Gender in development

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Transcript Gender in development

Marina Marchetti

Head of Sector Gender and non discrimination, DevCo D1

Gender equality Women empowerment (GEWE) and Child rights: 2012 relevant activities



Gender Action Plan (GAP) Report

Child Rights Guidelines – UPDATING

Investing in People:

2011 Call for Proposals on GEWE

2012 AAP + TA on Child rights

2 Advisory Services Contracts on Gender and on Child Rights EuropeAid

Public groups on gender and on child rights

Gender Focal Persons Group

Child Rights contact group


…an EU Gender Action Plan: why?

It does not create a new policy, but: Aims at operationalizing EU commitments and to make them binding

Overall objective:

Accelerate the achievement of the MDGs, especially MDG-3 and MDG-5, and attain the goals set out by CEDAW, Beijing Platform for Action, and the Cairo Programme of Action



EU Gender Action Plan:

Why is it special?

• It’s a

EU policy



for COM, EEAS, Member States: incentive for coordinated action, more impact, more visibility • Tasks for Commission, EU Member States, EU Delegations • Establish an

accountability mechanism

: 9 objectives with indicators, deadlines, & a compulsory annual reporting system • First report – 2011- has been presented to the Council In November 2011 (70 EUD reported & 18 MS)



EU Gender Action Plan objectives:


• • •

1. Strengthen the Lead role of the EU to promote GEWE in development

o A lead donor at partner country level + joint work MS

2. Ensure adequate human and financial resources for GEWE:

o Financial funding: MS and COM should identify financial resources for GAP implementation o Build in-house capacity: gender mainstreamed in all training programmes

3. Gender is systematically on the agenda of dialogue :

o GE as topic in the policy and political dialogue dialogue o Gender mainstreaming in next generation of CSPs and NIPs o Gender country profiles must be in place.


EU Gender Action Plan objectives (2):


• • •

4. Mainstream GE in all EU funded aid modalities

o Gender responsive indicators in sector and general budget support o Use of EU gender mainstreaming tools: gender screening checklists; (OECD DAC policy marker) G-marker, etc. o ROM-reports are gender-aware + recommend on how to improve gender performance

5.Prioritize NSA participation, capacity building, and advocacy on GEWE

o Promote civil society participation in policy dialogue on gender

6. Improve EU monitoring, accountability and transparency on allocation of funds for GEWE

o Apply G-marker in 80% of EU projects (Training needed!)

EU Gender Action Plan objectives (3):


7. Strengthen country’s efforts to achieve MDG-3 + MDG-5

• •

8. Strengthen country’s efforts to combat GBV and discrimination against women and girls

o Promote civil society participation in policy dialogue on gender

9. Support countries to implement UNSCRs 1325,1820,1888, 1889

o o EU Delegations in fragile or (post-)conflict states support the implementation of the EU Comprehensive approach; Capacity building on implementing UNSCRs on Women, Peace and Security

First report: Lesson learnt/Recommendations

• Gender cannot be dealt with by thematic programmes only • Need to strengthen the capacity of all EU Delegation staff to integrate gender in the different sectors of EU bilateral cooperation (including budget support programmes and macroeconomic dialogue). • Need to strengthen communication and coordination in EU Delegations between activities in the area of political dialogue (including on women's rights) and those in development cooperation.

• Increase capacity in policy and political dialogue on gender • Use a broader variety of thematic instruments (not only EIDHR) to support gender equality projects


GAP : EU Member States Gender Expert meeting

5 and 6 March 2012 in Brussels Follow-up to the GAP Report Clarification of some indicators and their improvement


GEWE and Child Rights

Gender Action Plan (GAP) Report

Child Rights Guidelines – UPDATING

Investing in People:

2011 Call for Proposals on GEWE

2012 AAP + TA on Child rights

2 Advisory Services Contracts on Gender and on Child Rights EuropeAid

Public groups on gender and on child rights

Gender Focal Persons Group

Child Rights contact group


2007 CR Guidelines – Updating


 The “Guidelines on Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Child“ (Guidelines) were adopted in 2007 together with the Implementation Strategy for the Priority Area "All Forms of Violence against Children“ o The objective is providing guidance to EU delegations on

the implementation of different aspects of children's rights identified as a priority in their respective countries


First experts’ meeting (with NGOs, UNICEF, EC DGs, DELs) on Feb 16 th


2007 CR Guidelines – Updating

The review will be focused on: • the lesson learnt and the progress made since 2007 considering o o the latest development in multilateral fora (EU, UN, NGO, regional inter-governmental organisations, etc) the implementation of local country strategies • • • further mainstreaming of child rights in development cooperation reinforcing the relationship with the EU Guidelines on Children and Armed Conflict the inclusion of a gender sensitive approach in the protection of children's rights



