Human Performance - CAES-Career Advancement Employment

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Transcript Human Performance - CAES-Career Advancement Employment

Achieving Superior
Work Performance
Innovative Solutions For
Performance Improvement
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we lose…
the opportunity to fully develop our individual careers
our ability to function as an effective team
our capability to effectively manage others
the stability and profitability of our organization
we will have…
career satisfaction, personal development and the
opportunity to assume greater challenges
innovative and progressive teams
superior leadership and managerial effectiveness
organizational competitiveness and increased profitability
when we consistently exceed the pre-determined
performance expectations of a work task or role
by meeting quality expectations
within expected time frames
This requires that we:
Properly determine what the performance expectations are
Use measurable performance indicators
to provide relevant feedback
regarding meeting these expectations
we often fall short on performance at all levels…
Because, despite all good intentions…
we fail to set realistic performance expectations,
and we fail to consistently measure results,
due to our misunderstanding of the role and significance of
all of the variables that have an impact on work performance
We need to understand the real reason why
Person A consistently out-performs Person B
go beyond a typical analysis that focuses on a person’s
educational background,
technical skills,
industry experience,
and a rudimentary understanding of their personality
key to achieving superior work performance
comes from fully understanding the impact of
will be sustained over time when the person involved has:
the required educational background,
appropriate technical skills,
relevant industry experience, and
the necessary work personality characteristics
that FIT with the requirements of their
specific employment position,
specific manager,
and their specific team
in their specific organizational culture
as an individual’s combined personality characteristics that are
relevant to their performance in the workplace
In general top performers will display strength in these performance categories:
Problem Solving Capability
Concentration Skills
Personal Motivation
Environmental Motivation
Productivity Traits
Interpersonal Skills
Communication Skills
Emotional Stability
Ethics and Integrity
The ability to effectively solve problems
is a cornerstone of work performance
• Different positions require the ability to work with problems of varying
complexities that may span anywhere from one day to several years (scope)
• It is critical to measure an individual’s ability to plan, think strategically,
analyze problems and to anticipate the consequences of various courses of
action within the required scope of their respective position
• Knowing an individual’s current scope allows you to predict how fast an
individual’s scope may grow and when they will be ready for a greater level
of responsibility
Since superior performance requires the ability to maintain quality
within appropriate time frames
we need to ensure that an individual can eliminate or reduce errors
• This will require a person to be able to concentrate, make good decisions
and take appropriate action while dealing with situational stress
They will need to be aware of changing concentration requirements, and
then adapt quickly in order to perform effectively
• And they must also understand and be capable of reducing the impact of
task inhibiting distractions
High motivation and superior performance go hand in hand
We need to understand each individual’s personal motivational criteria,
and whether
they have proactive or reactive tendencies in specific situations
their energy is focused towards goals or away from problems
they are motivated by external judgments or their own standards
they are motivated by finding alternatives or they prefer established
and how each personal criteria is supported in the work,
with the team, by their manager and within the organizational culture
A mismatch between a person’s personal motivation and what is
offered in the workplace environment will reduce performance
Here we need to be aware of:
The motivational elements that are involved in a person’s decision making
How they react and adapt to environmental change
What frequency of change or growth they require
Whether their working scope is focused on broad or specific activities
The type of human environment they prefer
Their preferred work organization
And their work rule structure, which outlines their personal rules and
expectations for others
Superior performers develop consistent work productivity traits
We need to evaluate a person’s:
Conscientiousness and self-discipline
Ability to process information and their preference for diverse activities
Decision making style, speed, accuracy, and implementation abilities
Initiative, willingness to take action, and how they anticipate problems
Ambition and source of achievement motivation
Flexibility and ability to change their work approach
Organization and planning capabilities
Tenacity (determination to stay with a problem until it is resolved)
Ability to maintain their focus over time
Self awareness and subsequent self-improvement commitment
Top performers use their interpersonal skills to engage others
They see the value in collaborative work relationships and they are
