Checklist for mainstreaming gender

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Tools for Mainstreaming Gender
Checklist for
mainstreaming gender as
a cross-cutting issue in
Seminar on Moving to Gender-Based Analysis in
Constructing Policy in Rwanda, September 2006
Dr Shirley Randell AM
Gender Subcommittee
• Parliament - FFRP
• Ministries – MIGEPROF, MINEDUC
• Government agencies – NIS, NWC,
• Development partners – UNFEM, UNDP,
African Rights, Profemmes
• Academic institutions – KIST, KHI, KIE
SNV Rwanda
Why Gender is a Cross Cutting Issue
• The achievement of the Government’s
Vision 2020 and all the MDGs depends
on the achievement of gender equality
and women’s empowerment.
• The country needs the contribution of all
its people, men and women, for
economic growth and poverty reduction
• The EDPRS process has identified gender
as a major cross-cutting issue, affecting
all SWGs
SNV Rwanda
Gender Goal
By 2020, Rwandan women and
men, girls and boys will have
achieved equity of
- voice,
- participation and
- access
in every area of economic
growth and poverty reduction
represented in national policy
and law.
SNV Rwanda
By 2012, gender equality can
be demonstrated, measured
and verified using gender
disaggregated national data
to show that the country is
on track to achieving:
• Gender equality in halving the
proportion of people living below the
poverty line by 2015
SNV Rwanda
• Gender equality in reduced
income disparity (Gini coefficient,
shares of the poorest quintile in
national consumption)
• Gender equality in increased GDP
per capita US$
• Gender equality within the increased
average GDP growth rate (to 8%)
• Gender equality in progress towards
the MDGs
SNV Rwanda
Five major areas
• Gender-disaggregated data collection
and reporting
• Reproductive health rights
• Access to business and services
• Law and policy on legal, social, economic
opportunities and physical protection
• Educational achievement
SNV Rwanda
All sectors involved
SNV Rwanda
1 Progress towards achieving
gender equity
• In Sectoral policies and their implementation,
and in District plans and their implementation
- demonstrated by every Sector/ District in
their returns to the EDPRS Annual Progress
Review (APR).
• Data and analysis to be presented in an annual
composite national assessment of progress :
> in the EDPRS APR,
> in the Joint Budget Support Review
> in the Minister of Finance’s presentation of
the budget to Parliament.
SNV Rwanda
The Government of Rwanda is
already committed to:
• Constitution: Gender equality
• Vision 2020: Gender equality
• MDG 3: Gender equality and
women’s empowerment
• Convention on the Elimination of
Discrimination Against Women
National gender information
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• NIS: Gender-disaggregated data
contained in all national surveys
and reports by the National
Institute of Statistics
• Parliament/MIGEPROF: A new
annual report: “Progress Towards
Achieving Rwanda’s Commitment
to its Women Citizens”.
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MIGEPROF or Gender Observatoire:
resourced to collect, analyse and
present national gender equity
• All Sectors/ Districts: to establish
gender-disaggregated data
collections in their information
systems for annual planning
processes and annual reporting.
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• NEPAD: to utilise this data in
• MINECOFIN: to ensure genderdisaggregated budget planning
and execution data is available
from all Sectors/ Districts.
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINECOFIN: Terms of Reference/
instructions for APR to include
gender in each Sectoral chapter
and a gender summary page.
• MINECOFIN: Gender discussion to
be scheduled for one of the annual
Joint Budget Support Review
SNV Rwanda
2 Women enabled to exercise
their reproductive health rights
• A reduction in the average
number of children per woman
from 6 to 5 by 2012 and to 4 by
• A significantly increased
contraceptive prevalence rate
• A significant drop in the number
of maternal deaths
SNV Rwanda
2 Women enabled to exercise
their reproductive health rights
• A higher average age at which
women have their first baby
• Increased levels of female
participation in the labour
market, including formal sector
SNV Rwanda
SNV Rwanda
The Government of Rwanda is
already committed to improving
women’s health:
MDG 4: Reduce child mortality
MDG 5: Improve maternal health
Reproductive Health Policy
International Conference on Population
and Development (ICPD) Plan of
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINISANTE: Increase the range of, and
access to family planning methods
- contraceptive prevalence rate increased
from 10.3% to over 50% in 2020
• MINEDUC: Maintain equal numbers of girls
and boys in education
– primary completion of 95% by 2012
100% by 2015
- enrolment in lower secondary
52% by 2012
62% by 2015
• MIFOTRA: Reduce rate of youth
unemployment/ underemployment by ½ within
5 years
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MIFOTRA: Strategies for
female participation in formal
employment and the labour
market agreed by 2008
• MIFOTRA: Reduce rate of
women’s unemployment/
underemployment by ½
within 5 years
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINISANTE: Reduce the rate of
maternal mortality from
750/100,000 to 600 in 2010 and
200 in 2020
• MINISANTE: Reduce the rate of
infant mortality from 86/1000 to
80 in 2010 and 50 in 2020
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINISANTE : Safe delivery and childbirth for women - increase births taking
place with trained attendance from 31%
to over 50% in 2011
• MINISANTE: National Information
campaigns – designed to praise smaller
families, explain contraception, deliver
messages on safe delivery, provide
messages on risks to infant mortality.
