Transcript Document

Uniform Guidance

2 C F R PA R T 2 0 0 — U N I F O R M A D M I N I S T R AT I V E R E Q U I R E M E N T S , C O S T P R I N C I P L E S , A N D A U D I T R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R F E D E R A L AWA R D S M AT T R I C H T E R C O M P L I A N C E M A N A G E R O F F I C E O F S P O N S O R E D P R O G R A M S


1. What is the Uniform Guidance (UG)?

2. UWM working group 3. Resources 4. Key changes M.RICHTER, 1.20.15


What is the Uniform Guidance (UG)?

• UG consolidates the circulars for costing, administration, and audit of Federal awards • 2 CFR 200 replaces 8 circulars • Applies to universities, state and local governments, nonprofits, and native tribes • • • • Purpose—*eliminate duplicative and conflicting guidance; *focus on accountability and performance; *focus less on process and more on outcomes Some good news, some administrative burdens Each federal agency will implement a slightly different version of the UG UG is still being interpreted and clarified • • •


December 26, 2013 - OMB issued the UG December 26, 2014 - Effective date. It will apply to new awards or additional funding increments to existing awards made after this date.

July 1, 2015 - Effective date for audit requirement (Subpart F) of the Uniform Guidance will apply to UWM awards.

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UWM Working Group:

How UWM will meet the new federal requirements

• • • • • Assessment Analyze UG requirements Prioritize impact areas Conduct gap analysis Identify stakeholders Consider *policy changes; *business processes; and *guidance / tools / technology needs • • • • Alignment Revise policy, if needed Revise business processes Create tools and technology to support business process changes Create new guidance materials 3.



Implementation • • • Communication and training Identify audiences and mediums Develop messages Offer presentations, trainings, workshops • • • • Control Monitoring Testing Ongoing training Policy / business processes revisited Maintaining internal control strategies M.RICHTER, 1.20.15



UG web page  Office of Research homepage  Important Updates  Direct link on Office of Research homepage, left navigation bar • Guidance docs • Proposal preparation guide (Dec 2014) • Post-award management guide (coming soon) • Subaward management guide (coming soon) • Links to Federal regulations, supplemental materials, and agency-specific guidelines (NSF) M.RICHTER, 1.20.15


A few key changes…

    Subawards Admin & clerical salaries Computing devices Cost sharing M.RICHTER, 1.20.15



For UG questions, please email: [email protected]

• For general compliance questions, contact me anytime: Matt Richter Compliance Manager Mitchell 273 229-2487 [email protected]

M.RICHTER, 1.20.15