Transcript Document

Our Hearts. Our Choice.
Speak Up to Save Lives
Of the women who
die each year, one
in three die from
cardiovascular disease.
Change the statistic –
Make the right choices
for your heart.
Our Hearts. Our Choice.
Choose to Live!
Choose to Beat Heart Disease
How to Choose Heart Health
• Eat healthy
• Exercise for 30 minutes most days of the week
• Quit smoking
• Lose excess weight
• Know your family history of heart disease
• Take the Go Red Heart CheckUp
• Schedule an appointment with your doctor
to understand your risk.
Choose to Know the Facts
Cardiovascular disease causes almost 460,000 female
deaths a year – and approximately one death per minute
43 million American women are living with
cardiovascular disease.
64% of women who die suddenly from coronary heart
disease have no previous symptoms of the disease.
Cardiovascular disease is largely preventable.
What have we Learned?
Heart disease can strike
women at any age.
Factors leading to heart
disease originate in young
women and develop over
Lifestyle changes and the
choices you make can
prevent or at least
postpone heart disease.
Signs of a Heart Attack
Chest discomfort
Discomfort in upper body
Shortness of breath
Cold sweat
Am I at Risk?
Uncontrollable Risk Factors
• Increasing Age
• Heredity
• Race
Controllable Risk Factors
Blood Pressure
Physical (In)activity
Obesity and Overweight
Type II Diabetes
CVD in African American
and Hispanic Women
Nearly half (46%) of all
non-Hispanic African-American
females have some form of
heart disease, stroke or other
cardio-vascular disease (CVD).
Nearly one-third (37%)
of all deaths in Hispanic
females are caused by
diseases of the heart
and stroke.
Choose to Share Your Story
Gail shares her story
so that others can live.
Choose to eat
baked, not fried
Choose lean meats
Eat a healthy diet low in
saturated fat, transfat,
cholesterol and sodium
Eat more fruits and
Find cooking tips and
recipes in the Go Red For
Women Recipe Collection
cookbook available at
Choose to know your risk
Online tool to educate
women about their heart
health and encourage
patient-physician dialogue
Choose to Be a BetterU
FREE 12-week online program that can help you transform your
health with small, simple choices.
Tools, tips and information that can add up to a complete heart
12 weeks of step-by-step guidance on becoming healthy.
Guidance to stay on track with the BetterMe Coaching Tool.
Long- and short-term goal setting to help provide motivation.
Journaling capabilities for tracking achievements.
Choose to Inspire & Connect
Sign up and find useful tools
Become a part of the
Go Red Community
Share your story of the
choices you have made to
improve your well-being at
Unite with over
one million women
Invite friends to participate in
a Go Red Discussion Group
Choose to Take Action
Host your own National
Wear Red Day – or wear
red to show your support
to find a local Go Red
event near you
Attend a Go Red For
Women Luncheon
Support the cause through
Choose to Speak Up…
SPEAK UP for yourself
Tell your family you’ll change your
habits and need their support.
Ask for heart healthy options for
any meal you eat.
Ask your doctor for a lipo-protein
blood screen and take the GRFW
Heart CheckUp
Talk with your doctor or nurse
to design a personal action
plan that works for you and
your lifestyle.
Enroll in the Go Red BetterU, a
free 12 week, heart-health
SPEAK UP for others
Tell everyone you know that the #1
killer of women is heart disease.
Share your voice to empower
others by example. Speak Up
Support the Go Red movement by
signing up at
Make a donation to GRFW.
Support the Heart for Women Act
that helps women who do not have
…and help save lives.
Choose to Empower Yourself
Search for heart-healthy
Learn your risk for heart
Take the Go Red Heart
Sign up for information
Register for the Go Red
Take Action!
Call SOMC Heart & Vascular Services