Duties of Lions Club Officers

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Transcript Duties of Lions Club Officers



Lions Club Officers

Prepared By:

Tiong Yong Tiing

Objectives of this session

To equip club officers with:

 A perspective of general duties of all the  respective club officers in the BOD Necessary knowledge relating to the general administration of a Lions club

Who are in the Board of Directors

 President   Immediate past president 3 Vice presidents  Secretary  Treasurer  Tamer (optional)  Tail twister (optional)  Membership director  Directors


 You are the chief executive officer of your club’s BOD  Your roles extend beyond the club into the district and international level (a) You deal directly with the offices of the district and LCI (b) You are a key member of the district governor’s advisory committee in your zone  Club’s spirit grows with the consistent harmonious partnership between you and all the club officers and members.

President’s duties:

( Internal affairs)

Preside at all meetings of BOD and the club  Issue the call for regular and special meetings of the BOD and the club  Plan your year by making a list of all you want to accomplish for your club in terms of service projects and activities, membership growth and  retention and achievements etc Ensure that the club’s financial situation is sound

President’s duties:

(Internal affairs)

   Appoint the standing and special committees of the club and cooperate with the chairperson thereof to effect regular functioning and reporting of such committees.

Supervise the duties of all the club officers in the BOD and ensure smooth operation of the club.

Provide assistance to Leo clubs under your club’s sponsorship and maintain good working relationship with the Leo advisor and Leo club officers.

President’s duties:

( Internal affairs)

   See that regular elections are duly called, noticed and held in accordance with the club’s Constitutions and By-laws.

Ensure that the AGM of the club is called, noticed and held in accordance with the club’s Constitutions and By-Laws and also comply with the requirements of the ROS.

Ensure to submit the annual return consisting of all relevant documents to ROS within 60 days after the date of AGM.

President’s duties:

( External affairs)

    Maintain good working relationship with all other Lions and Leo clubs.

Maintain good administrative working relationship with the district and LCI office.

Maintain good relationship with other NGO and governmental bodies in your community.

Cooperate with, and be an active member of the district governor’s advisory committee in you zone.


Your Limit of Authority

   Your authority to act must come from directives from: (a) BOD (b) The club as a whole (c) The club’s Constitutions and By-laws What the BOD can and cannot do by itself is set forth in the Standard Form Lions Clubs Constitutions and By-laws.

Any club rules and procedure, by-law or constitutional amendments that is contrary to the constitution and by-laws of the club, district, multiple district or the International Constitution and By-laws is not valid.

Immediate Past President

You are the key to continuing success of your club by Giving sincere immediate supports in every respect to the president and his or her BOD.


    Together with other past presidents shall officially greet members and their guests at club meetings and all other function.

Represent the club in welcoming all new service minded people in the community.

Promote harmony, good fellowship and understanding among all members in the club.

Assist the president in all possible ways.

Vice Presidents

There are 3 vice president posts:

(a) First Vice President (b) Second Vice President (c) Third Vice President Vice Presidents’ duties:

  Accomplish special projects as may be assigned by the President.

Ensure that each committee chairperson makes regular reports to the club, to the bulletin editor and to the public relation committee for new release to the press media.

Vice Presidents’ duties:

    Assist the president to choose Lions members who can do the best job.

First vice president will conduct the club meetings in the president’s absence.

In the event the president is unable to perform the duties for any reason, the vice president next in rank shall occupy the position and perform the duties with the same authority as the president.



   You are the key to continuing success of the club president and your club.

Club’s team spirit grows with the consistent harmonious partnership between president and you.

Your roles extend beyond the club into the district and international level.

(a) You deal directly with the office of LCI (b) You are a member of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee for your zone.

Secretary’s duties

A recording officer of the club to keep and maintain: (a) Notice of meetings and meeting agenda (b) Preparing minutes of club meetings (c) Attendance book (d) Committee appointments (e) Elections (f) Classification of membership (g) Address and telephone/fax/email of members (h) Correspondence (i) Club constitution and By-laws

Secretary’s duties

(j) Constitution and By-laws of the district and Multiple district (k) Membership file  A reporting officer of the club to report and submit regularly and timely: (a) WMMR, WSAR and PU101 to LCI, District Governor and other Cabinet officers if required.

(b) Minutes of AGM, audited statement of account and other relevant documents within 60 days after the date of AGM to ROS.

Secretary’s duties

     Attend all club meetings.

Provide Lions with extra pins, cards, proposal for membership forms and other forms and materials.

Obtain all awards timely each member has earned.

Be an active member of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee meetings.

Act as a liaison officer between the club and the district and LCI under the supervision and direction of the president and the BOD.


     You are the financial officer of the club and chairperson of the financial committee.

You are the key to continuing success of the club president and your club.

Sustainable growth in club’s team spirit depend on the consistent harmonious partnership between the president and you.

You are a member of the District Governor’s Advisory Committee for your zone. You deals direct with LCI regarding dues etc.

Treasurer’s duties

    Receive all monies and deposit the same in the bank recommended by BOD.

