Transcript Slide 1

Needs Assessment Local Annual Review Workshop CESA 10 March 11, 2010

Transparency And Accountability

Program Compliance Reporting Requirements


Overview Components of a Needs Assessment 2.


District Level Needs Assessment Needs Assessment for Schoolwide Planning 4.



Needs Assessment and Targeted Assistance Programs Resources Local Annual Review

   Needs Assessment is a term that describes both the process that a Local Educational Agency (LEA) or district conducts to review overall needs in order to make decisions about the allocation of resources including all ESEA funds AND work to be done at the school level

 Develop an educational plan  OR identify students to serve with Title I dollars

     Planning tool That includes an analysis of broad concerns and issues facing the district or school Related to academic achievement Other important student outcomes Program priorities

There is no single model or template for a needs assessment


• • • • • Include consideration of a wide variety of needs and issues Information is gathered from a variety of sources Valid and reliable data are used to the maximum extent possible The analysis results in the development of plans and goals The plans and goals are used as the basis for resource allocation

“Ideally, there should be REGULAR FOLLOW-UP and EVALUATION of the plans and strategies.” -Wisconsin Title I Guidelines

• • • • • • • Student information: achievement results, classroom work, attendance data, student transfer data, dropout data, language and ethnicity data, and gender data • Test results including results disaggregated by student group and test item analysis

• • • • • • • • • • School conditions including: student access to books and supplies, Extended learning opportunities Numbers of full-time teachers Class size Instructional dollars per pupil Supplementary grants and funds Support staff Technology available in the school Relevant curriculum Staff professional development opportunities

     Teacher data: Including language fluency Experience Degrees Credentials Special certification

    School/family relationships: Participation and satisfaction with the school and parent involvement program planning and implementation Frequency of education and training Resources for training Frequency of contacts

• • • • • • Community information: Poverty rates and other demographics Housing, employment and business opportunities Protective, social, and public health services Services for homeless or migrant families Connections with tribal councils Access to transportation and parks and recreation

 One source of information about needs assessment tools and school improvement strategies  ndex.html

• • • • • • • • Overview Vision Leadership High Academic Standards Standards of the Heart Family, School, and Community Partnerships Professional Development Evidence of Success

Answer the following questions about your school. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree 1. Academic standards align with state and national standards.

2. Standards are the foundation for curriculum and instruction.

3. Modifications are made to help special needs students reach the standards.

4. Staff demonstrate high expectations for all students in instruction, course content, and advising.

5. Teachers are competent in and use a variety of teaching strategies that meet the needs of all students.

6. Students actively participate in planning, evaluating, and taking responsibility for their own learning.

• • • “A comprehensive needs assessment process must be employed to identify indicators of need in selected areas of concern related to student learning, to analyze the “gaps” between “what is” and “what should be,” to prioritize needs, and to identify potential solution strategies to meet those needs.”

The Title I law (section 112 (d) (1) requires that the district plan for use of Title I money be developed in consultation with teachers, principals, the administrators of other ESEA programs, other appropriate school personnel, and the parents of the children in Title I eligible schools.

ESEA Tentative dates: May 5, 6, 17, or 25






By 2013-14, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics All limited English proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards… By 2004-05, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning All student will graduate from high school

 ◦ ◦ School with poverty rate of 40% or more Great deal of flexibility regarding use of Title I funds Also more responsibility for comprehensive planning and overall school improvement

The law (section 114(b)(1)(A)) requires that a schoolwide program include a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school, including the needs of migratory and homeless children, and will be based on information which includes academic achievement of children in relation to the State academic achievement standards .

     Data retreat Teachers review test scores Determine general academic needs and strengths of students By grade and subject Analyze test items to identify needs for changes in curriculum or instructional methods

Must also include Reform strategies To address the needs of ALL students And plans for:

      Timely and effective support for students not yet proficient Attracting and retaining highly qualified teachers High quality professional development Involvement of teachers in decision-making Transitions between preschool and kindergarten, Parent involvement

 Identification of students ( required but care must be taken to ensure that the needs of those farthest from meeting the state’s student academic achievement standards are met.

for eligibility ) is not

• Services to children in Schoolwide programs must be supplemental in nature supplanting services.

, not • Schools with Schoolwide programs that consolidate and use funds from different federal programs are not required to maintain separate fiscal accounting records, by program.

The law (section 1115 (a) says that a school operating with the Targeted Assistance model may only use Title I funds for programs that provide services to eligible children and defines eligible children as those…

“identified by the school as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the state’s challenging student academic achievement standards on the basis of multiple, educationally related, objective criteria established by the local educational agency and supplemented by the school, except that children from preschool through grade 2 shall be selected solely on the basis of such criteria as teacher judgment, interviews with parents, and developmentally appropriate measures.”

