2003 - Magyarorszag

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Public Private Partnership
Government actions to promote PPP
PPP Department within the Ministry of Economy and Transport
Government Decree in May 2003 to set up an Interdepartmental Committee
– Ministry of Economy and Transport
– Ministry of Finance
– Ministry of Justice
– Prime Minister’s Office
– Central Statistical Office
Public Private Partnership
Road infrastructure development program
Long-term goal: 2500 km length of expressway network by 2015
Act CXXVIII on the development of the Hungarian expressway
network (accepted by the Parliament in December 2003)
Deficit constraints => need for alternative ways of financing
− PPP projects
− EU funds
Public Private Partnership
PPP motorways: M5
Approximately 170 km section between Budapest and the Hungarian - Serbian
Original concession agreement signed in 1994 with French consortium AKA
First phase (110 km) handed over in 1999
New agreement reached in March 2004
Further 60 km section is expected to be built
Public Private Partnership
Amended structure of the M5
Second phase to be built by AKA (estimated cost: EUR 836 million at December
2004 value)
The motorway became part of the national vignette system
DBFO (design-build-finance-operate) structure with risk sharing - construction
and availability risks borne by AKA
Availability payment mechanism
Deductions in payments in case of poor performance and safety indices
Public Private Partnership
PPP motorways: M6
Part of the V/c Helsinki corridor
Approx. 252 km section between Budapest and the Hungarian - Croatian border
to be built in 2 phases:
– first phase between Budapest and Dunaújváros (54 km) by 2006
– second phase between Dunaújváros and the Croatian border (198 km) by
Public Private Partnership
PPP motorways: first phase of the M6
Concession tender won by Bilfinger Berger BOT GmbH, Porr Infrastruktur
GmbH, Swietelsky International Baugesellschaft mbH
Concession period: 22 years
− Concession Agreement signed on 2 October 2004
− Target interim completion date: March 2006
DBFO structure
EIB and EBRD considers providing financing to the concessionaire
Public Private Partnership
PPP motorways: financial structure of the M6
Payment mechanism:
− national vignette system
− availability payment to the concessionaire
Risk sharing:
– International practice
– State: discriminatory change in law, delivery of the Site, dangerous
materials, etc.;
– Concessionaire: design, construction, financing, availability, except relief
– Shared (vis major)
Public Private Partnership
PPP student hostels
Projects of the Ministry of Education
Goal: development of university infrastructure
– Government decision on creating 10 000 accommodations in student
hostels in the framework of PPP
The pilot project of the University of Debrecen
− Classical DBFO structure
− Decision of PPP Committee on supporting the project on 30th September
− Approval of the Economic Cabinet and the Government
− Public procurement procedure completed, construction is under way
11 further similar PPP schemes for other universities
Public Private Partnership
Prison project of the Ministry of Justice
Goal: the development of prison service infrastructure - two new PPP prisons
DBFO construction
– During a period of 15-20 years, 700 prisoner places / prison
– „Operate” element: only those tasks are performed by the state which can
not be carried out by the private sector (custodial services, on site medical
facilities and registering of prisoners)
– Positive decision of the PPP Committee:
10th October 2003
Tender announcement is expected at the beginning of 2005