Make all payments of club obligations on authority given by BOD.

Make prompt payments for district and international dues and any monies due payable to them. Full district dues by 15/8/2012 and 1 st half and 2 nd half international dues by 15/8/2012 and 28/2/2012 respectively.

Keep general records of club receipts and disbursements.

Treasurer’s duties:

   Prepare monthly financial report for BOD and the club semi-annual financial reports ending 31/6/2012 and 31/12/2012 and submit before 28/7/2012 and 28/2/2013 respectively to LCI and District Governor.

Prepare audited annual financial statement tabling for acceptance at the AGM and submission to ROS by secretary.

Prepare to respond promptly to letters on financial topics for assuring good public relation with community, LCI and District.

Lion Tamer (Optional)

You are the creator the proper and conducive meeting Venue and environment an certainly the club’s image.

Lions Tamer’s dut


  Responsible for the club’s property for safekeeping.

Place any flags, gong, gavel etc. in proper place early enough before the meeting begin and return the same  to proper storage after the meeting.

Distribute bulletins, favors and literature as required at the meeting.

Lions Tamer’s duties:

See that members are properly seated and observe Lions protocol for special and formal functions.

Act as sergeant-at-arms at meeting.

Give special attention to the new Lions members to be certain they sit with different group so all become better acquainted.

Tail Twister


Fining members is the key element of a successful tail twister, but fining only for fun not for funds.

Tail Twister’s duties

 Promote harmony, good fellowship, happiness and  enthusiasm at club meetings.

Do not twist new Lions members until they understanding the practice of tail twisting. Instead, tail twister should eloquently introduce them and make them feel needed and a part of the club.

Tail Twister’s duties:

    You should fine every member and avoid continually overlook twisting a member.

Do not levy a fine on member in order to satisfy any personal reason.

Extract humor and laughter out of Lions with jokes, acting etc. Laughter transcends all creeds, religions, sects and color, it is universal.

Do not make any vulgar jokes as it is not compatible with the ethics of Lionism.

Membership Director

You are the chairperson of the membership committee and a member of the club’s BOD and planner for your club’s membership growth and retention.

Membership Director’s duties:

Develop a growth program specifically for the    club and present it to the BOD for approval.

Encourage members to bring in new quality members.

Ensure proper recruitment procedures.

Prepare and implement orientation sessions.

Membership Director’s duties

    Report to the BOD ways to reduce the loss of members.

Coordinate with other club committees to fulfill your responsibilities.

Serve as a member of the zone level membership committee.



With all other officers, you will form part of the BOD of the club.

Directors’ duties


 Attend faithfully the club and special meetings of   the BOD.

Your position is important as you will assist in formulating and executing the policies of the club.

Assist to chair the various activity and service committees.

Directors’ duties:

   Promote good harmony, fellowship, friendship among the club members.

Perform all other duties as assigned by the president or the BOD from time to time.


To conclude, it is advisable to take note:

 The duties of all the club officers are not just limited as listed above. Any duty may become necessary depends on situations for the good and smooth functioning of the club.

 To improve further your knowledge on duties and excel in your performance for your club, do spend some times to read and attend: (a) Official publication of Lions Clubs International on new membership kit, Club officer manuals, Guide for Leo club advisors, etc.

(b) Club award criteria of the district governor.

(c) Lions leadership and orientation seminars.

Your efforts towards building stronger club and district through:

1. Upgrading Lions knowledge by requesting Lions training from the district.

2. Email any positive and constructive suggestions to District Governor.

3. Stress on Lions commitment always.

4. Stress on team work like “Together We Do” and not “ I Do”.

5. Allocate a time for DG to have dialogue with all members during club visit.

Your effort towards upholding Lions image.

1. Always feel proud of Lions Logo.

2 Maintain silence during official functions.

3. Avoid open drinking (Yam Seng) during official function.

4. Ensure proper presentation of all matters related to the publicity press release.

5. Don’t invite DG to drink and no 2 nd needed after any function.


Family Membership

reduced dues rate?

Family Unit LCI Dues Entrance Fees 1 st family member Max 4 more members In full [USD 39] Yes [USD 25] ½ No Charter Fees In full [USD 30] No

Leo to Lion Program

reduced dues rate?

Leo to Lion LCI Dues USD 19.50

Entrance Fees USD 0.00

Student Member Dues

reduced dues rate?

Student Member LCI Dues USD 19.50

Entrance Fees USD 0.00

Lions Membership Dues

International Dues (a) (b) Per capita $18.75

Convention $ 0.50

(c) Magazine $ 4.75


District Dues (a) District Bulletin & Communication RM21.00

(b) Multiple District Fund RM 9.00

(c) Sub District 308-A2 Foundation RM10.00

(d) International Relations & YE RM 3.00

(e) District Administration RM44.00


Club Dues As decided by the club’s general body.

Entrance Fees for New Members (a) (b) (c) District 308-A2 RM12.00

LCI $25.00

Charter Fee $30.00