• • • • • Process of determining the overall grades and subjects where the greatest academic deficits exist Process of identifying the children most in need of academic support services Might include data retreat to analyze overall academic performance Surveys of teachers and parents Comparison of school performance to district goals

    Typically includes a review of student assessment data from spring testing Using state, district, or school-developed instruments Teacher observations K-2 Parent interviews

   Process must be objective and Must include multiple measures to identify those students most in need Establish a priority list for service

   Expected to be able to document the student selection process Include any reasons for not including particular children Evaluate students progress as part of the needs assessment for the next year

1. Delivery models that give primary consideration to providing intensive extended learning time beyond the school day ◦ ◦ ◦ Extended day kindergarten After-school homework programs Extended-week and or extended-year programs 2. Accelerated, high-quality curriculum


◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Minimize removal of children from the regular classroom during regular school hours, to the extent possible Coordinate with and support regular education program Assist preschoolers in transition Services that supplement, not supplant Highly qualified teachers Strategies to increase parent involvement such as family literacy initiatives, home visits, and family resource centers

3. Minimize removal… ◦ Review the progress of participating children on an ongoing basis, and revise the progress to meet the state’s challenging academic standards

 ◦ ◦ ◦ Essential strategies/skills Collaboration Multiple assessments High quality instructional practice  Easily identifiable information






Data table Graphic representation

Observations, discussion and documentation Hypotheses Classroom connections

◦ Judy Sargent, Comprehensive Data Retreat Workbook, pg. 37 Data Analysis section

   Needs Assessment Committee Document meeting dates Agendas with signatures

 Individuals represent a wide variety of interests – relevant expertise in language and literacy including special education  ◦ Include private school representatives Meaningful and timely consultation  Include parents







List students at risk of failure including all special education students ( teacher judgment ) Identify special education students along with primary area of disability (count only once) Determine additional objective assessments focused on essential components of reading/math per grade level and establish cut-off score Record level of performance Highlight lowest scores for each assessment Prioritize lowest-achieving students

 Required to determine essential assessments  Required if more than one classroom at a grade level

 ◦ ◦ Kindergarten ◦ Phonemic Awareness Letter name Letter sound  ◦ ◦ Grade 1 ◦ Guided reading level Sentence dictation High frequency words

 ◦ ◦ ◦ Grade 2 Guided reading level High frequency words Phonics word blending  ◦ ◦ Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System Instructional Text Level Goals Instructional Level Expectations for Reading

         Scholastic Math Inventory Student Numeracy Assessment Progressions (SNAP) OrigoMath System (pre- & post- assessments) Everyday Math – Mary Freytag, Consultant Assessing Mathematics Concepts – Kathy Richardson Created Assessments Based on Standards (CABS) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) STAR Math Assessments directly linked to current program

 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Review content strands in math Number operations Geometry Measurement Statistics & Probability Algebraic Relationships Mathematical Processes  Problem solving







Determine multiple objective assessments focused on essential components of reading/math per grade level and establish cut-off score Record level of performance Record names of students performing below standard for each assessment including all special education students (list student name once) Identify special education students along with primary area of disability Highlight lowest scores for each assessment Prioritize lowest-achieving students

 ◦ ◦ ◦ Grade 3 ◦ Guided Reading level High frequency words Comprehension WKCE basic and minimal  ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Grade 4 and up ◦ Guided Reading level / Lexile Fluency Comprehension WKCE basic and minimal Grades D & F

Multi-Tier Model of Prevention and Intervention ~ 5% ~ 15% Tier 1 Universal: School/Classroom Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings

~80% of Students

Tier 3 Targeted: Specialized Individualized Systems for High-Risk Students Tier 2 Selected: Specialized Group Systems for At-Risk Students

 Complete the table to identify prevalence rate for special education and students identified at-risk on Form B & C.

 How many students need additional time and support in your school?

◦ Special education ◦ Recommended for Title I support  What percentage of students are not having their needs met in the core program?







Record total # of students identified as SPED in Column 1 and total # recommended for Title I in Column 2 from Form B and C.

Add Column 1 (# SPED) + Column 2(# Title I) and record in Column 3.

Record total # of students in each grade level in Column 4.

Divide Column 3 (SPED + Title I) by Column 4 (total # students) and record % at-risk in Column 5.

Follow same procedure to determine % at-risk in your school using the totals at the bottom of the table.

How does your multi-tier model look?

 What are your observations of the data at each grade level?

 Look at all forms  Observe data patterns  Discuss what is observed  Write data findings on the Form E  Record statements of fact


 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Determine desired level of collaboration in your process Teams of teachers at each grade level Needs Assessment Committee Reading Specialist Title I Teacher / Literacy Leader Title I Coordinator

     How many students or % are identified SPED?

How many students or % have been recommended for Title I support?

