Blending PPPs with EU grants

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EPEC Private Sector Forum
Blending PPPs with EU Grants
Dr Goetz von Thadden
European PPP Expertise Centre
Brussels, 2 June 2010
Blending EU grants and PPPs?
Cohesion funding of EUR 350bn plus TEN-T funding of EUR 8bn is a major
source of infrastructure finance.
Although co-financing rules differ across the instruments, all require
contributions, which could come from private sources.
They rarely do, mainly because the schemes were designed for capital
contributions (which sit uneasily with PPP models).
The topic needs discussion now for the next programming period, when (i)
funding may be less generous – a speculation, (ii) conventional govt cofinancing more difficult to find – a certainty, (iii) leveraging has worked – see
LGTT, (iv) wider recognition of the benefits of PPP and its whole-live
approach to project design, delivery and management.
• Learning the lessons from the past to ensure regulations are
appropriate and all stakeholders are equipped and ready for 2014.
What can EU grants bring to PPPs?
• They lower the cost for TEN investments and make
them more attractive.
• They bridge the funding gap and make environmental
projects viable.
• They support non-income generating investments for
regional development.
• Grants are to PPPs what they are to all public sector
projects ...
What can PPPs bring to EU grants?
• Professional project management and implementation.
• Project delivery on time and on budget.
• Improved asset and service quality.
• Life-cycle approach with constant performance
throughout concession/contract period.
• Private finance helps to raise national contribution.
• Private finance leverages EU grants for better projects
Why isn’t the EC flooded with PPP grant
• Limited public sector capacity to deliver complex
project structures.
• Organisational bottlenecks at national level.
• Lack of encouragement from EC.
• Unclear issues re state aid (beneficiary), balance
sheet treatment, procurement, cut-off date, etc. for
blending mechanisms.
• Concerted efforts are needed to start the flow
There is only so much that EPEC can do …
• Work stream initiated on blending mechanisms.
• Dialogue with Members, relevant DGs, and private
• Bilateral support for pilot programme.
• EPEC for analysis, guidance, organisation, and
strategy at macro level.
And then there is JASPERS at the micro level
• JASPERS supports the grant application process for
individual projects (incl. PPPs).
• JASPERS has done work on the concept of PPP/grant
blending as horizontal task.
• JASPERS gives feedback to EC arising from individual
projects (open issues).
• JASPERS has to treat PPPs like all other grant apps
But there is homework for everybody …
• The EC has to clarify a number of open issues.
• Member states have to set up networks facilitating
PPP/grant blending (public-public partnerships).
• The private sector has to learn about possible
structures and support their development.
• PPP/grant blending needs to be pushed at all levels.
For more information…
Goetz von Thadden
[email protected]
Tel: +352 4379 87613
Fax: +352 4379 65499