrete Details
What a character says
What a character does
What is right there in the text
Play by play
Example of a Concrete Detail
• Janet said to the new girl, “We don’t wear
Bobby Boo Boo jeans here. What a dork!”
What the text does not say
What the reader thinks
Color commentary
Example of Commentary
Janet let the new girl know in an unfriendly way
that her clothing was unacceptable.
Describe Goldilocks’ personality in “Goldilocks
and the Three Bears.” Find evidence from the
story to support your response and explain it.
Paragraph Template
In the story “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”,
Goldilocks can be described as ____________. For
example, she ________________________
______________________________. This
behavior suggests _________________________
___________________________. It also shows
___________. Goldilocks certainly is ___________.
Prompt 2
Write a one-chunk paragraph that describes
Rainsford or Zaroff in “The Most Dangerous
Game” or a one-chunk paragraph that describes
the narrator in “The Rights to the Streets of
Memphis.” Use the template and color code
your paragraph.
Paragraph Template – Paragraph 1
In the story _________________, ___________
can be described as ____________. For example,
__________ says, “_________________________
___________” (page number). This suggests
___________________________. It also shows
___________. ________ certainly is ___________.