Transcript Document

Berry phases and magnetic quantum critical
points of Mott insulators in two dimensions
T. Senthil
Leon Balents
Matthew Fisher
Olexei Motrunich
Kwon Park
Subir Sachdev
Ashwin Vishwanath
Talk online:
: Sachdev
Parent compound of the high temperature
superconductors: La 2 C uO 4
Mott insulator: square lattice antiferromagnet
 
H   J ij Si  S j
Ground state has long-range magnetic Néel order,
or “collinear magnetic (CM) order”
Néel order parameter: n i    1 
n  0
ix  i y
Central questions:
Vary Jij smoothly until CM order is lost and a
paramagnetic phase with n  0 is reached.
• What is the nature of this paramagnet ?
• What is the critical theory of (possible)
second-order quantum phase transition(s)
between the CM phase and the paramagnet ?
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry
phases, and monopoles.
Bond order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
I. Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry
phases, and monopoles
Write down path integral for quantum spin fluctuations
Key ingredient: Spin Berry Phases
I. Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry
phases, and monopoles
Write down path integral for quantum spin fluctuations
Key ingredient: Spin Berry Phases
I. Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry
phases, and monopoles
Path integral for quantum spin fluctuations on spacetime discretized
on a cubic lattice:
• Action depends upon relative orientation of Neel order at
nearby points in spacetime
Z 
 d n a   n  1  exp  g
 na  
 a   1 on tw o square sublattices ;
n a ~  a S a  N eel order param et er;
I. Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry
phases, and monopoles
Path integral for quantum spin fluctuations on spacetime discretized
on a cubic lattice:
• Action depends upon relative orientation of Neel order at
nearby points in spacetime
• Complex Berry phase term on every temporal link.
Z 
 d n a   n  1  exp  g
 na  
   a A a 
2 a
 a   1 on tw o square sublattices ;
n a ~  a S a  N eel order param eter;
Aa   oriented area of spheri cal trian g l e
form ed by n a , n a   , and an arbitrary reference point n 0
Z 
 d n a   n  1  exp  g
 na  
   a Aa 
2 a
S m all g  S pin-w ave theory about N eel state rec eives m inor
m odifications from B erry phases.
L arge g  B erry phases are crucial in determ inin g structure of
para m a gnetic phase w ith
na  0
In tegrate ou t n a to obtain effective action for Aa 
Aa 
na  
n 0
Change in choice of n0 is like a “gauge transformation”
Aa   Aa    a     a
Aa 
(a is the oriented area of the spherical triangle formed
by na and the two choices for n0 ).
 a
Aa 
na  
The area of the triangle is uncertain modulo 4p, and the action is invariant under
Aa   Aa   4 p
These principles strongly constrain the effective action for Aa which provides
description of the large g phase
Simplest large g effective action for the Aa
Z 
  dA 
w ith e ~ g
 1
exp  2
 i
cos     Aa    Aa    
 2
A a
T his is com pact Q E D in 2+ 1 dim ensions w ith
static charges  1 on tw o sub lattices.
N. Read and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1694 (1989).
S. Sachdev and R. Jalabert, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 4, 1043 (1990).
K. Park and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. B 65, 220405 (2002).
N. Read and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1694 (1989).
For large e2 , low energy height configurations are in exact one-toone correspondence with dimer coverings of the square lattice
2+1 dimensional height model is the path integral of the
Quantum Dimer Model D. Rokhsar and S.A. Kivelson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2376 (1988);
E. Fradkin and S. A. Kivelson, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 4, 225 (1990))
There is no roughening transition for three dimensional interfaces, which
are smooth for all couplings
 There is a definite average height of the interface
 Ground state has bond order.
N. Read and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1694 (1989).
Two possible bond-ordered paramagnets
D istinct lines represent different value s of
Si S j
on links
There is a broken lattice symmetry, and the
ground state is at least four-fold degenerate.
N. Read and S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1694 (1989).
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
II. The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
II. The CPN-1 representation
Lattice model for
• the small g Neel phase,
• the large g bond-ordered paramagnet, and
• the transition(s) between them.
S. Sachdev and R. Jalabert, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 4, 1043 (1990).
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
Bond order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
III A. N=1, non-compact U(1), no Berry phases
C. Dasgupta and B.I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1556 (1981).
III B. N=1, compact U(1), no Berry phases
III C. N=1, compact U(1), Berry phases
III C. N=1, compact U(1), Berry phases
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
Identical critical
theories !
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   Theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
Identical critical
theories !
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   Theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
III D. N   , compact U(1), Berry phases
III E. Easy plane case for N=2
Bond order in a frustrated S=1/2 XY magnet
A. W. Sandvik, S. Daul, R. R. P. Singh, and D. J. Scalapino, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 247201 (2002)
First large scale numerical study of the destruction of Neel order in a S=1/2
antiferromagnet with full square lattice symmetry
H  2 J   Si S j  Si S j
  K  S
ijkl 
S j Sk Sl  Si S j Sk Sl
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.
IV. Theory for critical point
Effective lattice model: compact U(1) gauge theory, Berry phases,
and monopoles.
order in the paramagnet.
The CPN-1 representation (physical case: N=2)
III. “Solvable” limits and duality:
A. Non-compact QED with scalar matter
B. Compact QED with scalar matter
C. N=1: Compact QED with scalar matter and Berry phases
D. N   theory
E. Easy plane case for N=2
Berry phases make monopoles irrelevant at critical point
IV. Theory of quantum critical point
Conclusions: emergent “fractionalized” degrees of freedom at the
quantum critical point, distinct from order parameters of both
confining phases.