• MINALOC/MINEDUC: Increase in
access to safe drinking water and to
sanitation (including toilets in schools)
SNV Rwanda
3 Range of business and financial
services expanded and differential
levels of gender access addressed
• Social Insurance extended in
coverage (from 4% to 10% of
population with full gender equity) by
• Social Safety Nets made more
equitable for the most vulnerable
10% of the population by 2012.
SNV Rwanda
Business and Financial
Services (cont)
• Micro finance gap between men
and women reduced by 75%
by 2012
• Revision of laws & policy to
protect women’s ownership
of land and other property
• Number of women’s start-up
businesses increased by 50%
by 2012
SNV Rwanda
SNV Rwanda
The Government of Rwanda is
already committed to:
• MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty
and hunger
• MDG 3: Gender equality and
women’s empowerment
• National Social Protection Strategy
• Medium Term Investment Plan
• Land Policy
• Health Policy (Mutuelles)
• Family Code
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINALOC: Formal Social
Insurance coverage extended to
over 10% of the population and
equal participation by women and
men by 2012.
• MINECOFIN/BNR: Provision of,
and access to micro-finance
extended to give equality of access
to women and men - 50%
reduction in gap.
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINECOFIN: Coverage of a Social
Safety Net extended to equitable
levels of support for the most
vulnerable 10% of the population,
with equal access to women
• Private Sector/ New products
identified and brought to the
market to address women’s
concerns for financial services.
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINIJUST/MINITERE: Laws revised to
grant women protected rights of
ownership for land and other
property, regardless of the status/
type of marriage.
• MINAGRI: Recognise the contribution of
women farmers and increase their
technological skills
• All Sectors: Strategies for sensitisation
and awareness of differential access
and the need for expansion of
business and financial services
identified and implemented
SNV Rwanda
4 Policy and law on women’s legal,
social, economic opportunities
• By 2011, physical protection is
completed, made effective and fully
monitored on behalf of, and with the
participation of, the mass of rural and
urban women in Rwanda
- in order to set a road map
towards full and unequivocal
gender equity by 2020
SNV Rwanda
SNV Rwanda
The Government of Rwanda is already
committed to gender equity in laws and
• Constitution
• MDG 3: Gender equality and women’s
• Solemn Declaration of Gender Equality in Africa
• Programme of Action: NEPAD Country Review
of Rwanda
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
and legal literacy campaigns
designed and launched by 2009
• MIGEPROF: Public campaign on
gender-based violence (GBV)
designed and launched by 2008
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
for Police and Security Forces
on countering GBV designed
and launched by 2008
• Investigation into participation /
trafficking into the sex industry
researched and appropriate
policy action taken by 2009
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINEDUC: Education investigates
and designs measures to
counter gender-based violence
and gender-discrimination in
schools and colleges by 2009
• Parliament/MINALOC: MPs and
Local Government
Representatives are able to
access, analyse and use national
data to identify and implement
gender-based policy initiatives
by 2009
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINECOFIN: Design of a ‘gender
equity roadmap’ based on
bottom-up consultation
processes agreed and costed by
2012 ready for the 3rd national
• All Sectors: support and help civil
society organisations to
increase their capacity to
monitor and advocate for gender
SNV Rwanda
Education Achievement
• Girls’ position in educational
achievement is improved
• Young women achieve equity in
completion of tertiary
education and training
• Adult women increase their
functional literacy/education
SNV Rwanda
SNV Rwanda
The Government of Rwanda is
already committed to equal
opportunity and achievement in
• MDG 2: Achieve universal primary
education – and other targets
• MDG 3: Gender equality and
women’s empowerment
• Plan of Action: NEPAD
• National Education Policy
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
: Ensure that the physical
environment (particularly school
sanitation) in schools supports
the continued attendance of
girls and young women by 2010
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
Implement quality controls - data measurement
- improvements to the school
- improving school management
(including parent teacher
committees) and teacher role
- planning for and implementing
a comprehensive gender
equity education policy
made fully operational by 2010
SNV Rwanda
SNV Rwanda
Suggested Outputs
• MINEDUC/MINALOC: Functional adult
literacy/education targets reviewed
and made gender equitable - policy
implemented and budget lines
• MINEDUC: Introduce specific equity
measures to increase the
participation of women in tertiary
education and training
SNV Rwanda
Gender Goal
By 2020, Rwandan women and men,
girls and boys will have achieved
equity of
- voice,
- participation and
- access
to every area of economic growth and
poverty reduction represented in
national policy and law.
SNV Rwanda
SNV Rwanda