• eager to assume a leadership position
• respected by those around them
• excellent people evaluators with sound people judgment
• able to build and maintain relationships
• compassionate, cooperative and aware of the needs of others
• imaginative, intellectually curious, and open to additional input
• realistically self confident without offending their peers
An effective communication fit is essential to individual performance,
team effectiveness and managerial success
• While everyone has a dominant communication style, it is important that their
style fits with what is required in their respective role, but also that they have
the capability to make appropriate communication shifts when required to
adapt to their audience
• Top performers are willing to express their ideas and opinions as required, and
they usually know when it is appropriate to either confront others or when it
is appropriate to display positive feelings and support
• A person’s level of intellectual competitiveness and their basic learning style
must fit the requirements of their role
Low emotional stability will negatively impact performance
Until rectified, a consistent lack of emotional stability can
reduce the effectiveness of all the performance categories
While we can score emotional stability as compared to the general population,
warning signs will be evident in instances where a person has:
an extreme lack of self confidence
low self esteem or high self criticism
a tendency to act or communicate inappropriately
extreme vanity (very self-centred)
an inability to maintain focus and perform under pressure
low self-sufficiency and difficulty managing their affairs
Despite technical capability,
why would you employ someone that you do not trust?
We can evaluate ethics and integrity scores compared to the general population,
but warning signs will be evident in instances where a person has:
• a high sense of entitlement, where they believe they are owed something
rather than earning it via their efforts
• a consistent lack of truthfulness
• a high tendency to exploit or take advantage of others
• a poor rule structure, and consistent justification for breaking the rules
• limited behaviour control and a tendency to be impulsive
• extreme authoritarianism or feelings of superiority over those around them
We should not view these performance categories as a “checklist”
After understanding the nature and significance of the personality categories
we need to evaluate:
• the interrelatedness of all the traits, and the impact that specific traits from
one category will have on specific traits in other categories,
• how trait interactions will influence behavours that are significant to the
performance objectives
• how this significance will vary depending on the person, the situation and
the work environment
Performance Evaluation HAS to be specific to the situation to be effective
is to properly assess where we are
as compared to where we want to be
This requires that we:
• accurately define the specific performance objective
• ensure the presence of necessary education, technical skills and work
experience that are relevant to the performance requirement
• identify the specific Work Personality characteristics that are required to
meet the performance objective
• formally assess the person to identify any subsequent performance gaps
There are no easy solutions
To obtain value, effective personality assessment requires effort and expertise
We need to understand that:
• there is no one assessment tool that will fit all situations
• personality assessment is a process that has to be adapted to each situation
• assessment result statements should be based on the combined analysis and
cross-referencing of:
relevant written assessments,
skilled personal interviewing,
behavioural observations, and
the opinions of others
in order to verify their accuracy
• pre-determined performance objectives help us to maintain focus
toward effective performance gap reduction solutions
With the accurate determination of performance gaps we can:
• Determine what needs to change and where the change can take place
• Evaluate an individual’s motivation to change and identify barriers to change
• Develop objective-specific performance solution programs by:
specifying success parameters
identifying strength maximization opportunities
identifying weaknesses minimization strategies
developing an awareness of the where, when and how of likely mistakes
determining performance inhibiting stress responses and effective stress
control techniques
assisting in setting appropriate performance targets
establishing subsequent developmental goals
creating effective support and coaching programs
Individual, Team, Managerial, Organizational
Create accurate awareness and effective solution plans for individual
performance improvement
Improve employment candidate selection decisions, subsequent
management approaches and candidate retention based on better fit
Improve team selection and development, communication systems and
conflict resolution initiatives
Identify internal managerial prospects and develop effective management
development initiatives or other leadership development programs
Improve succession strategies and overall human resources planning
Environmental Comfort
Emotional Stability
Ethics and Integrity
Problem Solving
Career Advancement Employment Services
Burlington, Ontario Canada
1 (905) 681-8240
[email protected]
Jim Gilchrist B.E.S