Gender Action Plan (GAP) Report

Updating the CR Guidelines – EEAS Seminar

Investing in People:

2011 Call for Proposals on GEWE and TA FfGE

2012 AAP + TA on Child rights

2 Advisory Services Contracts on Gender and on Child Rights EuropeAid

Public groups on gender and on child rights

Gender Focal Persons Group

Child Rights contact groups


Investing in People 2011: Call for Proposals on GEWE & TA

The thematic programme Investing in People funded two gender equality initiatives in 2011. In November 2011 a global call for proposals In October 2011, the new UN programme "Increasing

Accountability for Financing to Gender Equality“

Both initiatives aims at contributing to achieve the MDG 3 by supporting women's leadership in the economic and social sphere, and by mobilizing resources to implement partner countries' commitments on gender equality.


2011 Call for Proposals on GEWE

Investing in People - Gender - Strengthening protection and promotion of women's rights and women's social and economic empowerment

Reference: EuropeAid/131087/C/ACT/Multi Published 1/11/2011 Status: Closed on 30/01/2012 Type Action: Grants Geographical Zone: All Countries Budget: 30,000,000 (EUR)


Call for Proposals on GEWE (2)

The overall objective of the call for proposals is to contribute to the promotion of women’s social and economic empowerment and rights.

The specific objectives are: To develop and strengthen sustainable initiatives at local and national level promoting: − women’s equal access to and control of economic resources; − equal access to existing and/or new services that are instrumental to increasing women’s social and economic protection and wellbeing and their participation in economic growth; − dissemination of relevant good practice.


Call for Proposals on Gender Equality


Deadline 30/01/2012 Received ???? Concept notes Evaluation procedure starts


: • Assessors Briefing on 8/2/2012 • CN Evaluation: one month (8/2-11/3) • Selected will be invited to submit FP • FP evaluation (one month - hopefully 26/3-29/4) • Ranked list of proposals by JUNE

Increasing Accountability in Financing for Gender Equality EuropeAid

UN Women & ITC-ILO programme Financial agreement signed in October 2011 EU contribution: EUR 6 500 000 It aims to increase the volume and effective use of aid and domestic resources to implement national commitments on gender equality. The programme will cover 15 countries across 4 regions and include actions to strengthen the capacity of national governments, donors and civil society to mobilise resources and pursue accountability on gender equality

Gender Action Plan (GAP) Report

Updating the CR Guidelines – EEAS Seminar

Investing in People:

2011 Call for Proposals on GEWE and TA FfGE

2012 AAP + TA on Child rights


2 Advisory Services Contracts on Gender and on Child Rights

Public groups on gender and on child rights

Gender Focal Persons Group

Child Rights contact groups


Investing in People: AAP 2012

Investing in People MTR identified the priorities to be supported in the last phase of the programme (2011-2013): For children it has been indicated the need to tackle: 1) The

violence against children

: global call for proposal 2) The introduction of innovative and replicable methodologies to strengthen

birth registration

systems in developing countries: a targeted action is being negotiated with UNICEF. Both initiatives will be launched by the end of 2012.

Total available budget: 46.5 M€


GEWE and Child Rights

Gender Action Plan (GAP) Report

Updating the CR Guidelines – EEAS Seminar

Investing in People:

2011 Call for Proposals on GEWE and TA FfGE

2012 AAP + TA on Child rights

2 Advisory Services Contracts on Gender and on Child Rights


Public groups on gender and on child rights

Gender Focal Persons Group

Child Rights contact groups


Gender Advisory Services 2012

1. Three on-line training modules and online tutoring 2. Mainstream a gender perspective in core EU training courses (ex. PPCM, BS; Policy Dialogue) 3. Prepare short gender modules on specific issues (justice, food security, energy;…) 4. Participate in (max 6) EU training seminars (regional or HQ) 5. Make available ad-hoc guidance and technical assistance to implement the EU Action Plan on GEWE on how 6. Improve dissemination and visibility of best practices (Cap4Dev) 7. Network activities for Gender Focal Persons


Child Rights’ Training and Advisory Services 2012

1. Online course

on how to mainstream child rights in Programme and Project Cycle Management 2. Short

training modules

(child rights modules) for (max 6) regional seminars

3. Guidance and technical assistance

to EU staff regarding child rights mainstreaming in specific EU programmes

4. Dissemination and visibility

of best practices

5. Network

of Child rights (Human Rights) Contact Persons in EU Delegations


Gender Action Plan (GAP) Report

Updating the CR Guidelines – EEAS Seminar

Investing in People:

2011 Call for Proposals on GEWE and TA FfGE

2012 AAP + TA on Child rights

2 Advisory Services Contracts on Gender and on Child Rights EuropeAid

Public groups on gender and on child rights

Gender Focal Persons Group

Child Rights contact groups


EuropeAid Gender Focal Persons Group






