Transcript Slide 1

Electronic Medication
Select “Medication Reconciliation @
Discharge” order to begin the process for
‘captain of the ship’ to complete form or
for the consultants to review home and
active inpatient medications on the form.
Order form will fill in with Home Meds
(from the Admission Profile) and active
Inpatient Medication orders
If you are the attending
physician and wish to proceed
with discharge medication
reconciliation, select the “I am
Captain of the Ship” checkbox.
Selecting “I am Captain of the Ship”
activates the “Continue at home”
controls for both Home Meds and
Inpatient Meds.
Select medications from
the ‘Home Meds’ list
and the ‘Inpatient
Medication’ list that you
want the patient to take
at home.
*Do not select the same medications from
both lists.
Click this checkbox if you would like to print
Quantity and Refills for the discharge prescriptions being
1. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to
enter any additional medications or
prescriptions you may want the patient to
take at home.
2. Click on this
checkbox to activate.
Enter the medication
name and directions
in the text box.
3. Select the box to print discharge
prescriptions for the additional
medications entered (optional).
Review the name of the patient
and submit order
Under the Orders Tab, the summary
line specifies that Med Reconciliation
was completed electronically.
Example of discharge
prescriptions that will
print after you submit
the order. The physician
must sign each
prescription and add
DEA # if needed.
Nursing will print discharge
instructions for the patient after
all medication reconciliation is
completed by captain of the ship
and consultants. The copy the
patient signs will be scanned
back into electronic record and
available to view in documents
tab after discharge.
For consultants:
• On the order entry
worksheet type in Med Rec.
• This is for review only
• Consultants do not submit
this order.
If med rec has not been completed by the ‘captain
of ship’, the order form will display active and home
medications. Review and click Close.
Open order entry worksheet to enter prescriptions.
If med rec has been completed by the ‘captain of ship’, You
will see the details of what medications have been reconciled
already, but you cannot add or edit form. Review and click
Open order entry worksheet to enter prescriptions.
Change session type to
‘Discharge’ for prescription
The discharge session will allow
you to prescribe discharge
medications and print
Example of medication
ordered in ‘Discharge’
Fill in the quantity and
number of refills.
Example of a discharge
prescription by a consultant
that was entered prior to this
The discharge prescriptions
orders will display if they are
ordered prior to the med rec
• After the order is submitted, prescriptions will print
• Physician must sign each prescription and add DEA #
if needed.
• When dictating the D/C summary: Under medications
say “see Medication Reconciliaton for medications”
(instead of the list). If sending D/C summary to
outside doctor, end dictation with “send med rec list
along with the D/C summary.”
• The final list of meds given to patient will be scanned
by medical records and returned to the chart (with
any written changes visible on the scanned list).
If there are more than 30 active medications the electronic
form will not be able to be used. You will receive the above
message; ‘Maximum inpatient medication exceeded’.
If you are the attending and would like to reconcile, click on
the ‘I am Captain of the Ship’ box and a paper medication
reconciliation form will automatically print. The paper form
needs to be reconciled and signed.
Limitations of Electronic Medication
• Cannot reprint Discharge Rx
• Cannot print Discharge Rx from offsite
• Cannot reorder existing Medication
Reconciliation at Discharge order. The
order will need to be discontinued and
• Electronic Reconciliation will
accommodate a maximum of 30 active
inpatient medication orders.
Questions ?
• Dr. Silverstein 350-3710