The market microstructure of financial markets

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The microstructure
of financial markets
The book of Harris (2003) is an excellent reference manual (in-depth examinations)
The microstructure of financial markets
European Energy Markets and Activity/Liquidity for 2008 -2009 (annual reports)
Power Futures (TWh) Carbon Trading (tonnes) Spot Power (TWh)
Nord Pool Volume (TWh) 1437
Transactions 158815
70 %
72 %
Volume (TWh) 1165
Transactions 128750
54 %
56 %
Powernext Volume (TWh)
APX/Endex Volume (TWh)
* On 1st January 2009, Powernext SA transferred its electricity spot market to EPEX Spot SE and
on 1st September 2009 EEX Power Spot merged with EPEX Spot.
* On 1st April 2009, the Powernext SA futures activity was entrusted to EEX Power Derivatives AG.
Cleared OTC power (TWh)
Market structure
Empirical Market
Political issues in
Limit order
and asset
The microstructure of financial markets
Institutions and market structure:
1. Market structures:
Order driven markets
a. Auction markets
b. Order matching rules: order precedence rules and trade pricing rules
 Call (or batch) markets
 Oral auctions (open-outcry in floors or pits)
 Electronic auctions
 Continuous markets (limit order books)
c. Crossing networks
d. Order matching rules: order precedence rules and derivatives pricing rules
ii. Quote driven markets
a. Screen based markets
b. Continuous auction markets
c. Brokered markets
iii. Hybrid markets
(combination of order- and quote –driven protocols: SETS, 1997, London
The microstructure of financial markets
Financial market equilibrium:
Market prices roles: Transmitting Information and allocating scarce resources
1. Financial Market equilibrium with symmetric information
𝑀𝐴𝑋 𝐸 𝑈 𝑤 ; 𝑤 = 𝐼 + 𝑋 𝐹 + (𝐼𝑓 − 𝑋𝑝)(1 + 𝑟𝑓)
2. Financial Market equilibrium with asymmetric information
3. Financial Market equilibrium with asymmetric information and strategic agents
The microstructure of financial markets
Batch Markets with Strategic Informed Traders:
Adverse selection costs of the bid-ask spread.
1. The Kyle model
2. The Kyle model with multiple insiders
The microstructure of financial markets
Dealer Markets: Information-based models
Adverse selection costs of the bid-ask spread.
1. Models with adverse selection costs: Glosten and Milgrom (1985)
2. Models with adverse selection costs and different order sizes:
Easley and O’Hara (1987)
The microstructure of financial markets
Inventory models
Bid-ask spread and asymmetric information
1. The Stoll model (1978)
2. Order driven markets
3. Dealers and Informed traders
The microstructure of financial markets
Empirical models of market microstructure
Bid-ask spread and order-processing costs
1. Estimating the bid-ask spread from transaction prices
2. Price effects of trading
3. The probability of informed trading
3. Empirical inventory models
The microstructure of financial markets
Liquidity and asset pricing
Transaction costs and asset prices
1. Transaction costs and expected prices
2. Liquidity Risk and Asset prices
The microstructure of financial markets
Models of the limit order book
1. Glosten (1994) and the discriminatory pricing rule
2. The model for an LOB with endogenous choice between limit and market orders
the parlour model (Parlour, 1988)
the winner’s course problem (Foucault, 1999)
the LOB as a market for immediacy (Foucault et al. , 2005)
The microstructure of financial markets
Price discovery
1. Price effects of trading (the Hasbrouck model (1988))
2. A generailized model for prices and trades; ( a VAR Model; Hasbrouck, 1991)
3. The efficient price (Hasbrouck, 1993)
4. Price discovery in multiple markets (Hasbrouck, 1995)
The microstructure of financial markets
Policy Issues in Financial Market structures
1. Transparency
2. Concentration of volume and trading
3. Consolidation and fragmentation
The microstructure of financial markets
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The microstructure of financial markets
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The microstructure of financial markets
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The microstructure of financial markets
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The microstructure of financial markets
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The microstructure of financial markets
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The microstructure of financial markets
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