Turabian Instruction - Dallas Theological Seminary

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Transcript Turabian Instruction - Dallas Theological Seminary

Turabian Citation Examples
Fall 2014
Jeff Webster
Turpin Library
Book: Single Author
• Footnote:
• Anthony B. Robinson, Leadership for Vital
Congregations, Congregational Vitality
(Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2006), 75.
• “Congregational Vitality” is the series title.
Book: Single Author
• Bibliographic entry:
• Robinson, Anthony B. Leadership for Vital
Congregations. Congregational Vitality.
Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2006.
Book: Up to 3 Authors
• Footnote:
• Paul Hersey, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and
Dewey E. Johnson. Management of
Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human
Resources, 7th ed. (Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996), 21.
Book: Up to 3 Authors
• Bibliographic entry:
• Hersey, Paul, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and
Dewey H. Johnson. Management of
Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human
Resources. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.
Book: 4 or More Authors
• Footnote:
• Charles R. Foster et al. Educating Clergy:
Teaching Practices and Pastoral
Imagination (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,
2006), 209.
• In the footnote, use “et al.”
Book: 4 or More Authors
• Bibliographic entry:
• Foster, Charles R., Lisa Dahill, Larry
Goleman, and Barbara Wang Tolentino.
Educating Clergy: Teaching Practices and
Pastoral Imagination. San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 2006.
• Do not use “et al.” in the bibliography.
Book: Editor in Addition to Author
• Footnote:
• D. L. Moody, Moody’s Characters Come
Alive: with Many Dramatic Episodes, ed.
John W. Reed (Grand Rapids: Baker
Books, 1997), 197.
Book: Editor in Addition to Author
• Bibliographic entry:
• Moody, D. L. Moody’s Bible Characters
Come Alive: with Many Dramatic
Episodes. Edited by John W. Reed. Grand
Rapids: Baker Books, 1997.
Part of an Edited Book
• Footnote:
• David R. Pollock, “Managing the Church
Office,” in Leadership Handbook of
Management and Administration, ed.
James D. Berkley (Grand Rapids: Baker
Books, 1997), 343.
Part of an Edited Book
• Bibliographic entry:
• Pollock, David R. “Managing the Church Office.”
In Leadership Handbook of Management and
Administration, edited by James D. Berkley, 337352. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1997.
• Note the page range of the chapter, which
follows the editor’s name.
Categories of Electronic Books
• Online books, e.g., Google Books,
EBSCOhost, Project Gutenberg, require
an access date and a URL (preferably a
permanent link) or the name of the
• Dedicated e-book formats, e.g., Kindle,
Nook, do not require access dates.
Online Books (Google)
• Footnote:
• George Eldon Ladd, The New Testament
and Criticism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
1967), 13, accessed September 3, 2013,
Google Books.
• Note: The database name is given instead of the longer,
specific URL.
Online Books (Google)
• Bibliographic entry:
• Ladd, George Eldon. The New Testament
and Criticism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,
1967. Accessed September 3, 2013.
Google Books.
• Note: The database name is given instead of the longer,
specific URL.
Online Books (EBSCOhost)
• Footnote:
• David Guretzki. Karl Barth on the Filioque
(Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009), 120-25,
accessed September 3, 2013, eBook
Collection (EBSCOhost).
• Note: The database name is given instead of the longer,
specific URL.
Online Books (EBSCOhost)
• Bibliographic entry:
• Guretzki, David. Karl Barth on the Filioque.
Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009. Accessed
September 3, 2013. eBook Collection
• Note: The database name is given instead of the longer,
specific URL.
Online Book (Project
• Footnote:
• John Calvin, A Treatise on Relics, trans.
Valerian Krasinski, 2nd ed. (Edinburgh:
Johnstone, Hunter & Co., 1870), 15-16,
accessed September 4, 2013,
• Note: In this case the full URL is included, since it is not
very long and complicated.
Online Book (Project
• Bibliographic entry:
• Calvin, John. A Treatise on Relics.
Translated by Valerian Krasinski. 2nd ed.
Edinburgh: Johnstone, Hunter & Co.,
1870. Accessed September 4, 2013.
• Note: In this case the full URL is included, since it is not
very long and complicated.
e-Book (Kindle)
• Footnote:
• Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology: A
Popular Systematic Guide to
Understanding Biblical Truth (Chicago:
Moody Press, 1999), 25, Kindle.
e-Book (Kindle)
• Bibliographic entry:
• Ryrie, Charles C. Basic Theology: A
Popular Systematic Guide to
Understanding Biblical Truth. Chicago:
Moody Press, 1999. Kindle.
