Media and CSR

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The Media and CSR
Enhancing democratic accountability
Empowering citizen participation
What is CSR?
What is CSR?
‘How companies managing the business processes to produce an overall positive
impact on society.’
The Media’s approach to CSR
• Time Warner – CSR office focusing on
education and the arts.
• TFI – TFI Entreprise Citoyenne + website
portal for charities.
• Vivendi – Adopte la Net Attitude
• Mediaset – Mediafriends
Good CSR practice: Community Service
Volunteers ‘Action Desks’
Partnership between CSV and the BBC
Working with 36 local BBC radio radios stations
Building on community service using the media
21,579 voluntary sector organisations promoted
310,000 volunteers signed up since 2001
30,000 people with basic skills supported
The BBC and CSR
6 values
TRUST Trust is the foundation of the BBC, we are independent,
impartial and honest.
AUDIENCES Audiences are at the heart of everything we do.
QUALITY We take pride in delivering quality and value for money.
CREATIVITY Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation.
RESPECT We respect each other and celebrate our diversity so that
everyone can give their best.
COLLABORATION Great things happen when we work together.
BBC Editorial Guidelines
•Truth & accuracy
•Impartiality & diversity of opinion
•Editorial integrity & independence
•Serving the public interest
•Harm & offence
Charter Renewal: Building Public Value
The BBC supports civic life and national debate by providing trusted and
impartial news and information that helps citizens make sense of the world
and encourages them to engage with it
Cultural &
creative value
The BBC enriches the UK’s cultural life by bringing talent and audiences
together to break new ground, to celebrate our cultural heritage, to broaden
the national conversation
By offering audiences of every age a world of formal and informal
educational opportunity in every medium, the BBC helps build a society
strong in knowledge and skills
Social &
By enabling the UK’s many communities to see what they hold in common
and how they differ, the BBC seeks to build social cohesion and tolerance
through greater understanding
The BBC supports the UK’s global role by being the world’s most trusted
provider of international news and information, and by showcasing the best of
British culture to a global audience
Charter Renewal: Building Public Value
How we deliver public value:
1. Contribute to quality of life in the UK
2. BBC on demand
3. Lift creative ambition
4. Make the BBC more open
5. Move out of London to reflect the whole UK
6. Be a better partner
7. Be as small as our mission allows
8. Provide value for money
9. Strengthen governance
The BBC’s CSR Unit
Objectives (as explicitly stated in the Charter):
Promote learning
Stimulate creativity
Represent the UK’s communities
Sustain citizenship
Deliver the benefits of digital technology
Reflect the world and the UK
The BBC’s development charity
Using communications for development
Enhancing democratic accountability:
Bangladesh Sanglap
BANGLADESH IMPACT: Political programmes doubled
BANGLADESH IMPACT: Audience response
'This sort of debate …'
Increase knowledge
Give an opportunity to 'raise voice of the
Help in social development
Provide input to policy level of decision
making system
Ensure transparency and accountability
of the authority.
Strengthen the relationship between
people and government.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100
Enhancing democratic accountability
Four key drivers
• Media Policy and Legislation
• Media Infrastructure and Investment
• Professionalism
• Supporting Local Content Production
Empowering citizen participation:
Georgia Community Radio
• Established first community radio stations in the South
Caucasus region – one in Marneuli, one in Ninotsminda
• 85 journalists and media managers gained new journalism skills.
• 33 one-hour programmes produced by trained journalists,
producers and managers.