ANGULAR.jS - Infragistics

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Dhananjay Kumar @debug_mode Microsoft MVP

Agenda : 60 to 80 minutes

• • • • • • • • • Setting up Visual Studio as development environment Getting started with AngularJS $scope object and $rootScope object Controllers and nested controllers Services using service() method and factory() method CRUD operation Directives and Creating basic Custom Directive Scopes in directives Isolated scope with local properties

I am Dhananjay Kumar  5 times Microsoft MVP  Infragistics Consultant  @debug_mode  Blog :


Client side framework Suitable for TDD Single Page Application To create dynamic web page Business logic can be unit tested with ease Can we used with any server side technology

main components of AngularJS

Controllers Scopes Services Directives Views Routing Data Binding Module Filters

Let us start with writing some AngularJS code

$scope object

view Talk to each other using



$scope object

$scope serves as the glue between controller and the view $scope provides execution context for the DOM and the expression View and the controller both have access of the $scope object The $scope object is plain JavaScript object. We can add and remove property as required $scope pass data and behaviour to the view from the controller For each controller creation and new $scope gets created

$rootScope object

$rootScope is top most scope on DOM element with ng-app directive In angular all the $scope are created with prototypal inheritance $scope has access to their parent $scope object and eventually to $rootScope object $rootScope object is parent of all the $scope object

Controller in AngularJS

Controller is a JavaScript constructor functions which contains data and the business logic Controller name should start from the capital letter and ends with controller. For example AuthorController It takes $scope òbject as parameter and attach data and behaviour to the $scope object Do not use controller to manipulate DOM or create custom filter

Controller in AngularJS

Each controller has its own child $scope object Whenever new controller gets created on the view angular pass a $scope object to it Controller can be attached to different level of DOM. Hence it creates $scope hierarchy $scope of the child controller can access and override data and behaviour of the parent controller

Let us write code to understand • • • Controller and $scope object Controller Hierarchy Nested Controller

Service in AngularJS

Service organize and share data and functions across the application Service provides methods to communicate data across the controllers in a consistent way Service is a singleton object and it gets instantiated only once per application using the $injector Services are lazy instantiated and gets created when angular app components need it There are many inbuilt services like $http, $q can be used as it is There are five different ways a custom service can be created

Service in AngularJS

service() factory() Service creation provider() value() constant()

Let us write code to understand • • • Services using service() method Services using factory() method Using $http service to perform AJAX operation • Perform CRUD operation

Directives in AngularJS

It attaches specified behaviour to existing DOM elements or create new element Directives can modify the behaviour of a particular DOM element or add new custom element on the DOM Directive name must be provided in the camel case On the view directive can be used by separating the camel case name either using dash, colon, or underscore Combination of dash, underscore or colon can also be used If directive name myFirstDirective then on the view it can be used either as my-first- directive or my:first:directive or my_first_directive or my_first- directive or my-first:directive

Directives in AngularJS

There are many built in directives available Some of them are ng-show ,ng app,ng-controller etc

Custom Directives can be used As an attribute – set restrict value to A As a custom element – set restrict value to E As a comment – set restrict value to M As a class- set restrict value to C

Scopes in Directives

Shared Scope Inherited Scope Isolated Scope

Scopes in Directives Shared Scope • Directive shared scope with the enclosed controller • It is default scope Inherited Scope • Directive inherit scope of the enclosed controller Isolated Scope • Directive and controller has different scope • Data is not shared

Scopes in Directives

Isolated Scope properties

Let us write code to understand • • • Create custom directive Using different scopes Using local scope properties in isolated scope

Q& A ?


• • • • • • • • • Setting up Visual Studio as development environment Getting started with AngularJS $scope object and $rootScope object Controllers and nested controllers Services using service() method and factory() method CRUD operation Directives and Creating basic Custom Directive Scopes in directives Isolated scope with local properties

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