Transcript Document

ITSM Transition
enabling System-wide Strategy
• Background to Suffolk & Strategic Development
• Organisational Readiness
• ITSM Programme
• ITSM Programme Outcomes
Kate Walker, Head of ICT & Informatics, @theValueofIMT
Anthony Upshall, ITSM Transition Programme Manager. 01473 770146
Background to Suffolk
Requirements for the Health & Care System
• c670,000 patients
• Highly rural
• 2 CCGs
• 67 GP Practices
• Multiple Community Providers
• 2 Acutes
• 1 Mental Health Trust / Local Authority
Changing Health & Care System
• Integrated Health & Care
• Suffolk Informatics Partnership
• Fit for Purpose / Changing Demands
• What are our options for change?
Strategic Approach
Business Value Identification
Stakeholder Commitment
Developed Roadmap
ITSM Programme
ITSM Programme - Outcomes
To provide a responsive and reliable IT service pan-Suffolk;
To ensure equity and quality of support and services to all sites;
To work in partnership to innovate and develop IT across the two CCG areas;
Contract with a compliant provider of the services meeting the agreed specification;
Maintain quality and timeliness of the service;
The contract emphasis will be a proactive support model designed toward providing
a robust service rather than simply reacting to incidents as they occur;
Ensure all contract schedules are completed to enable a robust contract to be put
in place;
Secure the full range of services at a cost effective price;
To efficiently and effectively transition to the new service contract;
Allow other eligible bodies to source similar services:
Kate Walker, Head of ICT & Informatics, @theValueofIMT
Anthony Upshall, ITSM Transition Programme Manager. 01473 770146