Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to the
Post-Ofsted Parents’ Meeting
15th December 2014
Hartsbourne Primary School
© Herts for Learning Ltd
1. Welcome and introductions: Tina Candler, Chair of Governors
2. Background to the Report:
3. Summary of Inspection:
4. What We’ve Already Done:
5. Governor support:
6. Next Steps for Governors:
7. Local Authority support:
Liz Hawkins, Hertfordshire
Improvement Partner
Valerie Hudson (Head)
Greg Harper, Deputy Head
Sam Futerman, Vice Chair
Tina Candler, Chair of Governors
Liz Hawkins, HIP
Coffee Break, Questions and Suggestions
Response to questions and moving
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Elizabeth Hawkins Hertfordshire Improvement
Inspection 1: 9 – 10th October 2014
Delay to report
Inspection 2: 11th November 2014
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Summary of Inspection
What went well?
Quality of teaching
Monitoring of teaching
Learning behaviour
Phonics teaching
Early Years provision
Early years behaviour
Spiritual and Cultural
What needs to be
Playground behaviour
Better system for checking
the effectiveness of actions
Communication with parents
Subject Leadership
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What Went Well?
Teaching evaluated as ‘good’. This included:
– Marking which helps move children on;
– Leaders make regular checks on quality of teaching;
– Good phonics teaching leading to high achievement at
the end of Year 1;
– Good spiritual and cultural education; pupils are well
prepared for life in modern Britain;
– Children enjoying a wide-range of lessons taught in line
with the new National Curriculum.
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What Went Well?
Achievement was evaluated as ‘good’. This included:
– Significant improvements in reading progress;
– High achievement in Key Stage 2 SATs, particularly in
– Consistently good progress in Key Stage 1 leading to
well-above average results;
– Good progress for disadvantaged children due to
focused use of teaching assistants;
– Good extension for more able children leading to
significantly high Level 6 results.
– Good learning behaviour in class.
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What Went Well?
Early Years was evaluated as ‘good’. This included:
– Good behaviour and sustained concentration during
teaching and learning activities;
– Outdoor area is safe and children learn happily
through play;
– Children encouraged to develop curiosity and
knowledge of the world;
– Good leadership leading to improved teaching and
– Accurate assessment enables staff to plan next steps.
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What are our next steps?
Behaviour and safety requires improvement and we will
ensure that we:
– Continue to improve break and lunch time to
eradicate any incidences of bullying behaviour;
– Develop current systems further, to measure and
check the effectiveness of behavioural improvements;
– Keep parents well informed regarding incidences of
poor behaviour, including consequences and
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What are our next steps?
Leadership and management requires improvement and
we will ensure that:
– Communication with parents is even more efficient
and concerns are addressed quickly;
– The school website contains more detailed
information about what children are learning;
– There is consistent sharing of best practice in subject
– Governors participate in an external review as soon
as possible.
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Hartsbourne Communication Systems
School Website
E-mail (letters, reminders etc)
Texting Service
Parent Pay Facility
Share My Homework / Mathletics
Lend Me Your Literacy
Caterlink Ltd website
Achievement certificates
Lend Me Your Literacy certificates
Head Teacher Award (Gold sticker)
Praise Postcards
Targets from parent consultation evening
Individual Education Plan (SEND)
Home-school books
Homework diaries
Reading records
End of Year Report
End of year attendance record
Annual ‘change of information’ forms
Parent teacher consultations
Prior appointment system
Before school (on playground) SLT
Every Wednesday open classroom
Parent volunteers (library, listen to readers)
Office hours 8.30am – 4.00pm
Meet the teacher (autumn term)
Friends of Hartsbourne
Parents’ Forum
Annual open evening
Open mornings tours (5 this year)
Y5 transition to Secondary School meeting
Y5 PGL (school journey) meeting
Annual class assemblies
Festival assemblies
Themed weeks (eg science week)
Musical soiree / Christmas Show (all classes)
Year 6 Leavers’ assembly
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Governor Support
Sam Futerman, Vice Chair of Governors
Governors recognise the significance of the outcome for the school.
They have ensured that the key priorities are being swiftly addressed so
that Hartsbourne secures at least ‘good’ at its next Inspection.
What went well:
School self-evaluation is largely accurate.
Governors know the school well.
The use of pupil premium has been effective.
