Program Leader Orientation - University of Wisconsin

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Transcript Program Leader Orientation - University of Wisconsin

Program Leader
Today’s Agenda:
Student Recruitment and Preparation
Group Safety & Health
Conduct & Responsibilities
Financial Management
Forms & Documents for I.P.
All leaders are enrolled in D2L --
Marketing Your Faculty-led
Experiences Abroad:
• No program can go without a viable
group of student participants.
• International Programs will help, but
students look to their faculty instructors
for advice and encouragement.
Issues to consider . . .
Part of marketing must address the
reasons students have for NOT
choosing to participate in your
study abroad experience. These
reasons may include:
 Benefit
 Money
 Time & Credits
 Lack of Foreign
Language Skills
Go recruit
and please
deadlines: December 1 – Summer & Fall Programs
April 1 – Winterim & Spring Programs
Preparing Accepted Participants . . .
Pre-departure meetings:
Include as lecture/course hours
Course content and preparation
Consideration for semester schedules:
Class meeting times
Student Resources at the I.P. Website:
Group Safety & Health
Group & Individual Safety Abroad
Resources from the
U.S. State Department and
The Center for Disease Control
Counseling Services --
CISI (Insurance) --
Group & Individual Safety Abroad:
Health Information & Common Sense
“Required Health and Safety Information” Form
Confidential -
Need to Know Basis
Ability to Accommodate
Common Sense Safety Tips:
• Never venture out alone
• Develop awareness of surroundings
• Secure personal belongings
• Have local address (itinerary) and phone number
*A very friendly person who you just met
. . . is still a stranger.
Group & Individual Safety Abroad: Emergency
• Seek local assistance immediately
• Check safety of entire group
• Contact I.P. as soon as possible
“Managing Real and Perceived Emergencies Abroad”
(at D2L)
Mandatory Health Meetings
Determined by Dr. Jim Zach
Based on Program itinerary . . .
Conduct &
Student Rights & Responsibilities: Acceptance into Program
• Based on good standing & meeting GPA requirements –
Conduct check
Transcript review
Statement of purpose
Instructor recommendation
• Acceptance then contingent on –
Criminal background check
Health information form
• Key Issues –
First come, first served?
Need for numbers!
Ability to accommodate (health & learning needs)
Review of Group Leader Responsibilities
(as outlined in the Leader Application)
• Recruit students for the program
• Plan, attend, and participate in student orientation sessions
• Receive specific training and orientation
• Serve as a counselor and advisor to students while abroad
• Teach courses appropriate to the program location and focus
• Manage financial arrangements for the program while abroad
• Live in student housing
• Lead excursions on site and encourage student involvement in extracurricular cultural
• Provide future leaders and students with assistance and orientation
• Wherever appropriate, incorporate the experiences and materials gained abroad to
internationalize courses taught at UWSP
Student Conduct During Program
“Participant Agreement &
Statement of Responsibilities”
Disciplinary Actions:
First Instance – Verbal Warning
Second Instance – Written Warning
(Contact I.P. Director)
Third Instance – Disciplinary Sanction
(Consult with I.P. Director)
*Ability to Stay with Program?
*Separation from Accommodations?
*Separation from Program
How A Program Budget Works: Regulations & Rules
• Program Revenue , NOT GPR
• UW System and UWSP Regulations
(ACIS 7.1-7.4, FPP 45, and UWSP I.P. “revenue neutral” policy)
• Key Terms:
• Travel Advance
• UWSP Travel (T) Card (Not a “P” Card)
• Travel Expense Report
*Programs NOT budgeted on State Per Diem Rates!
How A Program Budget Works:
Some Basic Considerations
• Financial Aid – only available for students enrolled for
academic credit
• Students share costs of entire program, including leader
expenses & salary (equity issue: all enrolled equally means
all pay in equally)
• No Segregated Fees - but I.P. Arrangement Fee, UW System
Mandated Fees, Criminal background check . . .
• Required Insurance (CISI): $35 per month
Forms &
for I.P.
“Leader Compensation and Expenses” Form
Copy of Passport information page(s)
Copy of Syllabus
Book order for class (no Text Rental)
“Flight Ballot” form (due by workshop date)
*Car Rental and/or Hotel Reservations?
Departure Workshops
Spring Semester Programs – Early November
Summer & Spring Break Programs – Early March
Fall Programs – Late April