Transcript Document

Cloud and Climate Studies
using the Chilbolton Observatory
Robin Hogan
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
• Cloud feedbacks remain the largest source of uncertainty in
predicting the global warming arising from increased CO2
(IPCC 2007)
– Better observations of clouds are needed to tackle this problem
• More than a decade of observations at Chilbolton have been
used to
– Directly evaluate cloud representation in weather & climate models
– Improve understanding of physical processes in clouds
– Develop algorithms for spaceborne radar (CloudSat and EarthCARE)
• This has involved the combination of
– Near-continuous vertically pointing radar and lidar observations
(e.g. ESA C2 project, EU Cloudnet project)
– Focussed field campaigns together with meteorological aircraft
(e.g. CLARE’98, CWVC, CSIP)
Cloud observations at Chilbolton
• Cloud radars
– 35-GHz since 1994 (Rabelais then Copernicus)
– 94-GHz since 1996 (Galileo)
– Can also use 3-GHz CAMRa for clouds
• Cloud lidars
– 905-nm since 1996 (CT75K)
– 1.5-m Doppler lidar since 2006 (HALO)
– 355-nm RAMAN and polarization lidars
…plus many other passive instruments!
– Chilbolton has led the way in methods to
combine instruments at different wavelengths
to retrieve cloud properties
Target classification
• First task: use different radar and lidar sensitivities to identify
different types of clouds and other atmospheric targets
• From this we can estimate cloud fraction and other model variables
Cloud radar
Cloud lidar
Cloud fraction comparison for a month
Met Office
Global Model
Swedish RCA
Evaluation of 7 forecast models
• Cloud fraction and ice water content for 2004
Good news: ECMWF and Met
Office ice water contents
are within observational
errors at all heights
Bad news: all models except DWD
underestimate mid-level cloud
fraction, and there is a wide
range of low-cloud amounts
Bulletin of the American Meteorology Society, in press
Most models
assume “maximumrandom” overlap
Cloud overlap
• Cloud fraction and water content alone is
not enough: climate models need to know
how clouds overlap
Warm front observed at Chilbolton
Radar observations show that in reality overlap is more random:
total cloud cover is higher for the same cloud fraction profile
Cloud overlap: global impact
Chilbolton overlap retrievals were tested in the ECMWF model:
effect on radiation budget is significant, particularly in the tropics
in outgoing
and new
~5 Wm-2
ECMWF model run by Jean-Jacques Morcrette
Mixed-phase clouds
• Clouds containing a mixture of super-cooled liquid droplets and
ice particles are a major headache in climate prediction:
– In a warmer atmosphere these clouds are more likely to be liquid,
making them more reflective and longer lasting, a negative feedback
• Chilbolton can identify them using lidar and radar
– Liquid droplets are much smaller and much more numerous than ice, so
are much more reflective to lidar than to radar
35-GHz radar
Small supercooled liquid droplets
Large falling ice particles
905-nm lidar
Small supercooled liquid droplets
Large falling ice particles
Supercooled water occurrence
• Chilbolton lidar was used to
estimate occurrence of
supercooled water over a 1year period
– 15% of mid-level ice clouds
contain significant liquid water,
decreasing with temperature
– Similar results were obtained
from a lidar in space
– Radiative transfer calculations
reveal that the liquid water
interacts much more strongly
with solar and infrared
radiation than ice, so it is
crucial to get the phase right
ECMWF model
Met Office model
• These results are informing
the development of models,
which poorly represent this
The future
• Information for high-resolution models
– Both forecast and climate models are becoming more sophisticated in
their representation of clouds… but not necessarily more accurate!
– Use Chilbolton to evaluate model representation of turbulence
intensity, cloud particle fall speeds, cloud variability etc.
– Cloud processes need to be understood in more detail, e.g. the
interaction of aerosols with clouds (NERC APPRAISE project)
– Assimilation of cloud radar data into forecast models?
• Exciting new technology for cloud observations
– E.g. development of the first “cheap”, continuously operating Doppler
lidar for cloud and boundary-layer studies, now at Chilbolton
• Spaceborne cloud radar and lidar
– Algorithms developed at Chilbolton will be used by the CloudSat and
Calipso satellites (launched a year ago)
– Chilbolton observations have been used to build the science case for
the ESA “EarthCARE” satellite (to be launched in the next 5 years)