Transcript Document

Response to Intervention (RtI)/
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
The Connections and the
Partnering with Iowa’s Local Schools
C4K – Building an efficient and effective delivery system to
impact critical outcomes for kids
Our initial focus as we build this system is early literacy with a goal that---All learners will be proficient in reading by the end of 3rd grade across subgroups
A Note Page is Provided
What RTI/MTSS is
What RTI/MTSS is not
Drivers and intended results
Assumptions of RTI/MTSS systems
Stages in developing RTI/MTSS systems
Key Components
Response to Intervention in Iowa
• Response to Intervention (RtI)/MTSS in Iowa is
an every-education decision-making
framework of evidence-based practices in
instruction and assessment that addresses the
needs of all students starting in general
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Response to Intervention in Iowa
• As an every-education process, RtI/MTSS allows
educators to judge the overall health of their
educational system by examining data on all
students, as well as identifying students who need
additional supports.
• Those supports are provided in both small group and
individual settings, and measured to determine if
these supports are making a difference to ensure all
learners demonstrate proficiency in the Iowa Early
Learning Standards and Iowa Core standards and
leave school ready for life.
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
So, What is RtI/MTSS About in Iowa?
• Implementation of the Iowa Early Learning
Standards and the Iowa Core
• Evidence-based instruction and intervention
• Used with academics and behavior
• Prevention and early intervention
• Linking and matching instruction to the
assessment at all levels
• Tiered or leveled intensification of intervention
• On-going monitoring and response
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
What RtI/MTSS is Not About in Iowa
Only struggling learners
Only interventions
A single way of doing business
A special education identification process
– A means of finding learning disabilities
– Used only for Child Find purposes
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
What RtI/MTSS is Not About in Iowa
Simply doing “something” as an intervention
Failing to teach missing or deficit skills
Failing to provide on-going monitoring
“RtI/MTSS Time”
Doing what we have always done
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
• Discuss at your table your understanding of
the definition of RtI/MTSS and the Guiding
• What questions do you have about the
• What questions do you have about the
Guiding Principles?
• Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids • Phase
One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
The Drivers
• Growing accountability for improving achievement
for all students
– Overall growth
– Achievement gap (disability and minority)
– Development of higher order skills
• Research results on effective schools
• Iowa Core / Common Core / Early Learning Standards
• Growing national and state attention to Multi-tiered
instruction and intervention models for meeting the
needs of all learners
• Responsibility to intervene with students on the
The Results
• Shared responsibility across General,
Supplemental, and Special Education
• Alignment of assessment, instruction, curriculum,
curriculum materials, and programs
• Do what works and stop doing what doesn’t
• Efficiently integrate and deploy resources
• Tailored services to meet individual school needs
• We address each and every student’s needs
• Discuss at your table:
– Are you in agreement with the Drivers?
– Are you interested in the Results?
Assumptions About RtI/MTSS
and the Connections to Other Work
• We sometimes look at different processes as
separate rather than integrated
• This leads to making artificial priorities
• RtI/MTSS is a means of integrating the work
– Common Core standards
– Professional Learning Communities
– Data Teams (instructional, school, and district)
• RtI/MTSS is a common framework to address
disproportionality, SINA/DINA, closing
achievement gaps, etc.
Assumptions for RtI/MTSS Systems
• Decisions will be based on data
• Curriculum standards are clear and known
• Instructional materials and teaching
focuses on expected curriculum
• Assessments are aligned with curriculum
and instruction and are used to guide
Assumptions for RtI/MTSS Systems
• Meaningful universal screening occurs
• There is reliable administration, scoring, and
data entry of assessments
• There is reliable data analysis and display of
assessment results
• Levels of sufficient performance are known
for assessments given
• Diagnostic assessments in varied areas are
Assumptions for RtI/MTSS Systems
• Instructional matching to problem
area/diagnostic data occurs
• Validated instructional materials are used in
the manner and to the intensity needed for
desired results
• Differentiation of instruction occurs
individually and by group
• Progress monitoring of students occurs at
the required frequency
Assumptions for RtI/MTSS Systems
• Implementation integrity will be monitored
and evaluated
• Instructional re-grouping occurs on a
regular basis
• Results are viewed and analyzed within a
system context; impact above and below
the point of origin
Time for an Honest Reflection
• Review and Consider the last four frames of
1. Which of these are commonly known,
understood, and in place on a regular and ongoing basis in your district?
2. Which of these are generally known, heard of, or
have been discussed but are not really in place?
3. Which of these are pretty new or unheard of?
4. Could you or your administrators look for and find
these assumptions in your school?
5. What are the implications of your analysis?
Stages of Instituting RtI/MTSS
• Consensus
– Belief is shared
– Vision is agreed upon
– Implementation requirements are understood
– Willingness to learn and perform new skills and
Stages of Instituting RtI/MTSS
• Infrastructure Development
Regulations and/or policies
Time and Coordinated Data Reviews
Training/Technical Assistance
Model (e.g., Standard Protocol v. Problem Solving)
Universal Screeners and Monitoring (FAST)
Universal, targeted, and Intensive instruction &
intervention systems
Data Management (TIER...Tools for Innovation and Educational Results)
Technology support
Decision-making criteria and process established
Collaborative Inquiry Questions
Stages of Instituting RtI/MTSS
• Implementation/Sustainability
– Level (building, grade, district)
– On-going consensus
– Integrity and adherence
– Continued learning growth
– Resource the work
– Short term specific components
– Long term outcomes
The Process of Systems Change
• Until, and unless, Consensus is reached no support will
exist to establish the Infrastructure.
• Until, and unless, the Infrastructure is in place
Implementation will not take place.
• A fatal flaw is to attempt Implementation without
Consensus and Infrastructure
• Leadership must come from all levels (the state, district
level, and building level)
– Batsche, Kurns, and Morrison 2006
Where are You?
• Talk to your colleagues and think about your
current reality…
– Where are you on consensus for RtI/MTSS?
– What infrastructure is in place and what might
you additionally need?
– Would implementation and sustainability be
RtI/MTSS Key Components
1. Evidence-based curriculum & instruction at
universal tier
2. Universal screening
3. Evidence-based, instructional interventions at
targeted and intensive tiers
4. Progress monitoring
5. Data-based decision making
• Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids • Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
~80-90% of Students
Targeted Tier:
Small group, targeted,
evidence-based instruction
for some students
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
~80-90% of Students
Intensive Tier:
Individualized, intensive,
evidence-based instruction
for a few students
Targeted Tier:
Small group, targeted,
evidence-based instruction
for some students
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
~80-90% of Students
Intensive Tier:
Individualized, intensive,
evidence-based instruction
for a few students
Targeted Tier:
Small group, targeted,
evidence-based instruction
for some students
Universal Tier:
Robust instruction
in the IELS & Iowa Core
For All Students
~80-90% of Students
Universal, Targeted and Intensive
Layers are added
for those that need
additional supports!
Collaborating for Iowa’s Kids
Phase One Implementation • Fall 2013 •
Discussion and Questions
• Talk at your table first:
– What reinforced what you already knew?
– What was new learning for you?
– What do you want to know more about?