Transcript Slide 1

The challenge for
the leader is to
balance the needs of the
task, team and individual
- and look after themselves
Building the
What makes a good team?
- Stages of team development
- Setting objectives
- Team coaching
- Recruiting new team members
- Handling conflict
Doing the
Get your own house
in order
- have a plan
- update your cv
- get a mentor/coach
- do the development quiz
Finding a way through the fog
- E-mail
- Presentation skills
- Meetings
- Writing skills
- Listening skills
- Effective face to face communication
- Briefing groups & tool box talks
Performance management
- The Enabled environmant
- Goal setting
- Giving feedback
Performance problem solving
- Handling problem team members
- The disciplinary process
- The grievance process
- Support systems
Managing your boss
- Having the conversation
- Setting the agenda
Think about:- Me plc
- Your next job
- How to be interviewed
- Your network
- The "elevator moment"
- Feedback and what to do with it
Are you doing the right things well
- Effectiveness v efficiency
- What's the task?
- Line of sight
- Use of resources
- Priority setting
- Delegation
- Reporting back
Developing the
What motivates people?
- Herzberg et al
- Values v performance
- Potential
- Setting individual targets
The new supervisor
- Managing your boss
- Where to look for help/support
- Setting priorities
Options to develop your people
- Coaching
- Training
- Assignments
- Other opportunities
Bringing it all
- Tell people what their jobs are
- Tell them what good looks like
- Give them the resources to do a good job
- Listen to their aspirations
- Give them a chance
- Give them objective feedback
- listen to their feedback on you
Every task has the potential to
be managed as a project
Principles of
Clarify the project
A Project management
- objectives
- budgets
- Contracting
- Material procurement and control
- Logistics
- Work management systems and work
- Motivation and leadership
- Commitment control and approvals
- Scheduling
- Priorities and the critical path
- QC and QA
Applying it
- Objectives - the terms of reference
- Communications - managing your team
and your sponsor
- Team selection
- Work structure
- Dealing with conflict and difficult people
- Budgets and how to manage them
- Contracts and contract management
- Assumptions/reality check
Every negotiation has the
potential for a win/win outcome
the agreement
- do what you agreed to do nothing more, nothing less
Plan the
Is it going pear shaped?
Clarify your objectives
and write them down
Write down the most you will
pay and your ideal settlement
Decide what your tactics will
be and write them down
If working as a team - agree
who does what
Manage the
Exploration - 60%
- find out as much as possible about the other
parties needs and wants
- don't give things away, trade everything
- use adjournments to review progress, check
the plan and re-plan if needed
Movement - 30%
Do all of the above for the
other party
- move towards agreement by making an offer
- manage the tactics of the other party
It does not have to be this way and
you are in danger of heading for
win/lose or lose/lose. What to do:- Ask for an adjournment
- Calm down - breathe - manage the emotions
- look at the tactics being used
- write down the questions you need to ask to get
back on track
Also, ask yourself the following:-
Is your plan working for you?
- re-do the plan if you need to
Do your research
- who bats for the other party
- have you met them before
- what's their background and experience
- what would a good deal look like for them
Think about the venue
- your place?
- their place?
- a neutral place?
Agreement - 10%
- write down what has been agreed and
give them a copy
- shake hands on it
Are your objectives realistic?
- re-set the objectives if you need to
Is your team getting in the way?
- re-state/re-define the objectives and team roles
- sort out the team, if someone needs to leave
then let them go
- ask for one at any time you feel you need one
- ask for double the time you think you need
What to do in an Adjournment
- review your plan against any new information
- check your objectives are still relevant
- check your assumptions
- share your feelings with the team
Is it time to walk away?
- agree a course of action with your team
- do it
An effective meeting has a purpose, the
right people attending and an agreed set
of actions
Manage the
Prepare for the
Prepare well in advance
- start and finish times?
- look at the room - enough space?
- facilities OK?
- are the right people attending?
- roles of those present?
- who records what and how
- who manages the output?
What's the agenda?
do these 2 match?
Manage the end game
Chair the
- summarise the whole meeting in a few sentences
- remind the participants who agreed to do what
and by when
- decide who distributes copies of the action items
- decide who brings those not present up to date
- when will this group meet again?
