Transcript Slide 1

Objective Big Question Language Objective Bell work # of Days Vocabulary Core Concepts

AgSE Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I will be able to:   Demonstrate and identify the energy flow of living organisms Design a food web showing the efficiency of energy transfer among organisms in an ecosystem I will read each test question and answer it to the best of my ability.

Please continue working on posters. They are due today!

1 day Ecology Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism Habitat Abiotic Primary Secondary Tertiary Parasitism Commensalisms Niche Biotic Predation Mutualism Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore

1/24/2012 SWABT:  Define ecology vocabulary  Demonstrate and identify of energy flow of living organisms  Evaluate the efficiency of energy transfer among organisms in an ecosystem

Objective Big Question Language Objective Bell work # of Days Vocabulary Core Concepts

AgSE Thursday, January 26, 2012

I will be able to:  Define ecology vocabulary  Demonstrate and identify of energy flow of living organisms  Evaluate the efficiency of energy transfer among organisms in an ecosystem I will read each test question and answer it to the best of my ability.

What do the arrows in a food chain represent?

1 day Ecology Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism Heterotroph Autotroph Habitat Abiotic Primary Secondary Tertiary Parasitism Commensalisms Trophic Level Niche Biotic Predation Mutualism Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore

What is a trophic level?

 Trophic levels - each step in the food chain or food web.  Autotroph or Producers – plants make up the Bottom or lower level  Heterotroph or Consumers – animals up second, third or higher levels  Each consumer depends on the level below it for energy

What is an Ecological Pyramid?

 Ecological pyramid  100% producers (Plants)  10% 1st level consumers (Primary)  1% 2nd level consumers (Secondary)   0.1% 3rd level consumers (Tertiary) 0.01% 4 th level Consumers (Quaternary)

What is an Energy Pyramid?

 Energy Pyramid diagram that show relative amounts of energy or matter contained with in each trophic level in a food chain or food web    solar energy trapped by grass 1/10th energy transferred from grass to cow 10% of that energy is transferred to humans

Energy Pyramid

What is a Biomass Pyramid?

 Biomass Pyramid – shows the total amount of living tissue in a trophic level  Expressed in Grams (g) of organic matter per area  Represents the amount of potential food in each trophic level

What is a pyramid of numbers?

  Pyramid of Numbers – shows number of individuals in each trophic level    Bottom level many producers Next level – primary consumers Next level – secondary consumers Last few tertiary consumers

What is Carrying Capacity?

 Largest number of individuals of a particular species that can survive over long periods of time in a given environment, this level depends on the effect of the limiting factors  How many deer could survive in a forest that only produces 1000 Kg. of grass for food?

What is a Limiting Factor?

The functioning of an organism is controlled or limited by that essential environmental factor or combination of factors present  The availability of food, water, nutrients, shelter, and predation pressure are examples of factors limiting the growth of a population size.