The school has correctly identified areas which need to improve and
has been successful in raising standards.
Leaders have taken appropriate steps to introduce the new National
Curriculum and new assessment procedures.
Pupils are polite and courteous as they move in and around the
school. They behave well, particularly in lessons.
Teaching and achievement are ‘good’.
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What have we already done?
Improved behaviour and safety by:
Taking children’s suggestions for new playground rules and
amalgamating into shared list.
Changed the structure of adult supervision at break and lunch;
– Made changes to incident and accident record keeping
– Provided more equipment for children at break and lunch;
– More training for teaching assistants with responsibility for lunch
time, including positive problem solving methods;
– Delivered ‘Positive Friendship Week’ in tandem with national ‘AntiBullying Week’ including KS2 workshops.
– Re-planned PSHE&C lessons for this half-term in line with the topic
‘Playing Nicely and Keeping Safe’;
– Started a review of the Behaviour Policy and taken children’s
contributions about what our school rules should be.
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•Line up sensibly
•Keep ourselves and others safe
•Use equipment properly and safely
•Think before we speak
•Treat others how we’d like to be treated
•Share and play fairly (no-one excluded)
•Keep control of our bodies, comments,
behaviour and temper
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•Look out for others and
find the space to play
Excluded from a game
Teasing / name calling
Rudeness to others
Pulling faces at others
Rough/play fighting
Arguing, shouting
Physical aggression (kicking, hitting,
pushing, shoving, pinching, grabbing)
Coercing (you’re not my friend if you
Following / intimidating
Mis-use of equipment
Running off / refusing to listen to/ cooperate with an adult
(since spring term 2014):
Increased the number of adults supervising
increased the amount of equipment
Introduced two lunch time sports clubs
(Monday and Friday)
Further training for Play Pals
Class teacher informed
Parents informed
Head teacher informed
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© Herts for Learning Ltd
What have we already done?
Improved leadership and management by:
– Increased visibility and availability of senior leaders;
– Increased availability of staff (weekly ‘open door’);
– Started work on a ‘Communication Plan’ with support
of governors;
– Reviewed the Complaints Policy;
– Continuing improvements to the website with support
of governors; (started in July 2014);
– Starting the process of a review of governance with
the governing body;
– Planned further INSET training for subject leaders
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Next Steps for Governing Body:
Tina Candler, Chair of Governors
• Governors are absolutely determined that improvements will be
made quickly including actions needed following the Review of
Governance. Governor’s will:
• Work closely with SLT and Herts for Learning to implement
outcomes from the Review of Governance.
• Keep parents and carers fully informed of progress.
• Participate in further training opportunities.
• Improve the schedule of monitoring visits by all governors.
• Provide more opportunities for parents to meet with governors.
• Ensure more regular monitoring of the website.
• Continue to provide challenge to the school and ensure accurate
recording of minutes.
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Local Authority Support
Liz Hawkins
Hertfordshire Improvement
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Monitoring and Support
Monitoring the post Ofsted action plan and evaluating
its impact
INSET and support for teaching and non teaching
Advising the governors and the leadership team on
their roles and responsibilities
Monitoring all key issues through an Action Group
and reporting progress each term (through the
Strategic Lead for Primary Effectiveness) to the
Managing Director of HfL and the Assistant Director of
Education at Hertfordshire County Council.
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Monitoring of Progress
For schools which require improvement, there will
be a visit by HMI to monitor progress six to eight
weeks from the publication of the inspection report.
There may be further visits (usually on a termly
There will be another Section 5 inspection 18 to 24
months from the date of publication of the report.
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Coffee Break
Please write any
suggestions for our
action plan and post
them in our ‘Voice
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Response to Questions
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What Happens Next?
The school will finish writing the post-Ofsted action
plan to address the issues in the report and they will
incorporate feedback from staff and parents.
Actions to improve aspects of behaviour had started in
the autumn term and on the specific issues, immediately
after the inspection. This will continue.
School leaders will meet regularly with HfL advisers to
review progress against the Ofsted and other issues as
© Herts for Learning Ltd
Thank you for coming!
It’s not being knocked down that
matters, but how you get up....
The Head, staff, governors and Herts for Learning
advisors are all committed to rapidly improving
Hartsbourne Primary School and to sustaining the best
possible education for all pupils, those here now and
those who attend in the future.
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