- Review the meeting - keep it short and simple
- thank people for their contribution
Manage the agenda
- most important items first
- keep an eye on the time
- no AOB
- do not recycle events of the last meeting
Encourage contributions
- who else needs to know whats been decided?
- how will you tell them?
- how will you get feedback that they understand
and agree with the actions?
- shut up the noisy
- support the quiet
What is the purpose of the
What would a good result
look like for the participants?
Decide how to handle
introductions & how to
manage any speakers
Do some overheads to
cover the agenda and
any other items for sharing
Action items
Record action points
- write down what has been agreed,
who does what and by when
Try to stay impartial - the
Chairmans job is to
manage the meeting
process not the content
- your time has been wasted if people do
not follow up the agreed actions
- how will you monitor progress?
- how will you provide support for them?
- how will you ensure they stay on track
- score out of 10
- a 1 word summary
- what went well and improvement
action for next time
Coaching to improve
performance is driven by the
The 1st
Prepare the agenda
Set the context
- why are we here?
- what does the output look like
Walk through the GROW model
- What is the topic?
- What is the Goal?
- Is it Realistic?
- What options have you considered to get there?
- What Next - what is the first step?
Ground rules
Target setting
How often do we meet?
Notes and follow-up action
- Set SMART targets
- Specific - to that person
- Measurable - in objective terms
- Acheivable - by that person with the
tools and skills they have available
- Realistic - given the resources and time
- Time based - to be completed by.....
Progress Review
What next?
- Agree milestones
- Agree a time and place for the next meeting
- Agree an agenda for the next meeting
The purpose of a facilitator is
"to make things easy"
Making the
event effective
Planning and
Prepare well in advance
- start and finish times?
- look at the room - enough space?
- facilities OK?
- are the right people attending?
- roles of those present?
- who records what and how
- who manages the output?
What's the agenda?
Putting it all together
Manage the opening
Manage the process
Manage the agenda
- most important items first
- keep an eye on the time
- process and content
do these 2 match?
Encourage contributions
What is the purpose of the
What would a good result
look like for the participants?
Decide how to handle
introductions - ice breakers?
- who are you?
- Show/Tell them what the purpose of the event
is and show them the agenda
- tell them when the event will finish
- tell them what will happen to the output
- manage behaviour
- challenge and support
Record action points
- write down what has been agreed,
who does what and by when
- remember this is their event not yours
- try not to be directive
- ask questions
- use flip charts to record the answers
- when points are finished, move on
- when they go around in circles - ask them if it helps
- when they try to avoid an issue - confront it
- make sure someone is picking up the actions
Manage the end game
- remind the participants who agreed to do what
and by when
- who distributes copies of the action items
- who brings those not present up to date
- when will they meet again
- Review the event
- thank people for their contribution
Try to stay impartial
Do some overheads to
cover the agenda and
any other items for sharing
- score out of 10
- a 1 word summary
- what went well and
improvement action for
next time
The purpose of recruitment and
selection is to get the right
person in the right job
Feedback on
The selection
The Interview
- job - boundaries etc
- working environment
- supervision
- terms and conditions - reminder
- absence arrangements
- 3 months probationary period
Prepare the advert
- make sure it reflects the job you want done
- contains enough information for people to self
- includes the timescale for responses
- contains contact details
Get the admin right
- plan the whole thing as a project
- agree the terms and conditions of
employment before the IV
- use a check list
- arrange the room etc
- book the interviewers
- tell the interviewees where to
Monitor progress
Ask and Listen
- think about the interview structure
- make a note of the questions you want
answers to
- any 'funny' answers - follow them up with
more questions
- keep an eye on the time
- ask them if they have any questions for you
Manage the environment
- Encourage them to relax
- comfy chair?
- cup of coffee?
Record your impressions
Set up the interview with care
- welcome arrangements for interviewees
- a brief on pay & conditions
- tell them what the job is
- read their CV/application form
- no interruptions
- no mobile phones etc
- write down what has been said
- do it now - not later
Try to stay impartial
consider assessment centres
- give them tasks they can do straight away
- give them the tools to do a good job
- tell them what good looks like
- arrange time to review progress regularly
Provide constructive feedback
- this is what I wanted - this is what you did
- this is how you could have done it better/
- this is what I expect in the future
- be supportive but explore reasons for poor
Be clear in your communications
- no surprises on either side
- record all discussions
- be specific about tasks, targets and
timescales - write it all down