Transcript Slide 1

Also Referenced as NG 911
Next Generation 911
NG 911
Next Generation 911 is being presented by
the NPSTC Technology
Education Working Group
The group is made up of six interested
parties from across the country.
Next Generation 911
NG 911
Current 911 does work. However, the platform is
from the 1970s.
We must keep up with current technology if we
want to remain proactive with our communities.
Remember: your community is:
The Eyes and Ears to Public Safety.
Next Generation 911
NG 911
Today, you can call 911 from any local phone line
and get a Local 911 Operator.
The phone number, a general vicinity of the
caller, whether it’s a residence phone, pay
phone, or cell is identified.
With NG 911, it will be different……..
What is Next Generation 911 ?
What does it mean to you ?
How does it differ from current 911 ?
Let’s find out more about
NG 911…………
Next Generation 911
“System of Systems”
Defined by NG911 initiative, NG911 is
expected to be an interconnected system of
local & regional emergency services
Next Generation 911
NG 911
Current 911
 Provides voice calls via
Minimal data with call –
at best caller ID &
No long distance 911
Transfers 911 information
only from a 911 transfer
NG 911
 Will support voice, text, or
video emergency calling from
ANY communications device
via Internet-like networks
Send advanced data – EX:
from a medical alert system
Long distance & transfer
Transfers caller information
from any source
Next Generation 911
NG 911
NG 911 will be supported by VOIP
Next Generation 911
NG 911
When your agency upgrades to the NG911, you
will receive calls from home phones, cell
phones, Internet call, video stream, or from
ANY Internet-like technology the platform can read.
You will be able to receive calls from Out of your
Local Area.
You can also receive calls from other
911 Centers:
Long Distance or Local
Next Generation 911
With Internet Protocol (IP) open
architecture, NG911 systems
will be able to route calls throughout the
These types of enhancements are vital to our
success. We can be Independent or we can
Coordinate our approach in transitioning
to NG 911.
Next Generation 911
An Independent approach would be
“piecemeal” or being “stand alone.” Either
way, different PSAPs would have
inconsistent or incomplete 911 capabilities
and functionalities.
Opportunities for sharing costs,
infrastructure, and services with other 911
authorities would be limited.
Next Generation 911
A Coordinated approach would be a uniform,
guided approach by Regional or State
Authorities which could meet a consistent set of
nationally accepted NG911 requirements and
PSAPs would have coordinated functions and
Next Generation 911
NG 911
We have choices:
~ A 911 Center, a County, the 911 Team, you
can own the switch that will operate the
incoming call regardless of technology
~ The vendor can place the switch on their
end and continue to provide upgraded
technology on incoming calls
Next Generation 911
NG 911
At this time, much talk is happening on this
Grant Funding is available to help your Agency
County, Region, or State start the process.
It is wise to have a plan in place. As you get
more involved with NG911, you will find new
ideas that can make a difference in your
Next Generation 911
Contact your 911 Administrator if you are
not aware of NG 911 and what the future
will bring.
You can also find out more by going to the
National Emergency Number Association
(NENA) website.
Next Generation 911
NG 911
There is a lot of work to be done.
Will you or your agency become involved?
Topics of concern:
1. Standards must be developed
2. Vendors should be willing to develop what the
user needs
3. Upgrades to current 911 infrastructure
4. Your enthusiasm and excitement about NG911
NG 911 Presentation
bought to you by
NPSTC Technology Education Working Group
Group Lead:
Steven Devine-BearingPoint
Team Members :
Pam Montonari – Pinellas County Florida
Patti Broderick – Orange County Florida
Robert Saphiro – LCC
Bob Speidel – MA/COM
Bette Rinehart - Motorola