Global Ballast Water Management Programme (GloBallast)

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Transcript Global Ballast Water Management Programme (GloBallast)

Marine Invasive Species & Ballast Water Management Adnan Awad Director IOI-SA Technical Director (Marine) - GISP

Marine Invasive Species


• Propellers Pathways • Sea Chests • Free Flood Spaces • Hull • Docking Block Locations • Pipework


Ballast Water How far have we come?


International Progress


Safer Shipping …..

Cleaner Oceans…

International Maritime Organization

International Convention on the

Management of Ships’ Ballast Water & Sediments - 2004

Convention Guidelines Integrated Technical Co-operation

Programme (ITCP)

Article 5 - Sediment Reception Facilities – where cleaning and repair of BW tanks occurs – Safe disposal of sediments (should not damage the environment)

Port State Control Obligations: • Enact domestic laws • Establish Compliance Monitoring & Enforcement System • Sediment Reception Facilities Needs: • Training & Capacity Building • Guidelines & Technologies • Institutional Coordination


Contracting Parties as of September 2010 Albania Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Brazil Canada Cook Islands Croatia Egypt France Kenya Kiribati Liberia Maldives Marshall Islands Mexico Netherlands Nigeria Norway Republic of Korea Saint Kitts and Nevis Sierra Leone South Africa Spain Sweden Syrian Arab Republic 9 Tuvalu

“Pollution Crimes Cost Greek Shipper $2.7 Million, Ships Barred from USA, NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana” December 11, 2009

• Polembros Shipping Ltd., a Greek ship management company, was sentenced federal court in New Orleans to pay $2.7 million criminal fine for violating anti pollution laws, ship safety laws, and making false statements during a U.S. Coast Guard investigation of the cargo ship M/V Theotokos. Polembros was also ordered to pay a separate $100,000 community service payment to the Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre • The criminal prosecutions are under the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990. This law established a national ballast water control program in an attempt to prevent invasive aquatic species from entering U.S. waters. • Polembros pleaded guilty on September 30 to violating the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act by failing to maintain accurate ballast water records.

• The court ordered that all ships owned or managed by Polembros, currently 20 vessels, will be barred from entering U.S. ports and territorial waters for three years as a condition of the probation imposed by the court.

Ballast Water Management Approach • Awareness Raising • Political engagement • Policy and legislation development • Risk assessment • Biological surveys (Ports) • Compliance monitoring • Regional Strategy Development


Regional Approach in Africa – Regional Strategies under development – Facilitation through LME’s (e.g. ASCLME) – Engagement through NC/AC – Important role for PMAWCA, PMAESA, PENAf


WIO / ASCLME Region Existing regional frameworks: • ASCLME project • PMAESA, PENAf • Nairobi Convention (UNEP) • Scientific networks (WIOMSA, SAMSS) Past progress: • Draft SEA Regional Strategy • National meetings • IMO engagement


Int’l Partnership Approach Targeting developing countries & regions: • Raise awareness • Develop appropriate tools • Build capacity for management


Policy & Regulations     National level:  Development of BW Policy (Dept of Environment) BW inclusion in Biodiversity & Ports Acts Ratification of IMO BW Convention Development of SA BW Act (ongoing) Concurrent development of regulations  Port & Flag State Control

Policy & Regulations    Regional level: Assistance with Strategy development for BWM for sub-regions  WACAF  Southern & East Africa  PERSGA  Mediterranean Institutionalization within operational frameworks Pollution Conventions

Policy Development & Guidelines      Review of IMO approach Rapid assessment of national ability for implementation of BW regime Template for status report to IMO Co-published IOI - IMO/GBP Available in hard copy or pdf

GISP Tools Available in PDF at

Int’l Port Survey Protocols New guidelines to be development


Mombasa Port Survey Training Workshop

Mombasa Port Survey Training Workshop

Risk Assessment database


BWRA – Ship BW info




BWRA - Bioregions


BWRA - Overall Risk


Ship-board treatment technologies

South African BWT System Resource Ballast Technologies 10 Inch System 6 Inch System


History of Testing

Test Facility • Quay-side location in Port of Cape Town • Pump from/to natural coastal waters • Advanced technologies with broad application • Suitable for expansion to training centre

Testing for IMO Approval   Active Substances: Chronic & acute toxicity Health & Safety, corrosivity   Efficacy: Compliance with IMO D-2 Standard Removal/de-activation of organisms by size class

Current State of Technologies • 47 Companies currently active • Capacities ranging from 100-10000 m 3 /hr • +/- 150 systems installed on vessels – From 27 different suppliers • 10 Systems with IMO Certification & Type Approval


International Preparedness Shipping Industry: • +/- 80,000 vessels in world fleet • Approx 30 installations/day to comply with IMO Convention National Administrations: • Regulatory Framework • Management capacity – Port & Flag State Responsibilities


Capacity Building Short Courses: • Introductory Course on Ballast Water Management • Management of Invasive Species in Marine & Coastal Environments • Training Course on Port Biological Baseline Surveys


Projects addressing other vectors Biofouling:  Yachts & Marinas  Oil rigs Aquaculture:  Water treatment for land based facilities pumping to/from coastal waters

Moving forward… Increase Integration:  Addressing all vectors  As part of ICOM  Between sectors  i.e. Environment & Maritime Administrations  In Partnerships, projects & initiatives

Thank You

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