Transcript Slide 1

Fall 2009 Start-up Meeting
Mission Statement
Our mission is to prepare undergraduate and graduate students in engineering and computing to become
accomplished professionals; to individually contribute to our professions through active scholarship in all
of its forms; and to support the University and society with expertise, leadership, and service.
To achieve our mission we:
• emphasize experiential learning in a contemporary technical environment
• prepare students by emphasizing sound principles and analytic thinking
• emphasize a strong technical background enhanced by effective team and communication skills
• provide graduate education and professional development for working professionals
• imbue students with a strong sense of their professional responsibility to the public good
• strive to inspire competence, courage, compassion and unquestioned integrity
Today’s Schedule
President Haas
Provost Davis
College business
Debbie Morrow – new college liaison librarian
Jeanne Arnold – Inclusion Implementation Plan
Julie Guevara – Strategic Positioning document
Vote for Dean’s ex officio attendance in personnel
Scholarship competitions – Thank you! All times are filled!
H1N1 Flu Preparation
Shades in Kennedy
College business continues
Lunch, KEN 324/330
School Meetings begin at 1:00
CIS - KEN 350, EGR - KEN 122
Announcements of the Day
We encourage all faculty and staff to
participate by joining …
Opening ceremonies this Friday
10:00 a.m. – Louis Armstrong Theatre/Allendale
Opening Address by President Thomas Haas
11:30 a.m. - Fall Convocation ceremony
Fieldhouse Arena – contact Dean of Students @ 1-2345 to RSVP
12:30-1:30 p.m., Cook Carillon Tower Plaza, Allendale
All campus picnic lunch following convocation – no RSVP needed!
Saturday, August 29th – Whitecaps
A few tickets are still available – talk to Joan
Game begins at 7:00 pm, BBQ about 7:15 pm, parking $4
Business Items & Inserts
Beloit College Mindset List (yellow)
Calendar (orange)
Labor Day break, Monday & Tuesday no classes;
office open on Tuesday
Nomination for Promotion Deadline to Director 11/2; to Dean
Sabbatical Leave Request Deadline to Director 10/15;
to Dean 11/2
Thanksgiving Break, November 25, 26, 27 no classes;
offices open Nov. 25th
Fall Semester grades due to be posted by faculty on Banner
by December 22, noon
Faculty & Staff Directory (white)
Organizational Chart for College/KEN & KEB Building (gold)
Committee Representation (pink)
Committee Reports from winter 2009 (tan)
Fall 2009 Office Hours
with the Dean
Scheduling a time with Joan is appreciated,
however, drop-ins are welcome.
Tuesday, September 22, 11-5, KEN 332
Wednesday, September 30, 1-5, C-2-204 MAK
Wednesday, October 7, 9-3, KEN 332
Thursday, October 15, 9-3, C-2-204 MAK
Dates are on the college calendar & an
email invitation will also be sent out!
New Faculty for 2009-2010
Dr. Rajeev Agrawal
Joining us from EDS,
an HP Company
Ph.D. Computer Science with
Engineering Minor, Wayne State
University, Detroit, Michigan
M.S. Computer Science and
Engineering, Thaper Institute of
Engineering & Technology, India
B.S. Computer Science, G.B.
Pant University, India
Dr. Jonathan Engelsma
Joining us from Motorola Labs,
Schaumburg, IL
Ph.D. Computer Science,
Michigan State University
M.S. Computer Science,
Michigan State University
B.S. Computer Science, Grand
Valley State University
Dr. Wael Mohktar
Joining us from Lake Superior
State University, Sault Sainte
Marie, MI
Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering
Department, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk, VA
M.S. Mechanical Engineering,
Alexandria University, Egypt
B.S. Mechanical Engineering,
Alexandria University, Egypt
Dr. Lucien Ngalamou Pideu
Joining us from University of
the West Indies, St.
Augustine, Trinidad and
Tobago, West Indies
Ph.D. Electronic Engineering,
Joseph Fourier University,
Grenoble, France
MSc Electronic Engineering,
University of Science and
Technology, Montpellier,
BSc Applied Physics,
University of Yaounde’,
Personnel Actions
•Princewill Anyalebechi
Promotion to Professor of Engineering
•Nael Barakat
Tenure & Promotion to Associate Professor
•Shabbir Choudhuri
Tenure & Promotion to Associate Professor
•Bruce Dunne
Tenure & Promotion to Associate Professor
•Hugh McGuire
Promotion to Associate Professor
2009 - 2010 Sabbatical Activities
Nael Barakat – Fall 2009
Fundamental Research and Development of Educational Material
in the area of Control Systems and Robotics
Hans Dulimarta – Fall 2009
Exploration of Discrete Techniques in Computer Animation of
Elastic Objects
Bruce Dunne – Winter 2010
Development of new course entitled “Wireless Communication
Aziz Rahman – Fall 2009
(from Winter 2009)
Development of a complete course packet and laboratory
materials for EGR 330 Power Systems Analysis
Changes in PCEC Staffing
Charlie Standridge – Assistant Dean and
Director of Engineering
Paul Leidig – Acting Assistant Dean and
Director of CIS
Paul Johnson – Acting Assistant Dean
College Organization (in your handouts)
Initiatives and Focus for This Year
Strategic Planning
GVSU revision – 2009
Padnos College revision – 2010
Unit and Program revision – 2010/2011
Initiatives and Focus for This Year
Revisit the Padnos College Strategic
Plan to review for consistency with:
GVSU Strategic Positioning 2015 document
Updated Inclusion and Equity initiatives
Strategic Enrollment Management Initiatives
 Undergraduate
 Graduate
 Student Success Model, etc.
Changing needs of the various Padnos College
Initiatives and Focus for This Year
Continue to develop and expand
external support to address:
Current and emerging economic /
funding realities
 Expansion of our co-op and
internship employer base
 Outreach efforts with the K – 12
schools and community colleges
Initiatives and Focus for This Year
Support emerging academic
programs and revisions:
 Minors
 Graduate programs
 University sustainability effort
 Transcript enhancement effort
Identified noteworthy elements
 Certificates
Initiatives and Focus for This Year
Continue to advocate for enhanced
and expanded facilities to support:
 Faculty Development
 Community and industry interaction
and support
Initiatives and Focus for This Year
Support the School of Engineering in
preparation for an ABET review in
the Fall of 2010
 Support MAREC evolution
Located in Kennedy 324 & 330!