Integration – What Torbay has learnt

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Transcript Integration – What Torbay has learnt

Budgets in
What is a personal budget?
 Personal budgets give people much more choice and
control over the care they can access to meet their needs
 The budget available to meet FACS eligible assessed needs
should be known before care planning begins
 People can have their budget via:
– A direct payment
– The Trust/local authority can buy care on their behalf (like
virtual budget)
– A third party can manage the budget e.g. Disability Focus
 Some people have a combination of all three of the above
The process
 All clients complete a supported self-assessment
questionnaire (SSAQ) to work out the level of support they
require during the day and at night
 A Resource Allocation System (RAS) then converts the
needs into an indicative budget
 The client is financially assessed to see what, if anything,
they need to contribute to their personal budget
 Family and friends can help plan how their personal budget
will be spent in meeting their care and support needs
Be in
Enjoy quality
of life
Stay healthy,
Be treated
with dignity
& respect
Feel part
of a
Putting People First and Our Health, Our Care, Our Say
What it means for local people
 Access to information should be quick, convenient, easy and relevant to
people’s needs
 People who provide services should work in partnership with local people
to design and plan services that people want to receive and use
 People should be able to easily find and choose quality support and have
control over where services are provided and by whom
 People have the ability to spend part or all of their personal budget in a way
that they choose, in order to meet their agreed outcomes
 The Council and Trust are investing more in services that promote good
health and enable people to stay independent for as long as possible.
Our approach in Torbay
information and
Plans &
Keeping people safe
 Everyone has the right to live life free from abuse
or neglect
 Everyone has the right to make decisions and
choices about their lives
 Risks do exist but some people may need help to
manage these in their everyday lives
 After the age of 16 yrs the Principles of the Mental
Capacity Act are fundamental to support decision
Perceived issues…
 Is this another way of saving money or
making cuts?
 Abuse of personal budgets?
 Increased waiting times?
 Sudden barrage of interest/ demand?
 Lack of alternatives for support in Torbay
Personal budgets in action…
 Budgets offered to each child affected by
the closure of the John Parkes Unit
 Supporting people with complex medical
needs to live at home
 Carers accessing one off personal budgets
Thank you for listening……
Time for questions and discussion