Student presentation

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Transcript Student presentation

January 24, 2013
Workshop Goals
Understand variety of frameworks for
connecting curricular and co-curricular
Learn about existing curricular/co-curricular
connections at KU
Identify new specific opportunities to connect
curricular to co-curricular experiences to help
reinforce KU’s general education goals
UNL land grant
24,593 students (total)
19,354 undergrads
Revised gen ed
10 outcomes adapted
from Essential Learning
Outcomes (LEAP)
Add your procedure here
Key assumptions
 Add
your assumptions here
Mission of higher education
Role larger than training students for careers
Original purpose – educate good citizens
Prepare students as citizens in a diverse
democracy and interdependent world (Boyer)
Demands from employers (LEAP)
Connect our gen ed goals to our higher mission
General Education Goals
Goal 1: To cultivate intellectual and
practical skills…
Goal 2: To develop an understanding of
human cultures and the physical and
natural world…
Goal 3: To inculcate a sense of personal
and social responsibility that is anchored
through active involvement with diverse
communities and real world challenges
Gen ed blueprint: Reinforcing the structure
Assumption: Students don’t generally accomplish an outcome by taking one
course or having one co-curricular experience.
Goal for building gen ed programs: “Educators [should] make the essential
learning outcomes a framework for the entire educational experience,
connecting school, college, work and life”
– LEAP Principle of Excellence
Organizing question: How can we become architects building toward LEAP’s
goal of an integrated education? Reinforcing the foundation?
Three models
Linking gen ed to big questions throughout
educational experience – inside and outside
the classroom
1. Curriculum-infused
2. Parallel/distributed experiences
3. Co-curricular credit bearing experiences
Model 1: Curriculum-infused
Courses & Service-Learning Courses
Environmental Engagement in the Community
Building Environmental Technical Systems
Communities and Schools in Costa Rica
Nebraska Mosaic
Cross-cultural Mentoring
Art in the Community
Model 2: Parallel/distributed experiences
Experiences tied to SLOs that may or may not
occur in courses
 Leadership
 Internships
 Learning
 Alternative service breaks
Model 3:
Co-curricular credit-bearing experiences
Undergraduate research
 Undergraduate
research within departments
 REUs (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Study abroad
Military service
Certificate in Civic Engagement
 University
of Nebraska
Nebraska’s Experience
Certificate in Civic Engagement
Goal: Connect what students learn in and outside their
classroom to real-world issues
Solution: Certificate in Civic Engagement
Key Characteristics:
 Student Affairs & Academic Affairs collaboration
 Builds on existing resources, gen ed
 Create processes for approval
 Overcome prevailing prejudices
Nebraska’s Experience
Certificate in
Nebraska’s Experience
Study Abroad
Goal: Promote high impact practice
Solution: Clear brush from curricular path
Key Characteristics:
 Focused
on promoting global, civic outcomes
 Part of students’ education, not fun vacation
 Counts toward graduation/parental buy-in
 Gain
buy-in across campus
 Keeping process simple
What are the challenges at KU?
What are the promising high impact practices
(curricular and co-curricular) that could
reinforce your gen ed goals?
HIPs: Capstones, Collaborative assignments & projects, common
intellectual experiences, diversity and global learning, 1st-year
seminars and experiences, internships, learning communities,
service learning, undergraduate research, writing-intensive
What challenges do you expect to encounter?
How is this work implemented and sustained?
Building co-curricular/curricular collaborations
10:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
 Visit stations to shop for opportunities to collaborate
 Goal: Identify a collaboration that might work to
support General Education GOAL 3
11:30 a.m.-noon
 Share ideas (Learning outcome and Collaboration)
Make it happen
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
 Identify Learning Outcomes
 Identify model
 Who are the partners?
 What challenges do you anticipate?
 How will you overcome them?
 What resources do you have/need to make this
 How will these efforts be sustained?
 How will the collaboration be assessed?
 What is the timeline?
Workshop Wrap Up
Share blueprints
Nancy Mitchell
Director of Undergraduate Education Programs
[email protected]
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