How many students or % are below cut-off score for each assessment?

Are there any specific areas identified in need of improved teaching and learning?

How do needs compare for reading and math?

     ◦ Collaboration required Include parents Identify areas/students with greatest need Describe service delivery and content to meet the needs of those at-risk at each grade level Determine priority Consider all components of effective programming

   Plan to present recommendations from Form F to all stakeholders (TAS and SW) ◦ Turn in agenda/meeting notes to CESA 10 Publish general results for community Conduct Title I schoolwide meeting

    Do I have to do the needs assessment for reading and math in all grade levels?

What if I don’t have 3 sources of data especially at MS/HS?

Do I have to assess children specifically for the needs assessment?

Do I include special education students on Forms B & C? Do Speech & Language count as special education?

   Is collaboration required when determining services for next year (Form F)?

When should we involve parents in the needs assessment process?

Why do we have to complete the needs assessment so early in May?

 How are our students responding to our current efforts?

 Monitoring of ESEA Consolidated Programs  Title I Local Annual Review

Title I Part A – Building Level Needs Assessment/Program Design REQUIREMENT: Annually, each Title I school will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment for the purpose of making data-driven decisions regarding students with greatest needs; subject areas and grade levels to be serve, by both Targeted Assistance (according to Sec. 1115) and Schoolwide (according to Sec. 1114).

In targeted assistance schools, what were the different academic achievement measures used to determine which students were the furthest from meeting the standards appropriate for all children? How does the district ensure that the students getting Title I services were those most in need?

 Copies of the assessment instruments and assessment plan used in targeted assistance schools  Samples of lists of Title I eligible students in priority order identifying those most in need of service

In targeted assistance schools, what interventions are in place to ensure that struggling students are better able to meet state standards?

 Examples of Reading interventions  Examples of Mathematics interventions.

 Data demonstrating the impact of the interventions  Form F

What review process does the district use to ensure that new Schoolwide plans were based on a comprehensive needs assessment and fully address the 10 required program components? How often are continuing schoolwide programs required to review and update their plans? Please describe the schoolwide plan review process.

 Copies of schoolwide plans that demonstrate compliance with the ten required components:






Comprehensive Needs Assessment Schoolwide reform strategies Highly qualified teachers High qualify professional development Strategies to attract highly qualified teachers 6. Strategies to increase parent involvement 7.

Ensure struggling students are provided assistance 8.



Transition preschoolers Strategies to include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessments to improve achievement Coordination of funds

The law requires any LEA receiving Title I funds to review the results on the state assessments to determine if all schools are making adequate yearly progress.

    Description of training provided for schools planning for entry into schoolwide model Copy of criteria utilized for approving schoolwide plans and process employed to review and assess scope and quality of plans Evidence programs are designed to address the priority needs Description of changes made to schoolwide plans based on student achievement data or newly-identified priority needs

In schoolwide programs, what interventions are in place to ensure that struggling students are better able to meet state standards? Is there an example of how instructional practices or programming were changed to improve student achievement?

 Formative or benchmark assessments used to determine student needs  Examples of Reading and Mathematics interventions  Data that demonstrates that the interventions have been successful

The LEA is also permitted to use, for the purposes of this required review, the results of local assessments or other indicators identified in its local Title I plan.

Reviewing, on an ongoing basis, the progress of participating children and revising the program, if necessary, to provide additional assistance to enable such children to meet…

The LEA must then publish the results of that review and distribute the information to parents, school staff members and the community so that teachers, principals, other staff, and schools can continually refine, in an instructionally useful manner, the program of instruction to help all children served…

Review the effectiveness of the actions and activities the schools are carrying out under this part with respect to parental involvement, professional development, and other activities assisted under this part.

 Compare data to last year’s data table  ◦ Is the number of students indentified as at risk of failure without additional time and support decreasing?

Compare this year’s first grade to kindergarten…

      Schools identified for improvement Parent Involvement Policy Building Parent’s Capacity for Involvement – Title I LEA and School Requirements Extended Day Program Form Title I Narrative Report for Annual Review Title I Evaluation Report for Annual Review

 ◦ Needs Assessment due May 14, 2010 Currently available on our website  ◦ ◦ Title I Evaluation Report for Local Annual Review due May 21, 2010 Will be emailed out next week Available on website as well

   If we have more than one Title I teacher, can we complete one Narrative Report for Annual Review?

Do I have to use different assessment tools for Title I students to evaluate performance on the Title I Evaluation Report for Annual Review?

Why is it important for a knowledgeable Title I representative to be on the ESEA Planning Committee?

 Department of Public Instruction Survey done CESA by CESA  ◦ Title I Network Services Professional development  ALL TITLE I TEACHERS SHOULD COMPLETE THE SURVEY

720 – 2049 720 - 2036 Questions Concerns [email protected]

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