SUNY Downstate Medical Center

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Transcript SUNY Downstate Medical Center

“CME 101”
The Application
Sponsored by the Office of Continuing
Medical Education
Definition of Continuing
Medical Education (CME)
Continuing medical education consists of
educational activities which serve to
maintain, develop, or increase the
knowledge, skills, and professional
performance and relationships that a
physician uses to provide services for
patients, the public, or the profession.
Activities must relate directly to a
physician’s professional responsibilities.
Designation of AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit
A CME activity:
 Must address a physician audience
 Must conform to AMA’s definition of CME
 Must address a demonstrable educational need
 Must include stated educational objectives
 Must present content that helps learners meet
Designation of AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit (cont’d)
A CME activity:
 Must use appropriate learning methodologies
 Must have evaluation mechanisms
 Must include a means of recording actual
credits (attendance).
 Must conform to AMA Ethical Opinions
 Must be sponsored by an accredited provider
CME Activity Director’s
Letter of Agreement
A Letter of Agreement is part of your application
packet. It explains what is required to maintain
Category 1 credit for a CME activity and:
Must be signed by the CME Activity Director
Must be submitted with the CME Certification
Request form.
Signature ensures compliance to the ACCME
Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment helps you identify gaps in
physician knowledge, competence, performance
or patient outcomes. Determine what the needs
are by looking at:
Target Audience – Who will best benefit from
this program.
Ways to identify your Needs – surveys,
previous evaluations, Q/A reports, literature
Remember that the needs provide the basis
for developing your objectives.
Planning a CME activity includes
the following:
Target Audience
Expressed need for activity
Educational Objectives
Type of activity (format)
Topics to be discussed, Faculty (speakers)
Scheduled dates, Time/Location
A summary of meetings and discussions
regarding the above is regarded as your
planning process. The summary should be
included with your request.
Educational Objectives
Identify what the participant will learn
as a result of the activity.
 Must relate to needs assessment.
Writing your educational objectives should
begin with this statement “At the
conclusion of the activity, the
participant should be able
Educational Methods
Your educational objectives should
determine your educational methods.
Choose the appropriate teaching method
for your participants to attain the desired
Lecture, Case Presentations
Workshop, Discussion
Panel Discussions
Outcome Measurement
Why do we need to evaluate?
To assess the quality of the activity.
To assess the relevance to stated needs and
To use in planning future CME activities.
All CME programs must be evaluated to be
certified for category 1 credit.
Speakers and all who involved with
content (planners) of the activity must
sign a disclosure form.
Disclosure information must be available for
participants before the meeting.
Disclosure information must be given whether
the speaker/presenter has or does not have a
relationship with a commercial company.
Off-label disclosures must be made, including
the name of the drug or device and its usage.
Commercial Support
Letter of Agreement must be completed each
time commercial support is received.
Letter of Agreement must be signed by the
Director of CME, Activity Director and the
Pharmaceutical Representative.
Commercial Support must be acknowledged on
your promotional materials.
Commercial Support must be made payable to
the clinical department or the OCME.
Commercial Support must never be paid directly
to the speaker, caterer, etc.
Promotional Materials
Must include:
 Topic
Date, Time
Target Audience
Disclosure Information
Commercial Support acknowledgement
Accreditation Statement
Preliminary Budget
Must be submitted with your CME
Certification Request form.
 Must include your estimated income,
including commercial support, and
 Must be signed by the Activity Director.
Attendance must be submitted for each
meeting held, in order to receive credit.
Names of attendees must be in a typed
format, with signature next to name.
Signatures that are illegible will not receive
In order to receive CME credit, the
attendance sheet must be signed by
Final Budget Form
Must include all final, total expenses spent
on your activity.
Any speakers, vendors, caterers, etc. paid
by commercial support must be indicated
on the reverse side of form, along with the
name of the commercial supporter, the
amount of support given, and the reason
for the support.
To be submitted at the conclusion of our
Executive Summary
The summary should include the total
analysis of your evaluations. It can be
use a needs Assessment tool and is to
be submitted at the conclusion of the
CME Reminders
Use the Monthly check-off list to ensure
Use the Accreditation Statement on all
promotional materials.
Use current CME Forms only, they can be
downloaded from our website.
Final documentation due one month after the
conclusion of the activity.
Certificate/Transcript Fee - $20
Monthly Check-off list
•Attendance sheets
•Flyer or brochure
•Commercial support forms, if any
•Speaker disclosures
•Handouts or information on topic
Thank You
Thank you for viewing the CME Application
workshop online((rev08). For help in planning a
CME activity, please view or request for our
CME Activity Guide. Feel free to contact the
OCME with any questions or concerns that
you might have.
Call us at (718) 270-2422 or send us an email at [email protected]