Dowiedz się, jak w przeszłości dzieci grały w jakieś gry

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Titel of the project :
Project is financed by European Union in an amount 20 000 Euro
Coordinator of Comenius Mulitlateral HANHAM ABBOTS JUNIOR SCHOOL (BristolEngland)
partner schools:
ASH CE VC PRIMARY SCHOOL (/ Martock-England)
ECOLE SAINT ROCH (Cambrai-France)
BYSKOLAN (Sodra Sandby-Sweden)
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 7 im. Janusz Korczaka w Giżycku
Section 3 - Maths , Games and Puzzles
Find out about games (maths and other)
that children played in the past
Dowiedz się,
jak w przeszłości dzieci grały w jakieś gry
(matematyczne lub inne)...
Ludo( gra w Chińczyka)
Ludo is a children's game based upon the ancient Indian game of Pachisi
1.Choose a color and place your playing pieces in the starting section for your color. There is no advantage or
disadvantage to choosing one color over another.
2.Roll the die to see who goes first. The highest number wins the advantage.
3. Roll the die on your turn to either move your piece forward in a clockwise manner, or use the opportunity to
move one of your pieces from the base to the track (by rolling a 6).
4. Be aware that you can't move a piece out of the starting area unless you roll a 6. If you roll something other
than a 6 and do not have a piece on the track, then you forfeit your turn.
5. Note that if you are not capable of moving a piece precisely into the home section (you must roll the exact
amount that would place a piece in the home section) then you must choose a different piece to move or
forfeit your turn.
6. Be sure that you also take your extra turn when you throw a 6. You'll be able to move your piece out of the
starting location and could even move it farther along the path. Players who are lucky enough to throw several
consecutive 6s could move a single piece far ahead, getting them away from opponents.
7. Take care that you try to move pieces away from opponent's pieces, or they run the risk of being sent back
to the starting square . If a piece is sent back to the beginning, it'll have to start all over again.
The first person to move all 4 pieces into the home triangle wins.
A tangram is a Chinese puzzle consisting of 7 shapes
(or “tans”):
• Two large right triangles
• One medium sized right triangle
• Two small right triangles
• One small square
• One parallelogram
Arranged correctly, the shapes can be fitted together as a large
square, rectangle, or triangle. They can also be arranged in a
variety of complex shapes, including fanciful
Mancala games are played throughout the world, but especially in Africa, the Caribbean, South
Asia and Southeast Asia. The earliest evidence of mancala may come from Eritrea, where
archaeologists have found game boards dating from the 6th or 7th centuries AD.
At the beginning of the game, you and your opponent sit on opposite sides of the game board.
The row in front of you is your row.
The storage pit to your right is your storage pit.
Four seeds are placed in each of the 12 houses.
And then play begins:
• The first player takes all the seeds from one of his houses. He sows the seeds, moving counterclockwise. If he gets as far as his own storage pit, he drops a seed there, too. If the last seed in his
hand goes in his storage pit, he gets another turn. Otherwise, his turn ends.
• The second player repeats the “”sowing” maneuver described in #1.
The game continues, often with these additional rules:
• Players don’t drop seeds in each other’s storage pits
If, during a turn, a player’s last seed lands in one of his empty pits, and there
are seeds in the pit immediately opposite it, the player gets to capture both his
last seed and the seeds opposite.
• The game ends when a player runs out of seeds on his side of the board. The
opponent gets to capture any seeds remaining on his side, and the player with
the most captured seeds when.
Chess( szachy)
History of Chess
The origins of chess are not exactly clear, though most believe it evolved from earlier
chess-like games played in India almost two thousand years ago. The game of chess
we know today has been around for more than 500 years!
The Goal of Chess
You and your opponent are each in charge of an army. Your goal: to catch the other
army's king (before they catch yours)! When you have him attacked and he can no
longer escape, it's called "checkmate," and you win!
You each start with a trusty army of 16: the King, Queen, two Rooks, two Bishops, two
Knights, and eight Pawns.
Starting a Game
At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player has the
white (or light) color square in the bottom right-hand side. The chess pieces are then
arranged the same way each time. The second row (or rank) is filled with pawns. The
rooks go in the corners, then the knights next to them, followed by the bishops, and
finally the queen, who always goes on her own matching color (white queen on white,
black queen on black), and the king on the remaining square.
The player with the white pieces always moves first, so it's only fair to take turns
playing white and black. On each turn you get to move one of your pieces (except for
one special move). Then it's your opponent's turn. And back and forth, you take turns
until one of the kings is cornered... or your whole army is tired out!
