Transcript Slide 1

WG4: Standards Implementation Issues
with CDISC Data Models
Data Guide Subteam
Summary of Review of Proposed
Templates and Next Steps
July 23, 2012
Recap of Data Guide project plan
Summary of review of proposed templates
Next steps
Data Guide Sub-team
Sub-team Co-leads:
– Scott Bahlavooni, Genentech
– Joanna Koft, Biogen Idec
– Gail Stoner, J&J (also CDISC liaison)
– Helena Sviglin, CDER FDA
– Douglas Warfield, CDER FDA
– Amy Malla, CBER FDA
Data Guide Project Plan (1)
Project Plan:
– Review existing Data Guide examples and begin
We are here
discussion around content
– Identify “required” and optional/recommended
sections of content and develop clear
– Create best practice content (review, finalize)
– Repeat above process for format/structure
– Create proposed template for Data Guide
Data Guide Project Plan (2)
Project Plan:
– Proposal to FDA via sub-team representative
– Create master Data Guide incorporating FDA
– Review/Finalize
– Next Steps
Action Items from June 18 Meeting
Next Steps: Volunteers
– Create Phuse wiki account
– Add a reply to the “Getting Familiar with the
Wiki” discussion
– Review Data Guide Analysis and Examples
– Provide feedback on Doug Warfield’s example
– Contribute to the “Data Guide Content”
– Add additional discussion topics as needed
Discussion Questions
• Discussion questions (# posts)
FDA’s proposed Data Guide template (10)
Other Data Guide examples (1)
Data Guide content (6)
ADaM Data Guide content (0)
• Summary
– 8 people posted comments
– Focus was on SDTM rather than ADaM
– Overlap in response content across questions
Discussion Question Responses
• Categorization of responses based on FDA template
– General comments
– Study level information
– Data description
• Annotated CRF (aCRF)
• Dictionaries/Codelists (CT)
• Domains
– Data validation
Discussion Question Responses
- General
• Generally positive comments on the template but
many comments/concerns on details of content
• Majority of respondents questioned duplication of
information found in SDTM documentation,
define.xml, or elsewhere in submission
– Suggestions to focus on information unique to the trial or
clarify areas of potential confusion
• One comment at CSS regarding documenting
software versions
Discussion Question Responses
– Study Level
• Study design section
– Intent not clear
– Not valuable to duplicate standard info from SDTMIG
– Could be useful to explain study-specific modeling in Trial
Design domains
– Protocol specifics: Intent of section not clear
• Assignment errors? Dosing errors?
• Study description, chronology, history
– General concern about duplication of info found elsewhere
in submission
– Describe SDTM and CT versions submitted
Discussion Question Responses
– Data Description
• aCRF
– Indicate if there are multiple data sources (secondary CRFs for
substudy, diary, etc)
– Indicate other data sources/forms not included in SDTM (e.g.,
operational forms processed by other functions such as SAEs)
– Explain any annotation conventions that might not be obvious to
• CT
– Intent of section not clear
– Could be used to describe sponsor extensions to CDISC CT or mapping
of collected terms to standard CT
– Comment on level of adherence to CDISC CT
– Move after Domains section?
Discussion Question Responses
– Data Description
• Domains
– Focus on non-standard information; avoid duplication of
Custom domains
“Odd” mapping situations
Derived domains (e.g., EX)
Describe domains of primary importance
Whether data on screen failures submitted
Whether any domains not submitted due to no data
Explain data found in SUPP--, FA, RELREC
Assignment errors
Data cutoff
Discussion Question Responses
– Data Validation
• General agreement that this section is valuable
• Need guidance on format of report
– Can annotated report from review tool be submitted?
– Submit the complete report or some subset?
• What is an appropriate level of detail in explaining
Next Steps
• Form three work groups to further define intended
content and organization of content
– Study level
– Data description
– Data validation
• Sub-team leads to compile updated template
• Sub-team members to pilot template and bring
results back to work group
• Obtain comment from sub-team and FDA
• Finalize and publish template