Larger water tanks - Moringa Garden Circle

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Rain Barrel-A/C Water Conservation
Master Gardeners & N.W.F Habitat Stewards
Ann Poe & Art Constantino
[email protected]
What is a Rain Barrel?
OurA homemade
rain barrel
vessel useddrum
to store
More Rain barrels
Other types of storage vessels
Web purchased
Web purchased
Mona & Walter Johnston
M.E. DePalma
Mona & Walter Johnston
Web purchased
Advantages of Using Rain Barrels
•Helps supplement irrigation
•Reduces storm water runoff
•Directs irrigation to reduce water waste
•Acidic rain water aids our alkaline soil
•You doing your part to conserve water
How Much Water Can I Collect?
•1" rain = 600 gal of water per 1000 sq feet of roof
•Art’s half roof = 432 sq ft or 259 gallons per 1”
•4 - 55 gallon drums = 220 gallon storage
•Collects more water than he can store
Rain Barrel Considerations
•Check community deed restrictions
•Vessels size & shape for your water needs
•Use suitable vessel
•Keep independent from house plumbing or sprinkler
•locate in shade - close to the gutter & usage
•Elevated sturdy frame minimum 15” high
Food Grade vs. Non-food Grade
Food-grade containers are preferred by many
but water quality is not a concern when
collecting rain water watering lawns or gardens
Collected water is not for human consumption
How do I know if the barrel is safe?
Request a Material Data Safety Sheet from the
supplier of your used barrel. It states the
hazards of the material the container held
Our Model Rain Barrel
•Non-food grade - used barrel
•After washing – safe for use
•Heavy duty – stable - opaque
•Water filter – large overflow
•Lower or upper joining
•Move water without a pump
Filter Feature of Our Rain Barrel
•Use small pool skimmer filter
•Filter roof and gutter debris
•Keeps out bugs-mosquitoes
•Holds flexible downspout firm
Overflow Feature of Our Rain Barrel
•1 ½” pipe removes water fast
•Pvc pipe is custom fit
•Easily moves water away from
foundation to drainage area
High Joining of Our Rain Barrel
•Connect two or more rain barrels via high joining
•High joining-easy to build
•Fill one barrel at a time
•Empty one barrel at a time
•Each barrel needs spigot
•Last barrel gets overflow
Lower Joining of our rain barrel
•Connect two or more rain barrels via low joining
•More difficult to build
•Two people to move
•Built in 2" fittings
•Both barrels fill and
empty together
•One spigot used
Shown upside down
•Overflow on last barrel
You Don’t Have a Gutter
A 10 foot section of gutter & downspout can be
installed where needed.
•The cost is low
•Few tools used
to do the job
•Medium difficulty
•Supply the most
You Are Limited Only
by Your Imagination
You may not have seen the next
ideas before. We hope you will be
inspired to try a few yourself.
Using Rain Chains
•Difficult to install gutter & downspout
•Use a rain chain to move water
•Easy to install
•Available in many styles & prices
•Any vessel can be used to create yard art.
Decorative Smaller Vessels
•Yard art can be used in “deed restrictive” areas
•Many sizes - styles - colors - shapes available
Built by Mona & Walter Johnston
•Use rain chains to supply the water
•Use as many as you need
A/C Discharge Water
•A/C water readily available year round
including dry season when needed most
•7 - 8 dry season days = 55 gallons water
•Lots of water for very little effort
Saving water without rain
Mechanics of A/C Discharge Water
•A/C units discharge water by gravity or pump
•Your A/C handler is near a outside wall
•No pump in or near drip pan
You have a gravity drain
•Your A/C handler in the central interior area
• A pump under or near the drip pan
•You have a pumped system
Both systems capture & save A/C water
Using Gravity Fed A/C water?
This is a type of gravity fed A/C water system
•Most storage vessel buried
•Near A/C water discharge
•A/C water piped into vessel
•Small pump installed inside
•Pump water to larger vessel
•A/C on…barrel is refilling
Courtesy Mona & Walter Johnston
Saving water without rain
Using Pump Fed A/C Water?
This is a type of pump fed A/C water system
•Storage vessel elevated
•Barrel can be further away
•Pump not needed in barrel
•A/C on…barrel is refilling
•Clear tubing easy to use
Saving water without rain
October Rose, Hibiscus radiatus
Supplying Water Features
•Rain Barrel & A/C water can be used to…
•Keep your pond, fountain or decorative urn filled
•Rain barrels or vessels can supply your water
•By pumping or using raised barrels or vessels
•Here is one example of how it can be done
Decorative Urn Water Feature
•Purchased / homemade urn
•Run rigid or soft pipe from
your water storage vessel to
the back of the urn
•Connect pipe to fill valve
•From fill valve pipe into urn
•Install hose bib on front
This urn available $199.+ at
•Urn becomes a rain barrel
Fountain Water Feature
•Large bottom basin holding 5-6 gallons preferred
•Run rigid or soft pipe from
your water storage to the
back of the fountain
•Connect pipe to fill valve
•From fill valve pipe into basin
•Install hose bib on front-back
•Fountain is multi tasking
Homemade Rain Barrels
•Two lower joining 55
gallon drums
•Inverted for stability
•With a filter & hose bib
•Large overflow
•Hidden by bushes-tarp
in deed restricted area
Photo & barrels by Wain Barber
Purchased Rain Barrel
•Purchased barrel online from
Great American Rain Barrel
•Opaque - sturdy - filter
overflow & hose bib
•100 % recycled plastic
•Available in four colors
•Trouble free many years
M.E. DePalma Photo
Where to Get Parts Shown
•Home Depot & Lowe’s carry all the plumbing parts &
fixtures used here.
•For barrels check your yellow pages under drumsbarrels new/used.
•The WWW is a great source to find commercial rain
barrels, urns, rain chains, pumps, etc
Building Rain Barrel handouts are available.
We will be glad to answer your questions.