How the Chess Pieces Move
Each of the 6 different kinds of pieces has its own
shape for moving. Most pieces cannot move through
other pieces-- only the knight can jump over anyone
who gets in his way! Also no piece can ever move onto
a square with one of their own pieces. However, they
can be moved to take the place of an opponent's
piece: that's how you capture the enemies!
Draughts ( warcaby)
Though most people do not know it, the game we know today as Draughts has a long
and storied history.It was played throughout the Middle East and the Mediterranean
basin. It was enjoyed by the Ancient Egyptians, mentioned by both Plato and Homer,
and even made its way into India.
Black always plays first. A coin is tossed to decide which player will be black. Each
player's pieces are placed on the 12 black squares nearest to that player. The white
squares are not used at all in the game - the pieces only move diagonally and can be
moved in the following ways:
Diagonally n the forward direction (towards the opponent) to the next dark square.
If there is one of the opponent's pieces next to a piece and an empty space on the
other side, you jump your opponent and remove their piece. You can do multiple
jumps if they are lined up in the forward direction. *** note: if you have a jump, you
have no choice but to take it.
King Pieces
The last row is called the king row. If you get a piece across the
board to the opponent's king row, that piece becomes a king.
Another piece is placed onto that piece so it is now two pieces high.
King pieces can move in both directions, forward and backward.
Once a piece is kinged, the player must wait until the next turn to
jump out of the king row.
Winning the Game
You win the game when the opponent has no more pieces or can't
move (even if he/she still has pieces). If neither player can move
then it is a draw or a tie
Father Virgilius
Father Virgilius was teaching his children,
He had one hundred and twenty three of them.
Please do children ,as I do, as I do
As I do , as I do
Please do children as I do , as I do.
„Ojciec Wirgiliusz, uczył dzieci swoje,
A miał ich wszystkich sto dwadzieścia troje.
Hejże dzieci, hejże ha!
Róbcie wszystko to, co ja.
Hejże dzieci, hejże ha!
Róbcie to, co ja!”
„Ojciec Wirgiliusz” gestami ilustruje np. jazdę konną, strzelanie z łuku,
latanie itp.
Uczestnicy gry, naśladują go, a później wybierana jest inna osoba, góra
wcieli się w rolę Wirgiliusza.
Hide and Seek (w chowanego):
Hide and Seek goes down in the record books as probably the
most popular outdoor game of all time. To start, choose one
person "it." The person who is "it" must then turn around, close
his eyes, and count (usually to 10) at the "base" while the rest of
the players hide. When the person who is "it" finishes counting,
he calls out "Ready or Not, Here I Come" and rushes to "seek"
everyone. The rest of the players try to get back to base without
getting tagged.
Bottle caps race (gra w kapsle)
Number of participants –
 2-4,5
Bottle caps
Rules of the game: Race
The players flip their caps onto the track one by one. The player who first reaches the finish line of the track with
his/her caps is the winner. To be played outdoors- on the pavement or in the sandpit.
Battleships( gra w statki)
Salvo is the paper-and-pencil game which the classic board game Battleship is based on.
2 players.
A piece of paper and a pencil for each player. Graph paper is helpful, but not necessary.
The Goal of Battleships
To sink all of your opponent's ships before she does the same to you.
Each player draws two 10x10 grids on their paper. The grids should be labeled with letters across
the top (A through J) and numbers down the side (1 through 10). One of the grids should be
labeled "Self" and the other labeled "Opponent." .Each player then decides where to place his four
ships: a five-space battleship, a four-space cruiser, a three-space submarine, and a two-space
None of the ships may be placed diagonally; they must all be placed in straight lines either
horizontally or vertically. It is legal (but not required) for two or more ships to be adjacent to each
other. The ships are marked by blocking in the appropriate spaces.
Players take turns taking shots at each other. A shot is taken by calling out the
coordinates of a space on the 10x10 grid .
Each player takes one shot at a time.If the player calls the coordinates of a space
where a ship is located, his opponent tells him so by saying "hit." If he missed, his
opponent says "miss.
Players should take care to mark the shots they take on their
"Opponent" grid, and whether each shot was a hit or a miss, so
that they don't call any space more than once. Players may also
mark the "Self" grid with shots taken by their opponent. A ship is
sunk when all of its squares have been hit. When this happens,
the player whose ship was sunk says, for example, "You sank my
Prezentację wykonała:
Wiktoria Popowska
tekst: Wiktoria Popowska
Konstanty Białasz
Patryk Olbryś
Nad całością czuwała: Joanna Danielczyk
tłumaczenie: Grażyna Katarzyńska