Journal Article
• Journals are “scholarly or professional
periodicals available primarily in academic
libraries and by subscription” (T. 17.2).
Journal Article
• Footnote:
• Michael Duduit, “Understanding the Word:
Interview with Eugene Peterson,”
Preaching 23 (2007): 19.
• Note: The issue number and month/season are not
required according to the DTS Turabian Supplement.
Journal Article
• Bibliographic entry:
• Duduit, Michael. “Understanding the Word:
Interview with Eugene Peterson.”
Preaching 23 (2007): 18-20.
• Note: The issue number and month/season are not
required according to the DTS Turabian Supplement.
Magazine Article
• “Cite magazines by date only, even if they
are numbered by volume and issue” (T.
Magazine Article
• Footnote:
• Edward J. Larson, “Declarations of Faith,”
Time, November 12, 2007, 121.
Magazine Article
• Bibliographic entry:
• Larson, Edward J. “Declarations of Faith.”
Time, November 12, 2007.
• Note that you may omit the article’s page
range in the bibliography.
Journals vs. Magazines
• Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether
something should be treated as a
magazine or a journal. When in doubt,
treat it is a journal.
• Examples:
» Church Executive
» Leadership
» Preaching
Articles Available Online
• For articles available online, follow the
guidelines for articles in print journals. In
addition, include the date you accessed
the material and the URL, or the name of
the database (T. 17.2).
• Use this method to cite journal articles
available from sources such as JSTOR,
ATLA, and Academic Search.
Articles Available Online
• Footnote:
• James D. Davidson, C. Lincoln Johnson, and
Alan K. Mock, “Through the Eye of a Needle:
Social Ministry in Affluent Churches,” Review of
Religious Research 38 (1997): 248, accessed
September 3, 2013,
• Note the use of the stable URL.
Articles Available Online
• Bibliographic entry:
• Davidson, James D., C. Lincoln Johnson, and
Alan K. Mock. “Through the Eye of a Needle:
Social Ministry in Affluent Churches.” Review of
Religious Research 38 (1997): 247-62.
Accessed September 3, 2013.
• Note the use of the stable URL.
Articles Available Online (ATLA)
• Footnote:
• Robert B. Chisholm, Jr., “Identity Crisis:
Assessing Samson’s Birth and Career,”
Bibliotheca Sacra 166 (2009): 148,
accessed September 4, 2013,
• Note: The database name is given instead of the longer,
specific URL.
Articles Available Online (ATLA)
• Bibliographic entry:
• Chisholm, Robert B., Jr. “Identity Crisis:
Assessing Samson’s Birth and Career.”
Bibliotheca Sacra 166 (2009): 148.
Accessed September 4, 2013.
• Note: The database name is given instead of the longer,
specific URL.
Theses and Dissertations
• Footnote:
• Daniel Brian Schramm, “Initiating
Congregation Renewal During a Church
Building Project” (D.Min. diss., United
Theological Seminary, 2000), 42.
Other possibilities: Th.M. thesis, master’s
thesis, or PhD diss.
Theses and Dissertations
• Bibliographic entry:
• Schramm, Daniel Brian. “Initiating
Congregation Renewal During a Church
Building Project.” D.Min. diss., United
Theological Seminary, 2000.
• “Unpublished interviews should usually be
cited only in notes” (T. 17.6.3).
• Footnote:
• Andrew Macmillan, interview by author,
San Diego, CA, March 2, 2007.
Conversations, Letters, E-mails
• “Cite conversations, letters, e-mail
messages, and the like only in notes” (T.
• Footnote:
• Maxine Greene, e-mail message to author,
September 29, 2005.
Web Sites
• For original content from online sources
other than books or periodicals (see, include as much of the following
as you can determine: author, title of the
page . . . title or owner of the site . . . , and
a publication or a revision date. Also
include the access date and a URL” (T.
Web Sites
• Footnote:
• Ed Chinn, “The Power of Your Story,”
Focus on Family, 2008, accessed
September 3, 2013,
Web Sites
• Bibliographic entry:
• Chinn, Ed. “The Power of Your Story.”
Focus on Family. 2008. Accessed
September 3, 2013.
Blog Entry
• Footnote:
• Dan Wallace, “Frustrations from the Front:
The Myth of Theological Liberalism,”
Parchment & Pen Blog, November 27,
2009, accessed September 4, 2013,
Blog Entry
• Bibliographic entry (Not always necessary.
See T. 17.7.2.)
• Wallace, Dan. “Frustrations from the Front:
The Myth of Theological Liberalism.”
Parchment & Pen Blog, November 27,
2009. Accessed September 4, 2013.